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~ ~ --- ~) ~x ~ U ~ :1~ <br />MORTGAGE LOAN't10. L 24 r O15 <br />KAK39U At y ktEAl t3Y THFSE wF4EN7S: That TAY E. Eppert and Kari L. Eppert, each iz: his and her <br />own right and as spouse of each other, Mortgsgor, whether one tar ntwe, at aasm~oe of the mat of <br />'iFasnt~r 7yvsraanr9 and nn~106 _~ LLARS <br />laamed to aid ntortgagrx by The FAttitable Bufldin~ and Lawn Amodation of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mott®~oe, upon >ltra of stadt of <br />card ASSOCIATION, Certifiate No. L 24,015 , do hereby grant, wnvey and mortgage tmto the said ASSOCIATION the Coifowiog <br />deaatbed real estate, situated in Ka0 Cotmty, Nebraska: <br />The southerly One Hundred Seventy-Seven (177.0) feet <br />of the easterly One 'Ii-totisand Ttro Hundred Thirty and <br />Seven Tenths (1,230.7) feet of the Northeast Qua:~.r <br />of the Southeast Quarter (NE's SE's) of Section Ttterity- <br />Four (24), TowCLShip Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) <br />tVest of the 6th P,M, in Hall County, Nebraska. <br />together witfi all the terxments, hereditaments and appurtenattrxs thereunto Eettrttgirtg, ustdudittg artaeltd ~. sit wrrkrwr ti3eaalse,. <br />wimtow shades, blimis, storm windows, awnings, heating, au' nsmiitiunutg. amt pittmbrag amt waktr akuupnaaat asd auaaeuaaa k''Aeayao, ptatagaf,. attpaas,, <br />refrigerators, and other fixtnses and equiprnent now nr hereafter atiat:lssei w Liar rw4ti w cnnnrwYKxi wash ad rttal aerate, <br />And wheresi tlare:~ said, mortgagor has' agrtxd sad does beredy agterr tlttpt the mtrrtgag~ur +haN aeei wr0 pay ap taa~t aadl akiarhkaasarralr 4a+taltt aa, <br />asaemed upon said premixs sad upon this mortgage attd tktr twad recsutvi ihavebr beu.rr the 'stuns staid ketctt~e ~; t+e frx~i <br />inaurana upon the buildings ott said prcmisea situated+n tare sttm of S 20, 000. t~0 payabka sw sard As~lt'ri'iAtii~ti aai tea deitet w tttri <br />ASSQCIATION the prslicies far said iasurantro: and mat to rnmmit +rr prruW any waste .m ar about sod laeroraa; <br />In tie of daf:tdt in the per(ornona of any of ttte arms sad .vndittum a! rho tmrrt~r +u rho btrttd racryed nsrreAy, rEs roue riMO, <br />on demand, ttr enti[kd to smnerdiate pusseaoon of the murtysgrd premises sod she tstwtgprr hart%rY aaatrat, trataiars .rri tads .,eaa w rise <br />ttturtgapce all the rents, rcventtes and intxrme to be +Irrived from the mtxttGMad pretrttac-+ftataK ut.h torte ai tie rtre,rrp/t ~alrill zeaatlrn <br />taspaid: and the mtxtga[gea shall have the power to appuiet my [[sent w aurora tt raaY Jastee iw tlr ptrtpcw ud tslrlf ari asurkaa~ <br />the aartte and otdktYing the rents, mventtes and atcome, and it stsaY paY aver or tad tnatnta ail sapemna +d ntfnwaSF ttMit jasOlalalra art arrarr <br />coannisaion5 alai expenses ituttr~! in rE»t ~! m~ t~ € ~.! ~~ ~ t ~ -, `~ ~ <br />ttpplanl towanl the discharge of said ttwrtgage rmttbsorittras; rhea rsehts atf the t~urtpgper tnaY br ett4rt'ded a! aaY urea duarkE tiEa ~ aat~ <br />daCadt, irreapectirz of any tamprsrary wakrer of tree Sartre. <br />These preaarna, tttrwcrar, a:z uprtn rhr t':radittatt, Chat sf the ut,Fi rd+.rtfpgprr tnatk r , fuser ,»r =rr tarsarr rn€ .,,gtt:ritYY ~ :.