Z_... ~1v~a~~
<br />(7) rrtr;mt#i~ prior to its due data tha annual nurrtgagta vtsuranre prernuuret in raider tr,? provide succh ttr;?Ider
<br />wgftr funds tea pay such premium tr>the ivtcrtetary of Noosing and .urban Urvelopment pursuam to the
<br />`3ationa4 Housing Act. as amended, and applicable 'Regulations thereunder; or
<br />{ii) if and so tong as said note of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and
<br />Utban `,<.. .pment, a monthly charge /in lieu oja mortgage insurance premiums which shall be in an
<br />amount equal to one-twelfth (i?l2) of one-half {1(2) per centum of the average outstanding balance
<br />due on the note computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments;
<br />(b} A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on
<br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due
<br />an the mortgaged property (c" as estimated by tl:e Mortgagee) less alt sums already paid therefor divided by the
<br />number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and
<br />assessments will became delinquent, such sums to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said Bound rents, pee•
<br />miums, taxes and special assessments; and
<br />(c) All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to he made under
<br />4he note secured hereby shall be added together, and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor
<br />each month in a single payment to be appited by the Mortgagee to the following items in the order set forth:
<br />(1) premium charges under the contract of insurance with the Secretary of Nousi ,and Urban [kvclopment,
<br />or monthly charge /irr lieu ref mortgage insurance premhun/, as the cast may he;
<br />(JI) ground rents, taxes, assessments, fire and other hazard insurance prennums;
<br />{Ill) interest on the note secured hereby; and
<br />QV) amortization of the principal of said note.
<br />Any deficiency in the amount of any such aggregate nwnihly payment shall, wdess ntadr gaud by the Mun-
<br />gagor prior m the due date of the next such payntcn[. constitute an event of default under this nxxtgage. 71te
<br />Mortgagor may collect a "late charge" not to ~ xered t<,ur rrnu t-id! tar rash dollar 1511 of each t?ayntetu nr!?rr
<br />than fifteen (15) days to arrears to cover rhr extra expenu mvolvrd m handling dehnqurnt payments.
<br />a. 9'hut if the fatal of the puyment~ made 6r Un• lhxt(;a>~ur under r `• ~ of paritKr:Iph . pmcrdrnli •hail r<rc+aKi
<br />the amount of paymentas actually made by the ikrrteiuetre for enwnd rrnu, tn~r.~ and a~a..mrnt~ I€r insurance per
<br />miums. a~ the coat may Im, ~ueh exccy4, tl nc~ Icrm r~ current, at the a+pttaai of rhr \ktrtp.tgi+r. +ftufl bx crrdatrd t>!
<br />oe made b. the .fan~a --` €, arou.:... €.€.- ,....a~r.a.r.
<br />the \iorigagre on subsequeni put'mrni= io ` Bart, - - `---' ...`.. `~•° °°- ff, ::;.~=-ter, tin
<br />monthly payment. made hy- [ht 11tx[t;aKax under r •: ut f+;tragrtptr ' l:rrc<dknc .h.Itl uxrt tat .ufficlcttt raa fln grcrlrld
<br />rent, taxes and trasrssment-~ or inaur:utcas pea^mtum-, u, the a a.:e ma} ur. .+havr the .stmt -hall t?avutar due sod pdr,
<br />able, then rho \klrigagorhall pay to rhr ills€tixu~I•I= alt} xmtwnt nrt•a-*~ary to m31,r up tha= rfrfirtr~e•s. +r€t ur te~I~rr
<br />the date whin paymrni of ~ur•h e;n?uml mnr.. tu+r-. a.-r=~mrnt- or rn.urunce trn•mrum- =hrff ter afua tt xt rrui
<br />time the lhtrtgagnr :hail tender w the ilurizsut»k•a•. ru urrrnfancr +?ith rhr pro+t-+un4 of the nuts xarura•d hrtrbt.
<br />full payment of the entire indrbtedne-~ n•prf+~t,•ntrd thrn•bw, tha° lhrrttta#;e~° -halt.:n c.Impvtilrg tha} at~t ~C -ar3~
<br />indebttdnes~, credit to the accaxlnt ut rhr: Rtoetgrgur dtl ll,t.Irlerx± ut.Itlr u+ater tttr t!rarat~raslt srf ., .,f ;vr+~ra}is
<br />hrrrof witia•h rhr \brigager ha- not hrcoml' otlltttaird tr. pa. (II rhr 4I•i to=I,Irt ..t NIaI3tn .asi i ril~I €'-. as ia.~.al
<br />and tmv balance mmaininK in Iha• fund> at•cumutata•d unriaxr thI• pnut•rrrrr, .:f +rf pnlunratul R.*fIi€t tt rt=€r.•
<br />shall br a drfuult under ;m} of rhr pnt+t-ion= r.f tint- rnarltr•a~r rr.uitmr; tea a pvtsi+a -41r :.t tRr pra•m.*.+_ : {.,.-~+~,
<br />hrrehy, or if rhr ikrrtkaKrr acquin•. ihr pn+prrt+ erthrr++t.r• nfirr da^tualr, rhr \ttrttlragg.- -:cart apglt+ ~ x€,r ar~~ _-
<br />Ihr culamencrlnrnt of -uch prueerdtnr;~, r+r at rhr ttmr rhr pnrraa•n} e, utha•rar-.• s. xpnerl-J, rhr txdf altx*+tt:rn "+varn+:,
<br />inK in the fund. uccumulutrd ulyd€•r ~ of para;;rap11 : €rII•ra•airng..+= a , rlaftt .sgatre-s thI• .:xls«„err ::! ~saers:fx& r?:..sa
<br />remainirt;s unpaid Iuldrr =aid uutr, •utd -troll pruglart+ _=Jiu.t sett pa.anrnl> ++htat .k.ctt .k:,c,r ter.•.: was#..~xtft ..
