~ ,_., ~~ ~Y 61 ~'~
<br />9. Csariemrsatitmo. "f'fse prac~ee~ds of ariy sward ere claim fns damages.. direct or' t:nnsequential. in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or pari thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall Cte applied to the sums secured by Shis Deed of Trust,
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower_ In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that propartx•n which the amount of the sums secured by this Decd of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />takiog bears to the fay; m~ .:et value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the halance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If She Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower tails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to eellect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either ro restoration or ttpair of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower ~"herwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and ~ hereof ar change the amount of
<br />such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time for payment or moclificatian of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust granted by fender to any successor in interest of Barrower shall nrn nprratc to release, in any manner,
<br />the liahility of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest- Lender shall not he required to camrnence
<br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time Cos payment or otherwise modify amoruzauon ai the stems
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any do-.rand made h}' the original BMrawer and Borrower's sttceessors in iMrrrst.
<br />11. Forfuarance by Ixnder Not a Waiver. Am' forbearance by Lender in exercising any nght or remedy Iteroutrdet ar
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not t+c a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any arch right or remedy
<br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of sexes or other liens nr charges h> t.endrr '~.+il not tY a wolves of Leader's
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of the mdchtednesc ,ecured by this Decd oC 'trust
<br />12, Remedies Cumulative. All remedies pravtded to thts Deed of 'tntst are disunet and cumulative to aav cxtrrr rrgEn
<br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust nr alTorded M law or equity, and may hr exercised roncurrrnU}. indeprtu3ontty ate
<br />sucetssively.
<br />13. Suceeason and Aud[Zna Buaad; Jdat sad Seven) i.IrblBq'; Captfoas. The covenants and aRrrlateats ssrrt+rr
<br />contained shall hind, and the rights hereunder ,hall rnutt t}, the reSpreuvr tuceesvctrs end ;tsstge. x~t fPrtd;er a±td L~strararr
<br />sublcct to the provisions of paragraph 17 hrreut All eovenan[s and agrernttms of Bwrov,cr ,fait t+e }crSaf aad snasd
<br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs ut this [hod of Trstst are ttx cwtvrntortce only rtvf err ntu tee hr =~see1 ua
<br />interpret ar define the provisions hereof.
<br />i4. Notke. Except Ins any notice rrqutted utrctrr a¢p~lrcabk €aW to ter green sn flat eaarraer tat ~sy tv~rfa_€ eu
<br />Barrower provided for in this Dyed of TrtBC shaft t+e green by mailing such ta>tae !ey <astriled etsatd a$ais+~asvi !~'+ C~+ev+e~++ as
<br />t!x Ps^paSy .:ddras !xr .S s.~la evh~r ~r~ ,~ aercenrrir may e...r..~r.. frr, nnttee x3 Lr~r ~ orsfwetrni ~ .ai
<br />Cbl any notice tts Lender shall tx Riven 6y cerntiad matt, ttlwn~receipt reyucirps., tz~ tntrsi~c:', a~ t ?yrs>: ,ast eai+
<br />sueh othspr address as Lender may dessgrtatr try nt?is~e ic+ I#srrs+rvct as ivss.uied brrtsta ~1€+;< x>t f; .~
<br />Dad of "Trust shall be deemed to have turn gsvrrt to ilarrurker u1 Lrasler wbra grvea on sbr •+t~aaect ;~ t
<br />i5. ' 1laiitstm ~ ~ Trams ~ L.aw: 5ev>ity- ilea: fora ~ ht€r! a1 trf ~t,~.~ -r ~s ------'- t
<br />national use and non=umfatm covrnams wrsh Etttussd *wsoStvm tr. fur2sern to retsuss a ~~ aa>r~~. -sut®tn!'r5
<br />covering'teal ptupenY. 1'hn Dead of Lttnr2 sa:tlt`+r gswernesl 6y the toes of chti.<;we,ii~tn,~ ca +i.`ir eis lkrvttrart a a.rataai
<br />In the ew~tnt that rnY pruvisigt of cCause >:t !hks !}red .rt T[et:rt ea the *i.rsr ~eH14at: +v:tk ~sppl~tsAr .,pr mrsrm •;>Irts
<br />nut s8ecq', otfur provoions of tftta Dyed of firtxtt m rise fitasa sisrts ~ ter t. ~ a »~~t~rr
<br />arai to thiVs end [he provishma of the Dad .rf TruM .sad the "isste err da iarx~€v kit satserafslr.
