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<br />81-ui(~303'~ <br />10. That the Mortgagor w~9 keep the' buildings upon said premises in good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste <br />upon said fend, nor softer the said premises to be used for any ualawful purpose. <br />I1. That if the premises, or any part thereof. I,e condemned under the power of eminent domain, or acquired far a public <br />use. the damages awarded, the proceeds for the taking of, or the consideration [or such acquisition, to the extent of the full <br />amount of indebtednes upon this mortgage and the note which it is given to secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the <br />Mortgagor to the Mortgagee, and shall be paid forthwith to said Mortgagee to be applied by the latter on account of the next <br />maturing installments of such indebtedness. <br />12. The Mortgagor further agrees that should this mortgage and the note secured hereby not be eligible for in- <br />surance urMer the National Housing Act within 60 days from the date hereof W ten statement of any oHScer <br />of tM Department of Housing and Urban Development or authorized agent of the Secretal , of Housing and Urban <br />Development dated subsequent ro tht 60 da time from the daft of this mortgage, declining to insure said <br />note and this mortpage, bring deemed corYc~usive proof of such ineligibility), the Mortgagee or holder of the note <br />may, a[ its optan, declare all sums recurred hereby immediately due and payable. <br />13. Thai if the Mortgagor fails tom ..:e any payments of money when the same become due, or fails to conform to and <br />comply with any of the conditions or agrctments contained in this mortgage, or the note which it secures, then the entire princi- <br />pal sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable. at the election of the Mortgagee; and this mortgagt may <br />thereupon be foreclosed immediately for the whole of said money, interest, monthly payments, costs, ground rents, texts and <br />the cost of extendirtg the abstract of title from the date of this fear to the time of commencing such foreclosure suit, atM a rea- <br />sonable attorney's tee, all of which shall be included in the dtcree of fforeclosure; and tht contract embodied in this mortgage <br />and the note secured hereby, shall in all resptcts be go-erred, construed •rnd adjudged h}' the laws of Nebraska, where fete <br />same is made. <br />71re rnvenants herein contained shalt hind, and the btnefits and advantages shall insure to, the respective heirs, t.*.ea:::^*s, <br />administrator. successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Whenever ustd, the singular number shall include the plural, the <br />plural the singular, and tht use of any gender shall be apulicable to all genders. <br />The foregoing conditions, rl) and singular, being performed according to their natural and hgal import, this conveyance <br />shall be void and said premises releastd at the expense of the Mortgagor; otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Mortgagor(s) ha ve hereunto set their hand(s) the day and year first <br />above written. <br />In presence of: ,~ ~. <br /> /~ <br />GLr(9J <br />" <br />'' `C <br />~ <br /> v <br />~ - <br />(SEAL [ <br /> tmior Ray y <br /> [SEAL[ <br /> ~~~ <br /> [SEAL [ <br /> Iais A. Do <br /> [SEAL1 <br /> [SEAL[ <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br />ss: >re eat.tae <br />COUNTY OF Hall <br />On this 7th day of peo6mbez . A.D. I9 g1, before me, <br />f <br />i <br />' <br />ll <br />A notary public m an aunty, persona <br />y cams <br />or sa <br />d C <br />d <br />dtutaor Ray Doty and Lois A. Doty, husband and wife <br /> personally t,i mt known <br />to be tht identical persork whose names are atfixtd to the above and fore- <br />going insttumtnt as Mortgagor, aced th®y have ACktliTwledged [he rauf lns[rumtnt and the <br />execution thereof to be their voluntary act and deed, far the purposes thtrein expressed. <br />In testimony whereof, l have hereunto set my hand and affixed-by'" stet at Grand Island, NE <br />an the day and dart last above written. _ , <br />`1 <br />f •" Arai t~l ~ ~+~~ <br />~, w ~ ~)~ Notary Pobtic <br />STATE OF NE@RASKA ~ ss <br />Filed [or record this day of A D. l9 <br />at ti clock M., and tntered in Numerical Index, and <br />recorded in &wk of Mortgages, on <br />Pam of <br />Rrgisttr of f)ttda <br />riU tl~g21~t.7M t~-N31 <br />.-nom w•e•a.r <br />