~ <br />palFrt~tt: pay rota:uhlY' to :ar! ~'~..~f.C' 'tA flitEt _,6 s#R n€.:. stir n :~ kt~+S ~ ~~~ 'w: :T .~ a~ ~~; R ;~> <br />the 1~!r4trliath day of zitckt anti zees t[trlt_ utstd ~+t~i ~ f ~lY Wit- ias~ u ~ i aaa ts~,i.: fit,--.s, ~t ,_2 `~ +>E:- <br />ard the 8.ettd ss4RtrEd ihrt~y, itaft;;r tlahn~ueta:~: ftut€r# apt ~.~ the ~ ;, m >~ ~ i . -- `'~' <br />6u'; ?~°~'i~=: 'fif~i; y ~ A~~"~~A.'1Y.f-~C ire yn _af t~ e. _~-` ~ _; - ~~ - <br />iha rttaaiatum heal rake thereon lium data of paytrtent alt trf wiia;b Mcst!'~tpn ~tQ§r a>_eroaa to ~- ratatYtner+- vs: d <br />_ paY•~~~r ++ttalrt starrW_'~•,^^ -°-•~ ~ ~ ~ ^ <br />whit aU the asreentantx std atnditwna ttf the Bond fat 5 ~0, Ot70, 00 the :lay ittrrtu EY tba .art ttiau t.e yud A1l:? t l 1rilr. slat <br />with ad the regttiretttents rd the Cunarlutton aml uuei AS~tlsf.'tA'i'It]Mt, darn thaw preaasrri: ~Eea'araw aty- veal, ~r ekatt <br />slid) rerrntin in full fora and rosy bas furat:ttxati ae ttr .pawn of eha sad A "h.£tX°iA`Yf~lN ai'Hti ittthrr+a the tl~ter eassis~rJrti, r,,t ~ ~ aa~i <br />paymtmts tar 4e three mtutths ur arrears to tnldtiryk rtti tnetatttly pyymauta, .st to ka+p anti .urapiY sh» ask~arrayaa sad r~ „# rtttai tlaaak <br />amt Mortgasrtt asreos w hart a reatistr appttasted Carrhrnh m swh fweckama pae.»,kugq. <br />if thoro is soy cEattga in trwtwrahip of the real aykara tnuatyyad basest„ by rail skt uaiaetrir, kiN rite apuw taarrrttti~ ~ itraadlt! <br />sceured erred, at the optktn of The Erputshk Btri{din~ amt Lunn Atttucuuwa tt! i;rart taianl, Nabtnrka, huarasa ~ .Mar aster p~Y! aasalaaaa <br />further mrtics. and the atttuuak reruwatrngk due ttndin sad brsyd, and auY wh.r Eaaati iw any ~ atthsarrata sttrsia ti[aa6aaMr, a7rY, :fit tkita <br />Bala of exercise of slat option, bear atterest ae the rata:unum istq! t;be, sell abet tnratt~r asy tAgs Err fusa~rrttt to trr~aly tMtt aittana ~r:wa tirr~ <br />bond, a~ any other bond fw tahtitiorul adrsrtrea, tayadatr wNh ail sums prod by rash Cake krpsttab4 Sruit~ seat l ear 4atwtar~aat w1 k:wrai <br />NttMadta Ca aanrance, texas std ataaaa:rnu, asd ttbarartuai aatsmwern rhtnew, rah tntuwa rhrewrp, rrrbtt ,talrr .+f asasaitrlrrt as air wrralrtwta <br />kbal rate. - - - <br />As prorated in the Band secured hereby, whtb thta tstrytfarNr +autauw rn ctfa t the sywt~aspa ++arY kaaNikp at/rawat atkiatarrtai +araat w Mia <br />satdtora o! sea! Bum[, tluir atta~pts w aw,.crrns ut urtetesr. ,rArzk wtrco era rttMa ttta ~~ar ,d rivet qpi r~ awe ss rm'~ <br />acetued thereby, the inlet atnuuni tr! papal dt:bi rxn to raaaa.t as any tea the +ntliwtt anrrewr s# tsar €arr~s. <br />~+ h ~ dixall [fir A u . to Sl <br />~. __~_._ <br />STATE OF NBBRiLSKA, ~ a, f)r+ this 4th +itsY ut DGaE.'E'Itlb4C k~ ~~ , haloes yr, <br />COUNPY OF HALL <br />the uwktrrrgrrd. a Notary ihihlic ra ftrr and Gtttrury, rater <br />Troy E, Eppert arxi Kari L. Eppert, Mach in his and her overt right ~as ~ a <br />other, wlw are parraavt}r ttau.a to <br />rae l0 6e the idmtipl penun $ whose soma S are atlkxed to the above tstakrtttrrni as ntortettbu 3 attd they <br />sdutowkrdsed the srai inrirttmatt to bo their vrdtut[my act and dad. <br />NpTN~ my ham[ and Ntstatgl Swl the dart aforazrui. - <br />My Cctmxnipion expkra ~ - j j , <br />t~a~ ~ ~ _ _- - _ <br />