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_ _ <br />t1H11Di,al.l tt~t Ivtr 1 ~ 3tt ~ ~!. Ytz, ~ sis~le pereoft, <br />3irent'3t:r ~ El.y#tt £~ aa~.d ttE~f l • weetmer a.e «aaoro, ie r.~dcatso. or~~ <br />tear,biai ea ~d ssera~pr ti9T The Egaidbie ~g sd Lava AssariNioe of Greed faMwd, Nelsrdta, Mortggse, upoo 248 shares of smrt of <br />t/ A880CIATWle, Cestfaoas Ntr. L ~4,O16 , do hereby grit, caacey aed nrohpg unto the said ASSOCIATION the folbwiag <br />isaHrei aa6 Hgase, daaesad re tlaa Coc~ary, Nefnaska- <br />Lot One Hundred Fifty-fie {~5i} in Buenavista <br />Subdivision, an Addition to tt~e City of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />together with aU the temmenu, hereditamenu and appurtenances thereinto belonging, iodudirrg attadeed floor ooveriogs, aH window spetas, <br />window shades; blinds, storm windatvs, awnmljs, hestwrg, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equipemt a~ acaeatxitx thereto, ptmq~a, stoves, <br />refrigerators, and other factures and equipment now « hereafter attached to « used in connatien with said raI estate. <br />And wherou the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agrtt that the mortgagor shall amt will pay all rues and aaessments levied « <br />assessed upon said premises aced upon [his mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the same shall become delinquent; to Gattislt approved <br />insurance upon the huildiags on said premises situated'wr the sum of S 24, 800.00 payable to sad ASSOC[AT10N aM to ddivrr to aid <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and not to comrttit or permit any waste on or about said premises; <br />In cae of default in the performance of my o(ihe terms and condiliona of this rtnxtgage « the bond aeturad hetaby, tMt m sh>dl, <br />on demand, be rntitkd to immed'ute puesesoon of the mortgaged premises amt the morigaga hereby ataiHtts, treaders std sets oval to thr <br />mortgagee alt the rents, revenues std income to be derived from the m«tg~ert premises durieg such time u tlx murtgare ardebtedaafa dt~ temra <br />unpaid: and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agmt « sgseu it may desire for the pttrpuse of ropaviog ~d promiaa aed +mtittj <br />the same and collecting flee ronu, revenues and income, and it m.y pay out of said income alt expemes of repairio~ said preaitw aced ttaanaaty <br />mmmtiuwtres and expenses inauted ro renting amt maoagia~g the same and of rsdlectirg rrntais [itrtefmm; the balaoee . if say, to be <br />applied toward the disdeacge of said m«tggx intkbtedaas; these righu of the mortgggae may ba etetciad at any tittle dwiaR the earMeaer of sail, <br />de cult, irtespective of aey temporary waiver of the same. <br />These Prwsents, however, ue upon the Comtitioo, That ii the said MWrtaa~ttr sM11 repy sawl loan ue w befom the maturity uC and shelve by <br />Payment: pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the win spedfied is the Eiwrtt stxwsal hereby as interest aced psiactpal m aid Moan, to a brfeee <br />rite Twentieth day of each and every mtmth, tmtit aid Mau is fttHy lsaid: pay aU rues amt as~etnutu (avied api~t aid pry seaM~ MSS l~ari~e <br />and the Hood secttml thereby, bef«e deMiaquancy; furnish approved inwraa~? ttpo±c the diaga tRrra~ as the strwt of ~~r~; $M~.00 p~eaf~a <br />to aid ASSOCIATION: retnY to saw ASSOCIATION upuu tMetnatxt alt ntuney by it pad for tatiru, saaauta aar # M at <br />thr ttnxrtttttm legal fate thereoct from date of payrreant aIt ui Wph/w(M~t hiaiig~irr ieereby ~a~ to p:y; permit i~o wee os o.d nsaao~=hoe r~ r <br />with aB the rtraets arnt cot#di?l9ns of the fz~ ~ 24 i 44n+e 00 tkffi day gtven by tb€ ,1S :,7[.IA~, ~ <br />with aH the rrquitamerns o[ the Constituttan and B1t-i.;ws of ;;td ASS44MA7'Mt?Ale tlteu lhae_ praadttss~he~ _ ve~r_ ._ <br />shall rotttain ra ftrH f«ce amM may bt: f«ac{oaed at the option at the awl AS~('MATMON al'ttr faihtre fat thtaa ra~unUst to raekr say a€ said <br />payments « be three rmutths in arrears in rwlting said taunthiy payments, « to keep aati ratatpiy with t!r apaetttaata sd tatsditlsea ttf std MMoaei; <br />and [Moctg~gor ages fu haw a receiver appartted forthwith in suds faredusure pctacordeypt, <br />!f them is any tdxtnge M orvoarrtip of the real estate rtrurtgdpd herein, by sale « otltswia, then lM aWirr rttttaiaior ~ MtwtRy <br />securod shsH, at the uptioe of The Nquitabk BuiWiag aced Lunn Asswtiuwn of t:tand Iriad, Nebtarta, beataa imasdiatdy drat astd a!k svlMhasM <br />further notice. amt the amount recniaiog due under aid bond, and any othas b«d t« any ttiditiooa{ tdvaaees tflada thrsattttdas, ~W, fro4t t#e <br />data of eaarga of aid option, bear iolrcest at the masiotum kgtd rate, smI this uaxt~a may than be intaCMaaad to sandy tM amuuN duce ue art <br />hond,and any other hood f« adtGtiood advanaa, tugethet with cell sums paid by aid 71ts FpuitabMs MAttldiat sad Mnas AsandiaEinn of t:raad Mskai, <br />Nebraska f« iastuaoce, taaa and aaesamen4, and abaLactiod extawian ctruges, with iataart thaette, fmsn dates of peyaantt at the maaiiatuo <br />IeHal ate. <br />Aa m the Mond sectued hereby, wtrrk the murty~a eeetsitts ie effect the trturtggre tasty brtraftar advaara, addaxes! sans W the <br />rttsken o said Road, Uroic assigns or sttcaaarxs in inlnroat, which wins dull be within the rer;tuery of this mutpHe the scar as Nte frads w~rsrlpr <br />secured thereby, the tats) amount of pincipal debt nut to axwod at any tune the origirtai suatunt of the morliMtfr. <br />4th day of DeCetnbeC A.O., IY $1 <br />1'--- <br />~~ ~ ~~~~ <br />STAT& OF NI3BRASKA, ~ ss. On this 14th <br />rootlet of tiALl. <br />Robert M. Yt?~ger, a single person, <br />day of DECeI11bt3Y 1v ~1 . bdoro me, <br />the amiewidaa, a Woury Public in and f« aid Caresty, pwaearly ware <br />who is pmsuaaliy known io <br />ase W be the ideutreat perapn whose came iS affued to the above ' mactdt~oc std he ifllifi~C <br />ackaowMdkied the aawl waartaaat to be hiS voluntary act and deed. nuw~~vt~ta 7 <br />WITNESS my hand and Natural Sal the doe storesard. /f"J/} <br />Ily Crawro eaprras <br />CFItERAI N{3tARY-Staie -! 3ttGrts4s ~ Notary P <br />rim m ~tAAtE5 w. Ct54N <br />._>~ ttY tem. Esp. NgY. 12, .~$9 i <br />