<br />of paragraph '?,
<br />d. f'ha! Firr itan {~"akrU aril p,ty ;stt+ertryt :r+«&'>. .was z- -„ c±arrtrFll±. ...rte. ,:,€ _.~ .~:lxr ~_~ .y - °=reg. ~'.s
<br />charge., tint,. IIF fmthr.trh*fi, r.:t ~trntr {=e. ,,..rt 1:,,, n..t he ct s is rs h~re.r€t~ .xf~ :t,r ,.-~'tt-. ~ =~ ~r =~-~ _:__
<br />pu}ihr.atnr routhatt :,irr=~;x~.,.„+ .,.....~.... .., ,.a..,,,. ,., .- _
<br />. The Vii..:rta#~kcr: . ...r:. r..... ,.Fa. t _ ::~~-.. -1:~ - - - -° _ _ . a. , - -.. ._
<br />nrrt1ta, :etHf whtc tt t+'st} €,[ ~ .•C•p • :- 4 !€t~ «, !€tg..g:g~., _.: eae .ig4t ~ 'uee.i ccrtr, .Fyrr .~.,U, -sge = ~.€ r ~: ~-- -. ~ c-.•~"
<br />rrnpU_rd un \i urldu~•>r .!rid +`rI1•fttr lhr ±.dra tilt( .+:'+t•t.na+a r~r~.++i rr pr++ter r+t w!th rlK its€r I~€ayts'ic s-t>k,ez„~.=..s-:x4>•e~-..~~«
<br />t. , ~. ,~
<br />taking, at tf rhr 4i+}rfgaMiu :> pr.,fietettr.t ^+ ...., .:sue .,,-~ ~+r lrr:r.etze:: +a+:i•+;; -r~ ~~ •~c ~-~~- -- -- ~ ~ ° - -.•-_
<br />.aidtu~r>.Drop.arthrrviufrrkangal;uty.s+alt.t,irrrpronrtnuu~ttxpa?n«enrt•+trKttratg,rar.H<•>,;, arc+~ ,~ts+ti,,zr~a+
<br />Ile dr+.trr plat+latr• It1i1l stn} ,rlrttrri rrt ,+« fr.rllt r:a ltK it.et trahrr ,bait iK . €e+l;trSS •r[i rn5 :~...rtg.€~;s ~'~a`r`t lrx- sty: =7h~~i,C z:'fie:~ Wit.
<br />rhr rittht uI gi+r ntttrty d:t?+ r.tntrn nett<r t,« trrr ++++rsrr ,•i ttlr uu+Itg,r~r.t p!rrr+«u. ?hy~ee€tr~ arse r^ + <;=s± „a t¢at ~:.~~~~_
<br />drht. If +ut:h tuHia r hr t;t.rn, 4hr +ant debt ,hills t*r..,+trr .felt.. 1• r)at+te n+r,t .oi:r^, uhk ~t tt+r : at++tata++=,•^ ,a.,! awls; ep ~,r :
<br />h. Thal +huuld hr tad to pa4 ally ,ur+r .,! .rep ,:u~ «r.ua}t.+.rlyd F,•t na tttr, '1tv: -ra~~~ eR,-ct Ii„t ~t,rt'.,~+: a~ _ ... -
<br />IWn, tort} p:IF .+C pctft?i'tli Ihr snlnr..rikf all r 3[+rtgfrlntra x. ttknatr ettaiL #*z ~+d.ira# Ix« trts t,e t!ht}b!S ?xlttr v+. +:Iyc -- €Ur •a'`'~`* - -,
<br />.hull t+r +r.urrJ hrrrhti.:utd,hatl hr.tt tturrr+t at ttr.• r.+Ie ,et !,+ttir tt« rim; ,-set ;.sc. :.=!rtl I+sed
<br />Thal ter hCretry a.*Ign., traq+trra au.i ,~Lx a•+r+ R+ lira it.n ly.~t~tc- r.• r •p7+rJ 6Hi at it for t+.I+~.t~nt : rrm• ~.m•[c 1~ f
<br />wm. ±rcurrd hrrchv rn ra+r of a drt,ruh to tfic prttvrm,tnxr „r .rte} .+€ ttK :€u.. stns ..;«rratlti.•n, t rhr. tEa ~-~ ~ t~ _.-
<br />nulr.all lhr [rnn, re+cnur. and ur..rnlr [r t*r Ut tu+rJ itraur ttrr utortga~K.i 6+ttnu.r. duui~ ,u.h qn+c ,:, i~ +: alt~:at;a ru~t•tc+3
<br />nns+.hall remdur un~W: and :hr Musty,.~e:r ,halls ha.r t`•,HC! i.• .µ*p,vut .: «+ .«e;rur .a ,e;;rnt..t roar ~; ,u. ts+ rte,• o,xe~ay ,:t
<br />trpturmVt +uul ptnnnar+ :utd err trtuntg Ihr soft :acrd +,.tlr>;nog tnr +rnt+. tr+rnur+ .urd unr+u.'. a+td et ut~5 t+a) .wr .'€ a..,.I u.
