the purpose o€ acquiring land, buil9ings and equipment (herein-
<br />after called rnt,',"Project") located within the City, and leasing
<br />the same to Wilson Concrete Company, an Iowa corporation, as
<br />Lessee (hereinafter called the "Lessee"), under and pursuant to a
<br />Lease and Agreement (hereinafter called the "Lease and Agreement")
<br />dated as of December 1, 1981, by and between the Issuer and the
<br />Lessee. The Bonds are all issued under and are all equally and
<br />ratably secured and entitled to the protection given by a Mortgage
<br />and Trust Indenture (herein called the "Indenture") datet9 as a£
<br />December 1, 1981, duly executed and delivered by the I:~suer t~l:a
<br />Commercial National 13anic & Trust Company, as 'Trustee, whi~.h
<br />Indenture is duly recorded in the Office of the Register oi" Ii~N~te.'ip~
<br />of the County a£ Hall, Ne~araska, and reference ai3 hereb~° jade t.`:~
<br />the Indenture and. all supplements thereto fnr a descrigatin ~f r,Y~e
<br />property ~aortgaged, and C'he prouisions, amoncl otlh+~rs, wiy."~t re~it~seeri
<br />to the nature and extent of the securi*_y, the cilnts, utie~~~ an,i
<br />obligations of sai3 Issuer, the 1~rus+~ea and the h~l<~er~ <~£ i'~~°Me
<br />Bonds and the terms upon which the 8onda are issued ar-~ au~;i~ui~^~r+'#.
<br />The :~er'iea A Sonds shall redeemable r~_4' tF. a~° ?',.
<br />as follows.
<br />(a) Ssr'kes A Winds numbered ~. r~~, ~~,_,F F~a ~~~ _ tai ~~~
<br />~w:. .._
<br />December 1, 19g~, or on any dat+~ thervafteg, txr vh~ale .3t. i~ ~~e€,
<br />at the principal amDUnt th+areof pkus ac<rssvxi int~ceat to date
<br />fixed for redemption, plus a redecaptisan lrremi~rm ~n w~~rnlan w€~
<br />the schedule he:).~"?w, which pra«iuns is stated as a ue€r-+aes,ta~I,a ~P,I~f ;i:.~~~
<br />principal amount,:
<br />Redemption Dates Kedam~?t d~~i:P~~'~
<br />(Both Dates Inclusive) P'r~,„~ ,~mi~,
<br />~~,, - ~, ph„.
<br />December 1, 19H4 to November l0, 19H5 <ri
<br />Dece_+eber 1, t98~'to November 10, 141Ei ka
<br />1 f 8f. to November ~D. i98~
<br />D9Cember , 9 -
<br />December i, 19d7 to Novemb~+r 3i3, 1984 =~
<br />I£ less than all of the Series A Hoods so subject t.? rec~mli~ion
<br />ire redeemed at any one time, the Series A k1on~~ls shalt be cede.> tt~j#
<br />in inverse numerical order.
<br />iv
<br />