<br />i~. Brarrawer'S C+~r, BSxesyrre_= snaSt rk tusntvitrd a rs..wlrNr~trd ss •~ ear s+rnsc : of ~ [ _~ T?+ w: care
<br />ttl exrxWiare or after rretrrdatsan IYSattt
<br />ti. Traaster aI tie _ tr: sirr~riaa. fI ~t .+r anv pmst >ts text Ntr+>€ssri =~ sa: €a~ =as~~a~a, .,. x,wt+ ~~.~ t3
<br />hY 8ttrtawei Without I.rrttMrs prx+e wrifren ctxtssrnt, eac{w6~ : ak esss :reatwtt s~I a rho "£ s~.sNrrl9*iibrt ~a $n
<br />this Deed of Trust. 261 tCse treat of a puteAase =.raartt s€t:syeiry taSr,'r~r tvt ~r~ ~. _. ~ : -s.rew~r ea
<br />docent or Mt upenlton of Lwr upon rise dnHA of a i tesrsar w € J s cis pww of :+a~s ttsrwrrk at ,~ ,~+ ~ Nw> wr sere
<br />trot watatntn~t an opitan to purvfnr+we, i,sr rr~s7 +e i-eadrri s ~s~a, J~~rr gut taTwt ,'ast.tr~s~ ~ Lw~:a P .,.,~ ,.. ~r
<br />tmtnedialrty Jae atwl p+aYabkr t rttsNtr :ha€t ryes »asved su.h =~ptr<na eu :i«ErbFryia ~t inrtrops .s -tee r~r ,,.a ~-«ua.,~ ffrr~t
<br />ani t#~ ~ to w ~ ~t'~ ~ t~ ~ ".. `.• ~ tta_> Fa~Ca ~s a = ~ ..~~ ,,:.
<br />is satlaiaCltlry to ftrSSSier atld tlpef dart ~t€aslt Pttr+r ~ ts!p arn.ruteFF ~±e ett~ fAewE Irk his rye a,s.a .«w t~s
<br />Lerrkr ahafi tegsteat. II i.i=ssfgt€ awisc :~vri trio +asta~ ~ as,.;ieair ~ _~ - f-i=~.. R«.~w~.s
<br />in itatantt has ea~u6rnl a wrtt .~_. «plt app ass=9+a~} .: ,:e.,--,s '~., t- ~k-.. ;_zrurk€s ??+.= -awtt ~.,---.~ "~tAt
<br />all ahhfftttcssst stntlrr tfW_r t]tt,ECt ,rt ta+,ttt ~~ teyt tom-
<br />.-
<br />1( ~~.a ;:_.- :_. ~r 1. ~z - - ~.... r~1-,.._ v:~
<br />p94-r~ariuaK~K'~~' i t+l ~r~r. g ~r~c ,n,, i- ~ ~:± ~ ~~s - _.: .."~, ... ,.~„ - = Y - -._ z. ... _.._ _ ,,~~ -~r-,.ri:
<br />_ ~ ~~.~.
<br />w ._
<br />tihir'et 8E3ttir ~'~€~ €'jF `[~°.". .._ ~.: +2~+s~} ~ EE t~,:@:.~~_. _ _ _. _- _._~_ .e `-e'-'`i
<br />.-
<br />t Liriis aaI ~ aim - .t fit.- _~_ ~ ~. .r ,-~.-- -~.-~ -. -,^~~w-~. ~ e„~-..
<br />tli. AeKwlisratlttru tirrass+tiwe. itasrtts as ariitti iia i~ tt iaraartt rrrw !•wawrmra tsrsrsa ws ~t .r~wmtltli as
<br />w ita+arsrrv+r hs NLi6 llaei w 'Kttyai, ~ pttt ~ w ~ atst «st?r~i ~ f~tlt4
<br />~i•essdar Rda- to aroma aia8 iartl ataMtts as >tM~aaws aN ~ 1n III t! twM~sttt s ~t+ +!s
<br />isaat'Mi Ili tfr tarfttrt ~ w vase taws taraseis tit a ds[r, art far sllsta !ti rf~¢a liasits it tit rlta rttutrs M sarMMs! ea
<br />ffiarar+stsr isl" railrp srsri tttrnsels aessr€ ~ stroll; tai air) N ssrttr ssrtit ttsrra~ arD .i irtras iYtrt tCttitt Mlft
<br />4s Nu sorters ~ raeati is r?r~fasatlfawt w He ytsatsr s~aFRt ~ 41iM ~ ai least atri seller w tks ; ~alitas
<br />sl[rp fnnMr iataras itasewsarnr w Htr sidle sa ssiarrtale aloes errr+siseatMtw ttwE alts ~ as s :raA atvlrss- +wr atttttat~
<br />Hr ~ vt • dslaalr are asrY trtiM iafarrrr at ~ !aa iassttaalailE Usti rsdli tisa tfraeaala 1a art t.,tsws/
<br />ate ar hNata Ha ~ ye4iiYtni Itt Ht attlBSrt tatartN at t~rsitis`a rst~ daalrtrl elf} ai r;~ ansra +wattat€ti ar +aJBt
