'f` u~ i . ~tii wrrlui i w ~ r ~ r inu7C~lr~w+
<br />i N~au ~+u~4r~r,hi r~ruirtf~~aip~ rmr~n~r+~i
<br />~r ~i ~~ a ~Jkvtl tfl~tr, r~~x~,. ts~ Plro;tr!fatmAuyr.
<br />.~7~.„~~~ ~~~1g.N~ ~ i.~uu~~iidrit~rirre ~riufiw rr~ ~~wrs~~iaunaulf ~~,,
<br />lf~ut~art'aire~ J~x.
<br />~s~-- ~~G~i(~97
<br />7'f[3~ 1ICsAC,t~, aasde aed ettru~ tip 11th day d December ,A.D.
<br />Ff#1 .>3yaedb,csrscsr B3r_hard tir. Dietz 3r. artd Shtsyl M. Dietz, husband attd wife
<br />,~ [ d i3t11 .and State of lvetxastca, parry of t~ first parr, hereitafter called
<br />~ ~. atsd SF3pPitIOR tllXt'XillfE, ZIiC.
<br />a rnrporatitxs organized attd existing under the laws of Nebraska ,
<br />party d_ i),a sesons! part. hereinafter caned the Mortgagee.
<br />W ITNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor. for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty eight thousand and
<br />No/100-_ ________~_~~- Dottars (538, 000.00 ), Paid bythe Mort-
<br />gagee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Gran[, Bar-
<br />gain, Selt, Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee. its successors and assigns. forever, the following-described
<br />real estate, situated in the County of gall ,and State
<br />of Nebraska, io wit:
<br />I~t Fifty-fora (54), Potash Subdivision, Mall Cotutty, Nebraska
<br />of the Sixth Principe! Meridian, containing in all
<br />mentsurvey:
<br />aCfe~ al'l'Urdm$ l0 Govern'
<br />TO HAVE ANC TO HOLD the premises abovr described, with all the uppurtenuncts thtrcuntu belonKing and including
<br />all heating, plumbingand lighting fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to ur ustd in canntcdun with said real tstalt
<br />unto the Mortgagee, and to its successors and assigns, forever. The Cvfortgagor represents to, and covrnants with, the Murtgtt<
<br />gce, that the Mortgagor has good right to ref! and convey said premises; that they are free fmm tttcumbrance: atxl that thr
<br />Morfgagorwilfwarrant atnf dtftmi t~ same against the lawful r taims of all persons whumsa~ver; attd t#re said Mangan tt
<br />by relinquishes all ritihts of humtsttad, and all martial rights, either in law ur in tyuity, and all other runtitrgent interests of the
<br />Mortgagor in and to the alwve-drscrilxd premtsrs, the intenriun being to convey hereby an absolute title, in ftc simpir. itxtud-
<br />ittgall rights of homestead, and other rights attd interests as utorosaid.
<br />PROVICED ALWAYS, and these presents ate executed :end delivered upa+n the following tiuiutitians, to wit:
<br />Tfte Ltfo[igagaer agrees L pay to the Morlr~gaa, or orde_r_ t__hr primipal sum arf 7Stirty eit~lit thouatris5 tried
<br />No/100---------------------------'------" t)<tltars ti 38, 000.00 t,
<br />with interest from date at the rate of Fifteen and orre-half par cenwnt ( 15. SO .t•) par annum cwt
<br />the unpaid balance unfit paid. The said principal and interest shall be payabk at the ofltce of
<br />SI)FffitTE7~ bAR7GAGE, INC. Grand Island, N&
<br />m , ur at ,uch utlttr place a~ the tradder of
<br />the note may designate in writing, in monthly installments of Pour hundred ninety five dollars and
<br />72/100--------°-^~_... Dollars 15 495. T2 t, cwnntaucutg awe the first day of
<br />1982 , and on the firs! day of each month thereafter until the pntx-ipal and in•
<br />serest are fully Fp~t~, e~x'ctypi that the final payment of principal and interest, if nut souther paid, s~wll he lira and
<br />payabk on the first day of January 20.12 :all according to the terms of a crnain prurnis-
<br />sort' ttote of even date hecewith executed 6t' the said Mortgagor.
<br />The Mortgagor in order more fully to protect the security of this MpRgaga, agrees:
<br />1. 't'hat he will pay. the indebtedness, as hereinbefore provided. t'rivilage is reservrJ n+ pay the debt in whole, tw in as
<br />amount equal, ko one or morn monthly payments on-the principal that era next due on the note, awe the first day of any nwrtth
<br />prior to radttutty: fviuaai, huwegcr; That written notiee of an iutantiOn to exercise sueh privilege is given at kai<t icy: r
<br />days W ioc ty,pre~ayme7rt,
<br />?. That, tu~thee with, and in addition to, the monthly payments of principal and interest payabk under the terms taf the
<br />note secured hcretiy, the Mangagor wi8 pay to the Mangagee, on the first day of each month until the sail! note a tatty peed- the
<br />fotbwing sums:
<br />{a} Amount. sufficient to provide the holder hereof with funds to pay the next ntort~ga inwtanae pranuuni of thrr
<br />inshutttertt arut the note secured hereby are insured, ur a monthly charge /in !leer oj' a rnwtgq`r +xaeneu- ~,--
<br />naiuarJ if they era herd by the Secretary of Housing and Urban C)evetoptnent, as fa>llows.
<br />tl) !f-and so tong as said hale of evert dare and Utis iustrtnsrent arc u~wted ur are rrmsured utrder i!ae pro
<br />a(siorrs of the National housing Act, an amount sufftcient to at;wmulate in the hands of the holder art
<br />SI'A'CE ()~` :V~iif3Aai4i
<br />Wpiacia fHA-~t4$IN whicrc rtvY tx a,sd uai+t wnpty n ext,nuitaf
<br />titrr7~tZt19M f~-?$t
<br />