<br />11!IQItTGA~~E
<br />This form is ussd in connac-
<br />tron with mortgages tnsured,
<br />under the one- to four-family
<br />provisions of the National
<br />Honsanr; ActJ
<br />81--- 's~~61~t7
<br />THIS MORZ'GAG1=„ made and executed this 17th day of December .A.D.
<br />l9 81 ,by and between Earl 3. hardy and Linda R. Hardy, Husband and Wife
<br />of the County of I~11 ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter called
<br />the Mortgagor, and Superior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska
<br />party of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee,
<br />W ITNESSETH: That the ..aid Mortgagor, for and inconsideration of the sum of Forty seven thousand
<br />eight htmdred fifty and No/100ths°°-°°---°°-^- Dollars (S 47,850.00 t, paid by the Mort-
<br />gagee. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant. Bar-
<br />gain, Sell, Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the following-described
<br />real estate. situated in the County of Hall ,and State
<br />of Nebrnska, to wit:
<br />The Southerly One hundred twenty (120) feet of Lot Sixteen (16)r
<br />Nottingham Estates Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County. Nebraska
<br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, containing in atl acres according to Guvrrn-
<br />ment survey;
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HULU the premises above described, with all the appurten:mres thereunto belonging :md including
<br />all heating, plumbing and tig_ktirrg tixturrs and equipment now ur hrrcuftrr attached to ur used in cunnevliun with said real estate
<br />ante the Mortgagce, and to its +uccassurs :rod assigns, forever. 'fhe Mortgttytur represents to, and covenants with, the Mortgu-
<br />gec, that tht Mortg;agur has grail right to sell and convey said premises; that they are fire from rncumbranee; and that the
<br />Mortgagor wHt warrant and rtrfand the .atria against the lawful claims of all parsons whutnsoever; and she .aid'.v9ortgagar bere-
<br />t y ri•linquiahes all rights of homestead, ;rttsl all tn;#rtia! eights, rrtltar itt law ur itt equity, „rid all other contingent interests of the
<br />Mortgags~r in and to-rtte atxrve-descrrtted premises, the intention being to convey hrrrhf un at±wlute tit}e, in tea simple, includ-
<br />ing alt r'~thts of huns!esteaJ- -arid other rrghis and mtrr€sts as ,c~ueava~d.
<br />PROVIDED Af.WAYS, and these peasenes ore a tecerted and delivered uprm the follow ing cunditiuns, to wit;
<br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay nr the Mttrtgagre. nr order. the principal sum of Forty seven thousand eight
<br />htutdred fifty and No/100ths tkvllursty47,850.00 t'
<br />with interest felon date at the rata ut Fifteen and One-half per crntwn ( 15.50 `~) par annum un
<br />the unpaid balance until paid. 'The said primipul and interest xhali he payable ut the ufiice of Superior Mortgage, Inc,
<br />in Grrattd Ssland, Nektrtttike , ur at such other place as the holder of
<br />the Harr may de1ignata in writing. in rnunthly installments of Six hundred twenty four and 21/100ths°---
<br />..~..^....,. «,,, fhrllars l~ 624.21 t, r:ururnenr;irtg anthe first day uF
<br />Fe]alctwaCy , 19 g2, and un the bra day of each ntuuth thereafter until the principal and ir•
<br />recast era fatty patd, except that the final paymaal of principal and interest, if not wooer paid, shall be due and
<br />payaf>1a on the first day of Januar~~, 20~z . elf according to the terms of a certain prumis•
<br />Bury nuts of even data herewith execute y the satd Mortgagor.
<br />`fhe Murl~rx in ordar more fatty to prat~.t the security u(this hiurtttagr, agree,:
<br />1. 'That he wilt pay the indeturJttazs, as hsrainhafure pruvide+i. F'rivilayte i, reserved to pay the debt in whole, ut in un
<br />amount equal to una e:t iuura monthly paymetts ott the principal that are next due un the note, un zhe first dap of any month
<br />prier to maturity: Ruvidad, however, That written ruttica erf an intantiuu to exarctse w+:h privilege is given ut least thirty 1}I))
<br />days prior to prepaytnant,
<br />2. "fhat, together with, and in addition tu, the monthly payments uF principal anJ interest payable under the terms of the
<br />note sev treed hereby, the Murfgagurwittpa} to the tfvngagae, un the first day of each month until the saib elute is fully prod, the
<br />followitgt sums:
<br />(a) Amuuut suflicrvnt to pruvtde the holder hareuC wrtl+ lands to pay the next n+urtgaga inxurauce prrunum illhis
<br />iustrunteut artd the note secured hereby ate ursured, car a nwntitly charge i'in lieu o% a nurrtgntge rn,nrrunce pre-
<br />rniurrr~ tt that' err held by the Secretar}= ai Huu~g and Drhau lkwehrprurnt, cts lallows:
<br />(t) ii arrd su lung as said nWe of even date and tfris rnauunrent are insured ur arc reinsured under ttte pro
<br />vtsrruts ul tlra National Housing Act, an amount sutticient ur aecumulatr in the hands of the holder uric
<br />Rir+iKet r SiA-l r;3#.A .vr~un r*sax ba uprrt urµrr sutrNtV is exrrauxrrnt STA T j•: tt}~ NtskSiA: ~'
<br />NUt?-9711JM 19~3fr1
<br />