D h
<br />THtS f)EE17 Uf T1tUST is made- tfiis ......8th........... .day of . seem er ........ .
<br />James A. FTelton and Joan H. Welton, Mushancl and t+~ife~~
<br />I9 8~. , atttong the Trastor , .......... ............................ .
<br />_..:.-......_ . ....... ...................therein "Borrower ).John R. Brownell,
<br />At~razaie3r .at, Law, _ .. , , ... .. , .. " . . . . . .. . . . . .. {herein "Trustee") , and the Beneficiary,
<br />.....
<br />Canmiercial _Savi:ngs Company of Grand Zsland a corporation organixcd and
<br />... ...
<br />eaisimg under the laws of.. Nebraska • , .. _ , . _ , ,whose address is ............... .
<br />,2121 !i.• Nehb_ Rd...,_ Aox 971 Grand Island NE 6880? , . (herein "Lender").
<br />.....................
<br />BORROWER, in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created, irrewxabl)~ grant+
<br />and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described property located in the County ul'
<br />?call.... _ ....................... ....... State of Nebraska:
<br />1) Lot 6, Block 85 Wheeler and Hennett's 4th Addition to t}~e City of Gran{
<br />Zsland, Ball County Nebras}:a.
<br />2) Lot 14, in Block °, Bogg's and Hills Addition to the City of grand Zsland,
<br />Hall County Nebraska.
<br />3D South 140.2' of Lot 11, Geer 9u!xtivision, city of Grand Zs.larkl Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />y~1 M. ~!h $trHEu €Yattel Zal !~ +ftl. '*iy€tl~ atw 11~~ ~~> a~ ~}
<br />W111E!'t I~ atr gtl,bSliQ2,~ .1)587 B1tAtR 2QL?t ;~1G.r Cl7C+rtB~ Til~. ~IG
<br />t~+rrllt ;~s:yR
<br />. , , , , , , .... .... [hutrrut `"trtnp-rty ~#a~..1;
<br />tn»t. aw tar e,wat
<br />ttxtr.ett~R t~tth utt tl+t 4rAfMCrra-R#-M+ rana ~s tkta..ticr .r+ata~f ~+e tis lr!y ~d itl ~ rte.
<br />ap~tsttnncat. rants tsttbµet hr1~ ttt the riff, ,trxl :~utluuuw-k ~€~n ~ # ~ ~xt ~ -
<br />t'eala), ruyuhitw atirwrrul. wl oral ttlt+ t~lat4 ~! prault+. w,u.r, rdt+ir r.. ,r~i + +ii~+el-- +art ~ ,rr+~•a .ue. +~ir
<br />hurcuftt*r attached tp ihC preprrty, aNN a+f Mdneh, irtciwttnp npka;cts tad ~ filrtnritu. Yawdll ~ dtr~rridt ~ 1ir
<br />atttf iirmaiff a port td Uw pt'optrrty t:av+rrcff by tha IArvl ~d "fir%nt ctn+f aM ~d ttrt f~, ~~ ~ ..t+di ~.
<br />for fla I4ust:hoid e+tut+~ if tttt,. ~ fretat tr c~ a le;t+~h«kf l pan hrfctn r~~+ ~ t 'mss
<br />__ Ttt SsrtrRF ta+ trader f a) the rC;Mly~nt :d the itxlrhtadna~+ 1v+thwccd t~f trtrr+mnt ~ ttglrc
<br />lylA.4 ,8-~~ith-tata ,•Piu4c,.1. +n thu ~rir~ctpral +t~ ~ t~igifty-';'!tt'f1f `lfeartta rt< ~tf ~r y
<br />' - ~.-
<br />~~~ atstf intct€r«t. wit the laithtnsr ~ thr itxslrt~~x, if mN ~ • ; l
<br />... . ........ ... . .. ...... ... . ... . . . thr puwatert of att atlree .utMr~. +~ r~rtiw ttire~- ~.~f
<br />m rsme i>tr4with to 12n~ thr ~a'Carity nd thi>* f5ee#f of Try, the prrf~ x, ~ a~xs'~± +rsf
<br />'< ufpremems of 9srrrower hrx+ritt eontaiaed; utxl t 0! thu repuytncnt ut arty ffNUrr ~t+rrtter+. ++r«t1r 4eaera-~t tt~etc clr
<br />~ to >turrebrrr [~ L.cmft:t=pttrtsattrtt w pRtuph 2 f #ai:rrof f her+em •'F+~art` Ad~tru~aa" t
<br />BgttYtwec ~!roNab, thRt $orrower is lawfully +risa'at sd th4 a-+tsu¢ her.~ty catveycd aed ltwa the rrplN rn ttraru aaaf
<br />a'on~cy thtt fhrrpcrty, that the Property ix ancncttml+cred.:utd that Bornrwcr will warrant and drfrml rutty the
<br />tttk fo the Pttaprrty ag,Yinrtt att ClOima atW deatattd+, +ub~cct to any dcrlar:urun+. caarmrnt+ cx rrstrKtktn+ (iMaxi +n r
<br />schttthrl¢ of r~ptiaur! w cuv4r_a;r ifrarty tttis; iftsttr~tnc4 polio} ~rR+uring ~crnier'+ rntcraw in the Pnmrrtyr
<br />t in J famrlf 1 ]6 trlMilrXtA16 tlMlr~ M1it11W~fNt
<br />