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<br />81°°r~~~~J1.:l~~ Account No. 30944
<br />Marna L. Mereer __.........._........--- ............ . hare;nefu[
<br />called the "Mortgagor", does hereby mongage the tcl.~wrng drsrnhed real aaatr:
<br />Lot B, and the South Eight Feet of Lot 6, and the North 8 Feet
<br />of Lot l0, all in Block 28 of Highland hark, in Grand Island,
<br />--_--...Hall-._Countyf -Nebraska
<br />_ .............._.......-...._.-..-...._......................._- --..._.._.............N ...... _ .:......................................_..........................................-._----..-_.._.-_.....-.._......-....
<br />hereinafter called the "Premise e••, m Bell Farbral Credit Union, hereinafter called the•'Mort gage e'•, in consideration of the
<br />attwunt, (inane ed by the• Mortgagee in the sum of .......~~...~p>~~~'~~._~~~...~~~~.t)Qth.S..IlO.1.1.arS....-.-- _--_..._
<br />-----~°--------~-'---------°...- is .9000-, 00 ),receipt .d which is herehy acknowledged. and in
<br />eonside[ation of covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth:
<br />PROMtSSORV NOTE: This mortgage is given to secure paV merit of the amount financetl together with interest, according to Me terms of
<br />the Mortgagor's promissory note of this date.
<br />ADDITIONAL ADVANCES: This mortgage shall secure any additional amounts financed together wnh interest, which may lee made at itw
<br />mortgagee's option at any time before the release of this mortgage provided, the aggregate amount secured shall not exceed the maximum
<br />amount permitted 6y law, except that nothrnq herein contained shall be considered as limning the advances secured herein which are mods to
<br />protect the security or made in accordance Meth rnvenants contained m this mortgage. Any additional advances, wrth interest, mode 6y the
<br />rrtortgagee Iq the mortgagors, or theo successors m rifle, for any purpose, at any time before the release and cancellation of thro mortgage, but
<br />at no time chall the aggreyate pnnc~paf amount secured 6y Mis mortgage, being the amount due a2 any time on said original npte and any
<br />additional advances made, exceed the original principal amount securod by this mortgage: losing the sum as set forth above, provided that
<br />nothing herein contained shah be consdered as Irminng the amounts that shall be secured hereby when advanced to protect the security or m
<br />accordance with convenants contained m the mortgage.
<br />WARRANTY: The Mortgagor hereby covenants wnh the Mongagea that the Mortgagor rs Lawfully seized of Me premrsas, that the premrsas
<br />ere free f.om encumhrances; that Mortgagor has gootl, right and lawf W authority to convey tNl9 prnmrses, and that the Mortgagor warrants and
<br />vMll defend the tide a inst the lawful clarms of all persons whomsaevei uxcept ......................
<br />suk.7.e~~....~s~...~st...M-fig.,... hel.d...k~~:...B.anco...Mnrtc~ge...B.ala .......................................................................
<br />yt~.ae.. Aphsax.....$.3.4.~.0.0.O...Q.O.. _.
<br />then at theelactran of the Mpngagee the~trnpaid
<br />OWNERSMiP: If there rs any change a, 9 ownershrP of the Premises bye Ie or otnerwrse,--~,......•........_ .................................... ... ....... .
<br />balance pt the amount financed mcfudm additional amounts financed to that wnh interest shall became due and payable at once wnhput
<br />demand or notice.
<br />INSURANCE AND TAXES: The Mortgagor shall rrtamtarn fire, windstorm and extended coverage insurance upon the premeses m an yirnount
<br />not Irns than the indebtedness due the Mortgagee with aloes-payable clause ~n favor of Mortgagee. The Mortgagor agrees npt to eom~jnn nor
<br />permit waste on the premises. The Mortgagor shall Pay all the taxes, levies and assessments upon [he premises before they become delihyuant,
<br />In the event the Mortgagor shall fakl to obtain insurance or pay taxes and other liens before dellnyusnt; the Mortgagee rttey either PaY them,
<br />asating a,lisn secured hereby for the amounts so atlvanced together with interest at the annual percentage rate of twelve per tent 11'2%1;. ar'
<br />consider Mortgagor in detauYt.
<br />DEFAULT: The Mortgagor is, m default it any of the terms and conditions of tins mortgage qr the promissory not: or notes secured hereby are
<br />breached. Upon default, the Mortgages .vnhou[ demand qr nonce may declare the enure debt secured by this mortgage due at once and may
<br />foreclose this mortgage tar the sansfaetron thereof.
<br />RENTS: AYI rents and Proflts~ derived from the premises are herehy assigned to thn Mprgagee and upon default such rents and profits shalt be
<br />[said directly to the Mortgagee to be applied against the unpaid balance of any and ail advan ees secured hereby tpgather wnh mierost. Upon
<br />default the Mortgagee shall l7e entitled to immediate posssmon at the premises. The Mortgagor irrevocably appoints the Mortgagee and rte
<br />assigns and successors firs attq,rney~imfact to rent, manage and maintain the Premises as it deems best. and the Mortgagor further agrees to pay
<br />said attomsy a reasonable fes~. for such services.
<br />tgncd ttirs -10th .,...:iay ~t ,....j~~,'C83G}3.2r. ..-.. 14 ..$~
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