i v ~ rw.a i ~ u i,~~•~~,i i. ~i „i mi ,. i G..r,
<br />IF,~~1r<,~+s~• - kl~i~ kh~h,wl °, ~MiIIFeItPn,~ms~wV,,„.~uhi I'~~ to Illu~i9aw!'; ~ ~.• ~ ...~-~,
<br />~j~ .-°"-i ei.~ -:-nZs v_ A°LTS~-$ ::a ~•,3b1~~"+:~i ~p .'rtf :StrK G,
<br />~Te~ r~.... JiY'id ~ ~t}d1t~0 39ollt$rs (;1L1O,t7O0.~j ..............DrLLAR~
<br />Wit:: ~. ter, :.~,'!y •f~a ~ar:e'r;~~ ut~. The Ffrst National Sank of Grand Zsland„ -
<br />Grt~ad inland, Nebraska,
<br />!snorigageej,
<br />Nall °`'yurst-°. -ins ;rate aj '$iel3raska ,the ;-%l;.Ywtin, desrrhzd prm:ises ~.
<br />~' I
<br />- ~r~ tr H$11 ~'r;rr,„`:. 7r. state o* Nebraska Ec;-u.7t-
<br />Lot Four (4), Block Sixty-Four (64), in the ~+rigirral
<br />Town of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />T7ie 1ntCrttl0li being fo convey herebi~ an absolute title in fee simple mduding all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAG'E AND TO HOLD the premises above descr%bed, scwth all the appurtenances thereunto belonging aento
<br />the said mortgagee or mortgagees and to his, her or their heirs and asszgns, forever, provided always, and these pres-
<br />ents are upon the express condition that if the said rnvrtgagor or mortgagors, his, her or their heirs, executors, admin-
<br />istrators or assigns shall pay ar cause to be paid to the said mortgagee or mortgagees andro his, her or their heirs, ex-
<br />ecutors, administrators or assigns, the sum of One hundred thousand and 00/I00
<br />Dollars, payable as follows, to-wit:
<br />As per note of even date.
<br />
<br />with interest thereon at per cent per annum, payable annually, according to the tenor and effect of
<br />the promissory note with interest coupons attoched of said Ivlostgagors, bearing even date u+th those pres-
<br />ents, and shall pay all taxes and any interest on, or maturing installments of prinripal, due on any prior mortgage und~
<br />assessments levied upon said real estate and adl other taxes, levies and assessments levied upon this nmrtgage or the+
<br />twee which this mortgage is given to secure, before the same becomes delinquent and keep the buildings on suidl
<br />piemises insured for the sum $ ,toss, if any, payable to steep first- rnortyagees or this mortgagee, or bath,h
<br />lion these presents be void, otherwise to be and renwin in full force. ~
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (sj That if the said murtgayor shat! fail tq pay such taxes and sorb interest on,~
<br />ar motoring installments of principal, due on any prior martguye and procure such insurance, then this mortyagee srwy
<br />pay suck taxes ar.d such i»terest on, or maturing installments of principal, due on such prior mortgage and proeure~
<br />such iitsswaiue; and the sum so advanced siriih interest at i;ine per cent shall be paid oy sold mortguyar, and this snarl-i
<br />age shall stand as security for the same. (tj That a failure to pay any of Bait! money, either principal ar interest an'
<br />this or nay prior mortgage, when the same becomes diie or a failure to comply uKth any of the foregoing agreements.F
<br />shall cause the whole sum of money herein secured to beconi2 due and collectable at o»ce at the option of the ruort-
<br />gagee.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED That said nwrtgagee, pending foreclosure of this morgaage m:d after decree and+
<br />pe>idmg stay thereon ar appear therefrom and pending sate of premises mortgaged, may pay such taxes and rnatiiringj
<br />interest ar maturing installments of principal, ou prior mortgages, procure such insurance and sack sums shall be
<br />added to the aiswun# due on detree and upon confirmation of sale by the court ordered taken eat of proceeds of sate;:
<br />or if rediiemed during stay, appeal or sale, such amoiints shall be collected the same os though it -.czre a part of such;
<br />dttree• ~,~- Merchants Deveiopment. ~~
<br />Signed this / day of ~•Q•i.i j9$/ PaTtn~rShip
<br />in Presence of i--~ _ ,
<br />----..._i_ . - _.. -........,.-..
<br />s J~
<br />