<br />M Traet M fls ~ in aai ice' ssiHrsrt tststAris #t~rstrt salt ~ #r+r;rt ttte terra ~ orris astl tsttt a~litrr ataalt>l~s
<br />!~~ b? e!!~`~ ~, t.erire tiseM to •aatliri M sa~tat tell raraMtwlfis +tsrta anti talrtusrs tsassssai ~ ~ Nits
<br />aarreiiaa psuvfrlfpt is Hit ~ IR. Bat art tisaisti Ise rtnssrstsiiis 'a laat-
<br />K 1M r at sett M itarttrtlris'ltwrw~'tteati a artlre al ii-hstd! to ttftft w ~ tIw ~ are ttrttta
<br />t~ tMaat it IwiM+t tr! tMrM atttl~ ett~itrr at taMti aMktl is Mltr +rMlrttttt rl~tmllrlAi tt1 Orr Mr IwM~rt+r tIM set Ms
<br />atYat ptsttaaa Rsasrrrissi iqr a~Itsaiir Iar, stars ilatr itiwr at sasats ktarr as ar _ aa_,al,Wresaart ~.: ls~taass
<br />!sue artke trt girt Me sir fig rrtd Cot Hr srrsut+rs R~r ~ +~ Irerr~ rrtlitrai # a.t
<br />~, amt aN! tlst rt I tistrtsrr fs titr ~ itirtae as sxa r~rr oral f aai arrtTre ogle
<br />is He tttNra d aah iw ryas art street arall k atss'fi with as 't'sastsrt tasat ~ tittaatar uwiMttn Writ .l al!
<br />~ ~Y i~ w i is f>rw~~ at He tteea .aal Wigs at nett r>~ ~ tom, t rlaiar ~
<br />l~Sr~ E-a~ € ~ - - '} ~ tam
<br />rl+Sa ~ ¢tlYtt~ al ~~ f~ t ttf~ ! i>a !Ya ta9rier ~ 3rstg
<br />saii.~~ nt ltrr'€rErris+si titer areal IFa t loess i'.i ~ ilaa t z`isrf~iai aearl's i 3r±~ilr
<br />tt`a8 r~l! Mtt Rweeri aE Nsa ark Ise tie tortnslaM f fad Nr rii +ratMtattriit rrrtir. aril +rsistltayrtrr ai dlr astr. , Rwt
<br />tatR Bataltsi Iep ` rstltea + of tact rears also ~ at R#~ arts ~irv, tnaasrsrla s~i + ~ r~ xti
<br />~ a~Yiitaca` Silk aft ears stewvti ttar SIiMt ~+rt 't~+h teal 1t! tie tartsasl. W Sri, ~r tMf Rtae t!r tlaa+,a~sts tr~tif~ rr+~IMrt1
<br />1~ Ils+rawrsSt N Aataakak= Nt},tw~ L r~€r'4 aY#`altfasiPn as !~ ,tifMe xv saiv~ !~ ~ t~ ~t tr'_
<br />Bwrosrer shall hoer she right to Nava eery pttw'ardsrsRs lsrltut try t strews sa rnfs:s€tF shn llc~st <~ i`ra -.,.v..:.casi ~
<br />any tuna prtw to the earltrr to cecur of it- ihr Mtb day trc#turr the vk trt tha PtxtptnY Isutvwnt scr the Itwrrer ed sass +srntertars
<br />in this Daraf of Trrtat ar As) cmrv o[ s pitd~aaat entutamR shin Lked of 'Tnwt rt ~ tat Bcurrnsrr I'aY"s t ettdes aN surrsv .6 ~s?s.Ifl
<br />ba tFsers due under thts Iked try 7nnt, thhtttt Nair and ttotcs sreurtrtR Paeans Atfiassrrs. iI any, had t+n ravvtetatsrrw cra~ussai,.
<br />(hl Batruttter cures alt brracMes aI any Mbar eavraants nr aRresmrMs of Barrurrr cwetainrtt sn sirs L7etrrl '~ t.sat
<br />te) Burrower pays alt reautntrtrk rxptrtacs incurred by Lrttder atuf 1 rttttrta to rnCUrctn* lets ctrvetytavtx tta~ ~rs4ttret+s:.~
<br />Borrower curstaisutsl in thts t]red at Treat acrd in tgnlarcinR l,errder's artd Tru~tre'. rs<tnrtCtrs av trtetvnf€d to ,pataRta~s tss
<br />ttettwf, itxltttiinx, L+ut nos litnettd tt`, e~ >~St±rnry'v tesa. a€al !dl tlorre:wrt tnk~ s:::h tu=x a t:fif r TM;,p ves~ aim
<br />rtngttire to assure that tl±e Iron .tt eh~ f]rrd oI l7uu, ! rnt~t's interi3t t±± tare Nt..~rty -=reef l~,rrc•uer`a :atic~r tea ; ~.
<br />