<br />~`'II~,0~1' '~
<br />~'TfT~sWw~ ~~~~', d~y~f ~~~Ert, ~~ ~~ ,
<br />bs as~cf lrot~rr::
<br />~fil i~. stEas A~ DA&tri ~. P#3LkS4, ',S~'SEAh'D A.'+t3 i€I~E ~> EACH OTHER Ahv EACH IS
<br />whether one or more, herein-
<br />after caned "Trus*^~" whose maitir-g address is i38 MELODY LANE,
<br />ALDA, NE 68810 and
<br />~ .Tolm A. Stiolf, ATTORNEY AT LAST
<br />
<br />address is PO BOx 428, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802 as "Trustee" whose mailing
<br />as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address is
<br />PO BOx 1565. GRAND ISLAND. NE 68802
<br />WITNESSETH: Thai Trustor, in consideration of One Dollar (51.00) and other valuable consideration receipt
<br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, intrust, with power of sale, the
<br />following described property, situated in HAIL County, Nebraska:
<br />The intention being to convey hereby In absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and
<br />dower, together with all buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and allot the
<br />foregoing, together with said property era herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING ~~V~r~ANDe~5I7ca~t and covenant of Trustor herein contained
<br />and the payment of the principal sumo ~(s 5.693.6***+~ ),
<br />as evidenced by a promissory note bear ng even a e at t e rates o nt~eg~st thereon which may hereafter be paid
<br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and Interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms set forth in said promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at
<br />such other place as the holder may de>~g~ate In writing, the ftDnEe paymRent of principal and inter~t, if not sooner
<br />paid, shall be due and payable on the day of EttBE ,18
<br />Trustor and Benefiiclary covenant and agree as follows:
<br />t. Wartaaty W Titp. Trustor b lawluliy aNZetl of iM Property; if Ms good rlphi and
<br />IAwful wtttprlry b Nil sad Convey tM ProPerrY; the Property f3lrsa 3t>C abss d1 aU
<br />(fella illd bCOmbyaflCb bCapt ibna rtgv 01 record; art0 Trualw will wlrrbt aM
<br />- - - -dltNd iMittM: to tM Propar@ unb tM Trua1N and ha wcobaora sort barpns
<br />IOraYU, spainat tM cbMa of all parsons, Tnlatw, al Ire sxpanN, W III rrtainbin and
<br />praNrrl iM Ibn of iMS Truai Dead b a Ilan upon tM Trusl Ropsrlv subiact only to
<br />enpumpranNa 4btlnp b of tM date Mraot w111 CAYb tMa Trost DsN, i,id NCh
<br />amsndmMl w alipplemant Iheroto, to M Iliad and recwdW as • morlpnpa of IM
<br />TrN4Proparly In such manna antl In eucA piacl, and will take such olnu aetbn b
<br />In tM opinion of TrbIN may M raqulrN by my prebnl w future law in order to
<br />parhot, rMinltln and probct tM TIM of thin Trust Deep en tM bme may M irom
<br />tlm/ W titna_amaMad w wpplemeMld.
<br />2 PVel~t+l W -rgeygl a11d InMtNL Trualw Bhail punctually PaY tM Principal ol,
<br />sup IntalNt on, bid ptanlaaory Mil Inc!udirtp eny advarlcb tMroto ie prorlgad
<br />hxtNn on ilia tlatN and at IM pbca alto In tM manner provided thueln and will
<br />purmlwlly parlorm alt apraamanta, condlUOne aM provblons of eny caner security
<br />IMlrymavl phM In wnnectlon W Ith mb irinNCllOn.
<br />S. PsaalaylYad std 11aNriataanoa al Ptpputy, Trustor will not commit any wbb
<br />upon 1M Properly aM will, at an tirnb. malnUln lM bms In good order antl
<br />aondltlon and wil! make, from Ilma to time, ell rolNlrs, rsMwals, roplacamanta,
<br />af1MIbN and ImprovamanU which aro raawnawy required m praYwl waste.
<br />IdIpWlmlpnL w datorbrNlon of bid property. No bulbing w ImproYamant now w
<br />IMYbtPar snctad upon IM Propery shall ba a1tuN, romovN w dlmollshN
<br />WltnOgt Uy pfbr written Wnawi of BaMtkiuy.