<br />titlnlr? :Ili r3pr1i4rS art rrpan lli~ aa:!} pt[tti+>e+it ,iak+~ ng. raa.lt t +recrtflit>+I+tEt, ptlat r ark it lC, 4!kurird !t! #,`!lt/tt~ nasal ne3r~~{aas~ lfer
<br />+amr and of rullrcting rental. Ihrrrirrertr. rhr h~ Nnnar :. +:rntruug ! :cos. r.. r~ nptltrral to€a.rtd t~ att>9 tI}€~~- ,nom rs_a.uar
<br />tndrhtrdnres.
<br />k. 1'ttai he ++ill Arrp ihr unprnrmrnta no.a rannny ,+r hrtrattrr rtr.ird ru ihr in.ur},rgrd prvy.rna, mauled ..+ n+ae t+fi
<br />required trt+in time IrI trtnr h) thr'aturlgagrr .€tptnst h,., ;*k hte a:tai tract h.tt.rs:f., ....u+ltrr* .=ts; _,,uut~=:kh~-, a+ >:hit
<br />amount. atkf fr?r +r!~P, p€: •,~r~ ~~ r . t+t .--ate ,!~ " ~,e aar_t aa;t; _ „r € +a ,. h£--!• . t !^+ . .t;
<br />IlUitran<C per+I+ialll IV! jta}!Flen! .+1 rx till to hoe, r!a.t-larirl <it3dr~tlrti!trt'4~t.«t• \tl nt+ut r alr,,li Y +t+t.I~.u .e,.rtitarta: a ~_
<br />pruvCd by rhr Murtgatyer anal Ilte Cxllictr+ ,utd rene>+at+ titereot ,h~-t tx h.•[.i h+ rhr aiunku{;rr .rnxl hnrr .rte~t hra't rhrt:r - _
<br />payable rtausrs in fa.or nl utxt in form :Ir.rptat€Ir t.r clot \tortitattrc to tarot .af to+a \turtgago; a+h r;ur suurrrdrair u.*uac hr
<br />malt tU [he Mortgagee, +ahu rung ntal.r pra.a:f .+( ta„a d rxn tnadr ptonry?tiy h+ 4trrtµagarr, and t.a:h i+i->ur:ni -c «rrprn+ ;u«t
<br />crrnrd is hereby authurirrd and dirt: trd i., make pa} rotor f++t ,u.h lu., direatt+ u+ the itoctgaKre iu+trad t+t n. tae 1tr+r ttta~•rr
<br />and the Mortgagor jointly ,and rhr insurance proceed,, or an} port thereuL mny hr nppitrd M Ihr ~1ot tttugra• at n+.y+uou caber
<br />. to [he roduction aF the indebtrdnrs+ trereby +rcurrd of tr+rhr re,ta?ruliun or r rpair of the pn«pri a dawaged in r, rni ++i wt r. t+•
<br />suer uF this numtgago or other tran,frt of titfr to rhr n;urtgagrd prdprrt} m c-+tingu!-hmrnt of the tudrhtr.hrr,* ,a.urc.t hrrr•t.+.
<br />:dl right, title and intote+t of trio Mur tgagur m and to auy insurance pplicir, then m Aw.e .hall pa+n to for pw: hu+rt yr gt.auicc
<br />9, That us additional a:u! collatrr:d +eeunty tot rhr payment of rhr nuts dr.. nixd. and all +uar+ u+ hrc.anc due undo thi+
<br />rnurtgtrgc, rhr Mortg;tgur hart?} .us+gn, to rhr Murtgu}ee ^n protiu, reveuur,. ral•dur,. ttghta .uui brnehh .+.aiwng u+ titl~
<br />Mortgagor under an} and ;•tl oil anal K:+" tcu±r-. nn .cud prernt,e+. +rith rhr sight to trcri?r and rc.rtpt her the +amr and at+ph
<br />!farm W 3aia! inxkhtedue+a a, welt bei+xe at after default in rhr condttwnsof this uronyxge, .uai the >ter t{Eaµrr may detnarrl. ~+tr
<br />for and rrcuvrr any ,u,:h pa:mrni. »t;en due ;nd payable, trui ,hull nui l+e rcyunr~ .. ,. ,,. „~,..,..:tt:uurrlr i, t,..x,,:nrt.rte
<br />€rnd hrconrr nut3 and -.aatd +ip.:n ,cirnar at ttrtn rnrrtgagr
<br />erilL: a~ rd;r:.i iv s'Vi
<br />