<br />,~„~.,~.~ Hee L i$, ~O5
<br />_- ~ucfcAC[: LOAN No. L 24.014
<br />KI'eDte' ALL YfF7s EY'[1f1±3E PRE5FM5 Tttu JoYtti J. ~ and I3aloris *7. !~owran, each in his and
<br />hEr gi/tt ric~tt avid 3:. Sp.+s1SE of each Other, Mortgagor, whither one or mote, in wmidetation of the aom of
<br />'r'.,;.-tom, =t4,rar,xarx3 ~rrr3 mf3 _-- -- - - LLARS
<br />ktaeed W sand terxEpgor by The FgrritaDk Bo7dnrA and Loan Assaiation of Crwd Island, Nebraska, Mottgaga, upon 300 shares of rnodt of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Cer[ffrau No. L 24,014 , do hereby grant, convey artd mortgage unW the said ASSOCIATION the foBmvvg
<br />desarhed real eaate, sHsnted in Hai! County, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Five (5), in Block One (1), i.rt Capital Heights
<br />Subdivision, being a part of the Southeast Quarter
<br />of the SoutYiwest Quarter (SE;SW%) of Section 'IWO (2) ,
<br />in 'Ibamship Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) Wes
<br />of the 6th P.lvl., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />together with all the tenements, hercditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached floor coverings, all wiadrsw scream,
<br />window shades; blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equiptent and acceaories themto,pumps,atpses,
<br />refrigerators, and other tixttues and equipment now or hereafter attached to or rued in connection with said roil estate.
<br />Md whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and asaeaapenls kriod w
<br />assesxd upop said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond xcured thereby before the same shall 6eastm deiirtgtxat; to furpiait approved
<br />imruana upon [he buildings on said premises situated in the sum of; 30, 000.00 payable to said ASSOCIATION and to da-itn:r to aid
<br />ASSOCIATION Ute policies for said insurance; and not to commit or permit any waste un or about said premises:
<br />to tax of default k the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage or the bond secured heroby, rho nwttgyoe tdrdl,
<br />on derrmd, lie eptitkd to immediate possession u( the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor heroby assigrss, translate and cats ova to the
<br />mortgagee a8 the rents, revenrtce and inrwme to be derived from the mortgaged pretttises during such time as the trturtgaga indeht atoll tetnaia
<br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall have the power W appoint any agent ur agents it may desire for the purpox of repriting aatd premixes apd teatitt~
<br />the same and collecting the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay out of said income al{ expettxs of repruugi said prenuaas apd rsawaaary
<br />eommiaions and expenxs incurred in renting and nunagutg the wane and of colkctutg rentals thtroftupt; the baWtm mttuiniag, if any, to ba
<br />applied toward the discharge of said tnurtgage indebtedness; [hex rights of the ntwtgagee nary be exercised at any lima during the extxmtcx olak~
<br />de ault, irrespective of any temporary waiver of the same.
<br />Thex presents, Fwwewr, are upon the Cunditwn, T1ut it the said Murtgagarr stun repay slid loan un cx before the maturity of ravel sharrrs irY
<br />payment: pay monthly to said ASSOCIA'f1ON of the sum specified in the Hcind roamed hereby xs mtareat amt prtn4,tprl va aafd kaaa, rapt w badszir
<br />the Twentieth clay of each and every month, until aid Iwn is ftdly paid; pay ill taxes and asxssmonts IeviaJ against eat pmturs sad up flint Mostga~a
<br />and the Bond secured thereby, before delinquency; funtish approved iastttaact upon the 6uildipSS tharatza is lha ~ trf ~ 30, OLi4.t'}~ 1
<br />to said ASSSOCiATION; €epay to said ASSOCIATION open dernan:i all tnot~y by it pard t==t tar<€s, - -'s -`-~~°" Vii= its
<br />the mutimum legal rate thereon from date u( paynteut all of which Mortgagor heroby agrees to pay; parent nu w-ssta on said piiapiMa:kwp+astd eiaxp$e
<br />with a8 the agraments and wnditions of the Bond fur S 30 000.00 this day given by the sod Mwtppn to seal Amt'-IdTKiN, astd a'~t•4'
<br />with aIl [he regttirernents of the Constitution acrd liy-Laws of mid ASSC7CIA-ffO?~: [iron these preaania !ate br~rata r~tdf a~ vr~, aka r
<br />shat! restrain in fuU iota and may be fureckrxd at the option ul the said ASStri:IA't'IUN alter Cailttro fw three ratmlhs to atakr say ul wd
<br />prytaeats or be duce morrths N arrws in making said monthly pryntants, or to keep and cuniply with the atpaemeats and ettoditiva,t of said Nand:
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver apprsiated forthwith w suJt fineckuure procadirtgs
<br />If tltero u espy chaogc k ownership of the rW estate nasrlga8ad herein, by sale w otttarwim, than iha enure raataiaia4 wiel:adataaa hasaRy
<br />aecurcd sha8, at the option of The F.quitabk Building and lwn Association of (:rand Island, Nebraska, bauutm unmsditteiy dos sad payable wflhoW
<br />further notice, end the amount remaining due under said bond, and any other burnt fur arty additiuual advutvws ntada tiwtottatter, rbrU, true IIw
<br />date of exercix of aid option, bear interest at the maximum legal rate, and this mwtgrgn nary than be 1'waaussd to athty the asawtat due va trd
<br />boad,tutd say other band fur additioml advances, together with all sums prat by raid Tha t~gtdutbk Netiiditt{ sad Law[ Aaa!s4~ttist uC (;rttsrd laktad,
<br />Nebraska for insurance, taxes and asxsstttenls, and abstraetutg exianaasn charges, with internal thereon, from dale ul payment at the u~rsw
<br />legal tale.
<br />As provider in ihC Bond secured hereby, while this rnorigage cemams m eti'H:i the uicrrigatiae nuy hereafter advurv aJdtiswsai super to iha
<br />ntaken of said Bond, their assigrts w sucr~saurs in interest, which supa:ttall Ira within the security ut this srwstgaga the msrrta as the fupds wtNtaaBy
<br />atawed thereby, the total arnuunt uC principil debt not to extrzd at any lane the original anwunt ul` thu murigalp.
<br />Dated this 9th day oC T)eCe711laeL A. I3., ly 81
<br />.r ..-r7•
<br />i3olo Mc~waT1-~~ -
<br />S8'ATIi OF N68RASKA, ~ ~. ~ On this 9th day of De.~c~mber Iv tit . befwa ate,
<br />the undersigned, a Notxry Wblic in wd tut aist (:uunty, pnraunatly same
<br />John J. M4CsESwdit and DoloriS N. Stan, each i.21 his alld her lawn ri t and ass of
<br />~k'` other, ~~ pe~riuna~y known to
<br />tae W bt the idantia! petwag wlwse nantcg az^e affixed to the above i; trs~mea~s mort~u: S w~ tI1C'y ~ewraLy
<br />acknowledged the said instrurrxnt to be their voluntary ac:t and dad. / /ll ~ /)
<br />rtil77+(kSC my hand and Notarial Seal the date aforesaid. ', ., _... - -~
<br />Ny Cotnmiauon expires '' ~~"
<br />»r.ma an ~-- .
<br />[v ~ ~G(!i(Rrtil M9SARY-State al tkbraska
<br />~ f ~ ~ ~. _ ~Z [ ~ aan~es x. ot.s~t~
<br />++,r *~.w Mr romnr Erp. F.or. 13, 1983
<br />1,.~..~`:~.....~.
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