<br />N!. Tf~ the ±l~fortga~rr wi911 keep'tix buildings upon said''premises in gookt repair, and neither commit nor permit waste
<br />upon said [and'., nor staffer the said premises to trc used far any tittlawftil purpose.
<br />}I" That i# the pi`emiseS'. or'any pairtahcreo#. be condcmttead umder rite power of eminent domain, or acquired for a public
<br />use, ttK damages'awarded. the practeds #or thq taking of, or the consideration for such acquisition, to the extent of the fuH
<br />amoottt of indebtsdaes upon this mortgage and the note which it is given to secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned'by the
<br />Mortgagor to the Mortgagee, sad shag be paid forthwith to said Mortgagee to be applied by the latter on account of the next
<br />rtu~ttait~iastallmentso#~ '"ndebtedrtess"
<br />12. The Mortgagor fun:xr agrees that should this mortgage and the note secured hereby not be eligible for in-
<br />surantx trader the National Housing Act within sixty days from the date hereof (written statement of any officer
<br />of the Departmrnt of Housing and Urban Development or authorized agent of the Secretary of Housing and Urban
<br />i7evelopment dated subsequent to the s~~ da time from the date of this mortgage, declining to insure said
<br />note and this mortgage, being deemed conciusr~e pt~o~ of such ineligibility), the Mortgagee or holder of the note
<br />may, at fits optan, declare all sums sew arced hereby immediately due and payable.
<br />13. That i# the Mortgagor fails to make any payments of money when the same become due, or fails to conform to and
<br />comply with any of the conditions or agreements contained in this mortgage, or the note which it secures, then the entire princi-
<br />pal sum sad accrued interest shall at once become due and payable, at the election of the Mortgagee; and this mortgage may
<br />thereupon be foreclosed immediately for the whole of said money, interest, monthly payments, costs, ground rents, taxes and
<br />the cost of extending the abstract of title from the date of this loan to the time of commencing such foreclosure suit, and a rea-
<br />sonable attorney's fee, ail of which shall be include i in the decree of :Foreclosure: and the contract embodied in this mortgage
<br />and the note secured hereby, shall in all respects be governed, construed and adjudged by the laws of Nebraska, where the
<br />same is made.
<br />The covenants herein contained shall bind, and the benefits and advantages shall insure to, .he respective heirs, exccutors,
<br />administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Whenever used, the singular number shat! includc the plural, the
<br />plural the singular, and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders.
<br />The foregoing conditions, all and singular, being performed according to their natural and legal import, this com•eyance
<br />shall be void sad said premises released at the expense of the Mortgagor; otherwise to be and remain m fop force and effect.
<br />li~l WITNESS WHEREOF, the Mortgagor(s) ha ve hereunto set their handtsl the day artd yaar first
<br />above written.
<br />In presence of:
<br />_~{SEAL[
<br />____.,Ls~~~afroP"~ ' f
<br />usCNARp w= 9iST2 s - ~~
<br />i S1AL z
<br />i SE.A-. 1
<br />S i 5EA1. ¢
<br />a~ ~1 1
<br />. ~.r-tor:
<br />ss:
<br />CUUNTY OF Ball
<br />On this 11th day of t>acexober . A.Q. 14 81• befora ~,
<br />a notary gttblic is and #or s~ County. amity;
<br />Richard W. Dleta .7t'. and `a~teryl !t. RJfstBr htiSb3rtd afsd W1.C~
<br />pc-y ~ ~ i;a
<br />to ~ t~ i~tttire_I pa_rs~ wh~c naat>a~ ~~ af€~
<br />gartg irrstrrr~r+t ad Mtitt~gisr, and tEtaay httinr+ a€Itt ~
<br />ettt tl~r~# to be ti~f r ;! fat;- ~t t ~ For `` "`.~'~ ~ ~ -
<br />In testimony whereof, l lwvc hereunW sot my !tt<twi aeul a~ar;d by notarial rtt t;rarxi lalanai
<br />oa the day a ppf+'tetlt`~
<br />w It~a
<br />flil~t4, ~ N~r#
<br />Filed for record this day of
<br />at o'clock
<br />recorded in Book
<br />ppge of
<br />~ t? 19
<br />M., atul entered rn fvurnerrcal Imkr. and
<br />.tt Martgrrgcs. t,et
<br />Repstef u! fkteda
<br />wuo,txt+taat teaut
<br />Goo ..~.,,.
<br />