<br />A. 4UaaYe M ~YrPatq. In Casa of any datrupa lo, w tlaaUUCibn of iM wildlnpi,
<br />ImProvaminta w IYaraonal property ponatitutlnp part of tM Truai WoMrlY• wMlhw
<br />such lob Is covulal M lnwnna w oUterwiN, Truster, at Ira Nb cost end
<br />aSpeMe, wiU promptly reitora, rapaB; rplaca ana rabulltl IM same as nNrly as
<br />Pgatttabla m tisamtlltbn ImrtWdbtaty prbr to such aatMpe w Nalructbn w with
<br />luoti clunpaa lord at/uatbna N Truitw may deem appropUate provided eacn
<br />and ailsrilbns d0 riot hmtafNliy bfNn iM vilYa and addty OI such
<br />~- - hawavenlxtta-and PeraonalilY from tMI e~tstin9 ImmedbfelY Prior t0
<br />such d+!!bpe dr dNtruoYlon. Trustor atoll M entitbd to r/imburbmant Irom iM
<br />Tryy1N tO1M exarltot 1M Mt INUranpe Proc-adds receMed by Truatea, but only to
<br />the plant Mihl actual sum expanded under mia provision.
<br />S- Treaa9r. it Truaidr is a borpwn{bn, It will d0 all minpa r,aceaury to
<br />0.laarva Ira tmrpwaU taipenCe, riphta and pnvilepea ureter Fhe laws of 1M elate Oi
<br />M utcorpwauor,.
<br />0. lttalelrlol. Trwtw, of Its exllHtb, weh milntain. wrln Inaurure aDVroved by
<br />ilM atklerY'. inir+gn.:e wUn rypaat to the imPrmententa eM pwaohal PropnrtY,
<br />ewrFUWlM,p tM PrOPer1# apt}rNt boa by fiw. hpntninq, twnatl0, arM other PMna
<br />wwnd W atanOard exbndld coraaps srwwsaMnt, in an atMrunt squat b et
<br />teeN one nprgrp oerNnt 01 tM toll repfl,cemenl value tMreof: and insurance
<br />adalrwi Hush q;}rar MZflda HM w wpn angYnf ae, 4 oYatOmnroy 6urlsd by n'wllera
<br />1M!d ':_~- -_ a at?'"'a. t~ayYfrtiet tr,d as AnsfKiHy mtY `wulro Ica Its
<br />p-ruLCdcr1. Trustor cast{ cer,~xy w+tb aW_h rzlnnt r@gli,anynra db lee A!lLia+q ~i
<br />b3ifn t ~y W t+erw rngr.all far the prptR:tWrv W :nauran4e 9I me ,nUfrnt vl tr,e
<br />raepKllYe wrllaa- All Inagrlnc: waalb r1W_ eltltkA anje~it to ~ tyga( Qgpg
<br />shalt nidta Ttga{aa and $Yrw}tirl+Y N IrlwrRla. as [Mit raaW2Fwa IMNMIi m3Tr
<br />appear. aM leroylda lMt IMaI atoll !k rw caneettalam « ~rY~attnr. w~r_ret±t
<br />Ilnatll data prior written rmhhwpon W TrWtaa and WnaMONry. In IM leant atyy
<br />Iwlley haaultdar Is wt nnewad on w Oalwa fiNaN days prgr to lu eapilelton
<br />data, Tn,a1N IX @anallalary maY procuro eacn Insy(artpl and tM cN11Mtp1 alaNt
<br />N addNt to tM INn tacurW blr fhb Tngi DNd and sMN Uaar mtarNl al IM
<br />prNlu OI IM IntarNl rata apaoilllp IItMWt w IM nfpllbl IntarN! tNe WIMr1aq
<br />W tM laws o11M Sbbol NaNaaka. Truallr eMU dNlwle ro elMtklary iM oriplMl
<br />pplicib vl fnauranp antl raMwais Itllraof a rMllq CPPIea of suers p,tbliN amt
<br />ranewele tMraot. Felluro to lumian irlaWanaa M Trustor, Or reaawaln b nqubld
<br />Mrwnda atoll, et tM option W IaanatlCluy, conslllub ^ tlNwll. All unsavtMlt
<br />premiums ale I,uaDY aNlpnW 10 TNSIN b adOllbnal ewurUY arW a bM and
<br />conveyance of tM Properly by IM Trua1N aMlt gPUaN to convey to tM puwnaNr
<br />IM Truatw'a Iniarost In artd t0 all poticbs 01 InawanN upon IM Truai Prgplrly.
