<br />pl 9~ REAL ESTATE MORT~asGE wwM ria z~a r.R (Rev 1 7~)
<br />_ Y-+,
<br />3a*> November"30, 1981
<br />Steven L. Bray and Mona J. Bray, Inusband and wife
<br />Mortgagors,
<br />or Hall county. Nebraska in consideration of
<br />the advance of Lhe print ipal. slim recited Ln the note beralr,after dascr lbed, receipt of which is acknowledged, hereby
<br />mortgage and convey to
<br />THE FEDERAL LANG BANt OF OMANA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas Couni7, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit Building. Omaha, Nebraska 68100,
<br />Mortgagee (sub,l ect to oil, gas, and minerr_1 :': vhts .nvned by ,art tea -?Cher than Mortgagors: existing easem~~t~ of
<br />record: reservations Sn united States an.^. Stst.e patert~; ~r.•;d the :~+.Khts ^( the punllc 1n all highways), the folivwing-
<br />described rent estate in Hall ,fop;;~.y, Nebraska ,
<br />SEC. T1YP.
<br />Lot 3, Block 2, Westroada Estates Subdivision - - - - - - - 35 11N 10 W 6th P.M.
<br />together wl th a1! o.* tine right, title, and !nt.eres[ .! the urrC gsgv r, tr. =xld property. Including all buildings,
<br />lmprnvemer,ts, fixtures ~SPPurtanatlcas now -.rr here+,f[.er 'r.^!~.c:11^,.~. ipparat':°., «~gi,IP.^.,ant, flxtt:res nr
<br />eies used ~ c•„pply nest. g~ sir ^nr; ilrirt=ln~c, Nei e..~ .+ar *'A{r+~.r t,;_+a, -a ar •r ,,char s?rv-
<br />~es,urldthe furr11sh1ngs cuscomari!}' vr•apP:ropr!ate.y .ni~!.~ ? uy -c.... .F}s..~s ~u;.!.~g. _..t. not limited to,
<br />m. r!' aetis »i.r,~-ws, se-r'm wir:dv:vs n•, sir r'-~~ - - -r, a~. --- awnings
<br />stvve3~, S'ztrlgerat::rs, water heater's, air ,:ott~»lttunz:•.-,fhu.,.1.-1. ,at d .N-,:.a, .*,.rra.t.. f whi:Y;
<br />a^e de::l~.,red ~ t?e ,j part of the caul .state, whath~r i~ty1~.. , ., s=...c.. .. . .: .+ -t.d ,.ze.^w.. , -, t...-e..,,
<br />*-_-ne 4ectirity fu;' Llte lndehte.+ness herelnafLer des.^rlher,
<br />Tills ~__*[Paga ~s .Ivan re sz`^ure a Aremissorv nare ,,r avet -a_a .,,.t-»+Ir,. ex -:._.; b4~ w.t ~~_a- ~ rt¢a.-e, Sn
<br />~e ~r•1ne±~ ,t FIFTY-BIGHT_THOUSAND TWO_HUNDRBD AND NO/100 - - ~_?r-~A!ls
<br />c~YaS,e to =.,st.o~=menuwi th Interest according ,.e ti.e trr-x., .. v1 ~ .~, ~. •. t;z :~.., ..,.z-.m.~.,~s, t. -„z,,,n .rtr ~,,, :aY-
<br />eiaie or. the first day of~ De Cember, 2006 :hi: ^ ,t;vey ante steal: na v,~id ;tpan T-na payment 7? said
<br />promissory note.
<br />Tire Mortgagors agree to pay, if requested by Mortgagee, un each installment date, 1:: :rdditlon to the sums required
<br />lr. the above-described promissory note, scum equal to the amount datennined by the Mortgagee required tv accumu)ate,
<br />and pt~y the insurance premiums on pollvias nY fire at;d other hazard Insurance cbve.•1ng the murt.gagad pr•emises, tmd
<br />the real estate taxes and assessments due an th2 mortgaged i~ramises Se, days 1•t•lur '-s~ the ua dates thereof. Itt
<br />4he event Lhat ttte sums accrued for the payment of the sold premiums, !°txas, ~.•r r;3essments :are 1n:;uFficlent, the
<br />tioi't6agors will, upon request, pay sash sddl Glbnal sums prior to the 4u•~ :fu±,~ thrnwt. All sums received therefor
<br />shall bs aPPlied on the PrinciPai balance until such time as t.!tey are wi thdruwr, by Mortgagee fer the payment of
<br />said Premiums, taxes, or assessments,
<br />This mor4gsge Ss subject Lo the provisions at THE F'AFM CREDIT ACT and all nct.s at,MUn»atury thereof or supplemental
<br />L`nnrdto. i'ha Pradaads vt rho loan secured Hereby wlii ba used for the purpose.: rPecif ied in the iiartgugors, appl!-~
<br />cation for sold loan rind :wtdtvrized by ,aid Act.
<br />The tortgagors, and each at them, hereby w?rrr:mt that they are fee rnvrtc:~s ~?[ t-he mar tgug~-d real property: Chat they
<br />will defend 4he title agalns4 +11i claimants whomsoever, and that :;aid i,rr+perty 1:: fret f7~nm nil eueumbr+xa^.as: that
<br />ttreY will keep all the improvoments, tix ttu'es, and appurtenances occupied and !r. g;.od repast' and pcrniit nn ants c+?
<br />waste'' and they will rellnqul sh all rights of homestead in sold premises, and rovenur,t. acid agree with the fortgagee,
<br />as fallnws:
<br />(1) Tnat they will P+CY when due all taxes, liens, ,)utlgments, or :issessments which may ha lrwtully ,assessed ariulust
<br />the proPBrtY heroics mortgaged,
<br />(2) Tttat they will insure and keaP Lnsured buildings or other tmprvvemenc< n~~.v nn or which may hereafter br placed
<br />o[i sold premises to the satlsfactlotl of lire Hurtgabea, such insurance polls}• ahail be enuvrsvd with + mortgage ;~l+tusa
<br />with the loss thereunder to be PgYable to the Mortgagee, Any sums received ray be u::+„1 c.u t,:xY for r•:=uru;truc-tl.?n
<br />of the destroyed improvements; ar, !t not sn applied, may, st the aGLiun ,+f the Mortgagee, be applied Su tymzn! et
<br />spy Sndobtedness, matured or-urunatured, secured 1?y this mortgage.
<br />tai Ti1a4 In the avant the Mortgagse is a party 4o a:ry 1ttl~,at is±t::tf fe+•t lag the security or '.he :Sea ~.r .: mar t~~
<br />gega, inGluding atyy stilt by the Mortgagee Sa tvraclvzse this urorLgate ;,r may suit. °n which the Mortgxgee meth ha numaci
<br />a pAt'ty defendant in whl oh tt 15 obligated to protect its ,,*lghts yr ;fan, 1nr Lrd!ng cwu]amu:: [.ten 2nd bartkrupt~•y
<br />pPOCdeditrgs the Mortgagee may Incur expenses and advance payment for shstruot fees, attart:oy feo" ,ax~•~~pt. t., the
<br />ax4en4 Prvh1•bltad Dy law), cnets, expenses, and ether charges.
<br />
<br />