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i <br />$1--Ut~~s~3~ ', 8A1tTIAl,~ RELEAS,~ of RE11I, EsTi~TE MOR---~e~~'-~ <br />KN041 ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned, Carl <br />McCullough and Ivaloo McCullough, of Hall County,. Nebraska, the <br />mortgagees in the mortgage dated December 1, 1977, made and executed <br />by Richard L. Geist and Barbara D. Geist, husband and wife, and <br />Rudolf F. Plate and Jeannice R. Plate, as Mortgagors, to the under- <br />signed as Mortgagees and recorded in the office of the Register of <br />Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, and entered as Document No. 77-005975, <br />is, as to so much of the property as is now platted as Lot Fo.-ty- <br />Four (44), Westwood Park 5ubdiviaion, Hall County. Nebraaka <br />and being a part of the real estate described in said mortgage, fully <br />paid, satisfied, released and discha;:ged. This release is given an <br />the express terms and condition that it shall in no wise affect the <br />lien of the above described mortgage on the remaining land described <br />in said mortgage, but shall only be construed as a release from^, the <br />lien of said mortgage of that portion as is herein specifically de- <br />scribed. <br />Dated this /s-1- day of /)~>~F=k,,;~•r- 19J ~ . <br />-~ <br />~ / ~F ` .~ ~...~ <br />~ar~'McCullough <br />s , <br />'-~~~,~G~ ~-.4-~j :~ ~ Lf i. c f,<<-e. fig:` <br />Iva ao McCullough <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA 1 <br />( SS: <br />COUNTY OF HALL 1 <br />Qn this /~~ day of ,~~~ F „,fir- 19 S% , before me, a Notary <br />Public duly commissioned, personally came Carl McCullough and Ivaloo <br />McCul],~ugh, husband and wife, who executed the above release and <br />,.;acknowledged said execution as their individually voluntary act and <br />deed. <br />~~ WITNESS my hand and seal at Grand Ieland. NE in said County, <br />t and year last above written. <br />--.-.. <br />~1 L.' - !~-~} c < ~ j jam.. <br />4a~-.6R ~~ Notary Public <br />MY commission expires : _ '~~~ b, /,~'~ } <br />