<br />T TaaN aM Ababaurtla. Trustor shall PaY all rasp aM spacial asaNarMnla
<br />levied or assessor apalnal or dw upon IM Rolluty Ntwa Nllnpuartcy, and will
<br />deliver t0 BenaflOliry copies of recllpts showirp paymbl OI WCh tbb aM
<br />special aaNasmsnla. If 9anehClary sMll so ragwal, Trvalw agraN IMt IMro aMU
<br />be added to each periwlk peYmbl rapulrN Io W made honuwlar an amwnl
<br />entimaled by T,Ya1N 10 b aulliclenl Iv eMbls Trualw f0 ply, at ieatl ip days
<br />Mtwa delinquency, alt texas, eabsimanis Or oiMr Public cMrpaa apNnat IM
<br />Trust Prcpsrty, IM Noie 6aCUrad by'hia Trusl Oaltl, or upon accwnl of tM dabs or
<br />the Iles OI IMO Tlual Daad, IOpether wllh DrornlutM IOr insurance regWred Io Oe
<br />provided under iMe Trust Oaed end no intarosl snarl N payabb to Truslw In
<br />reaped Ihareot, Upon demand by TruatN, Trualw BMII dellrlr 10 Trua1N Hoch
<br />add1l10M1 Hume of mOMy as are neGenbry 10 mak0 up qny WI/CNnCy In Ihtl
<br />emounta necbaa7lo spews Trua1N le pay any of lM forepolnp Ilema.
<br />e. Atldltbnal liens. Trustor ball mob ail payments o1 Interbl and pnMipel end
<br />payments of eny other Cnupb, teas, and aapena/a ConUaciad 10 tq paid to any
<br />exislinp lien holders or prior bensllCiuib under eny prior Truai toed, Mortpapa or
<br />Oihu necurUy aprbment N}we tM bb tMy aro bllnquenl and w pay any omer
<br />claim wMCh jeopertlftan tM ascunty prantad Mrein.
<br />9. Probcllin of laNllNary's Aam,rlly. Should TrusiOr loll Io make any payment,
<br />/ail to do my act b Mroln prorbad, Of II MY action or procNOlnp la commincad
<br />which matulaUy iNwta BeNfiebry's Inierbt In 1M Property, mctudinp, but not
<br />IirrUtb 20. ertdnenl do .,alp, IltaplveRCY, irranpamBRla OF proCeWinpf lnVOlvlnp i
<br />Dsnkrupt w Oacedant, IMn Benellclery or TlYiIN Dut wilnout obtipallon to d0 aq
<br />and witMUt noUu to w demand upon Trunbr, antl wttnoul releaafnp Trualor Irom
<br />any ooilpation hueunder, may makn or do tM Nme, and may pay, purchab,
<br />Oonteal wcompromfne my sncumwanCe, chaps or Ilan, which in the judpament of
<br />NIMr ippwra 10 sfiecf gild Properly: In ebrOVBinp any aUCh powers IM
<br />Mnaftclary Or TruatM may Incur nnY IlabililY and exparb whatever amouma.
<br />including d:aburaamenls of reasOnMle altwney'e teas, which in ihnir abaolote
<br />d!acyelbn. may be naGanaarY !n Ins Grant tttti Twsto: snarl fats in ProCUro
<br />1rlearenCe w !o pay taxeb, antl aueCial taslaementa Cf Fp mAke any pdymenta to
<br />ex+aUng w onr,r lien nnlaern Or benetiGHlb;. IM Benaliclary ma) prOCUre such
<br />antl melee 3yCn htYM1*a':Sb Ari seams incurred tY. expendw] by BineirCiaty
<br />w Truntap =n a 'G'dahCe wlin tM proria:Caa y rnia Trvsi Deed ire se.LLred M,eby
<br />