M!DR'1'CiAt3E ap~,'°"!)U5986
<br />'PhtvAfbrtgagaisentered-into between Jerry E. Martin-and Marjorie M. Martin,
<br />Itusband And Wife.
<br />(herein "Mortgagor") and
<br />- (herein "Mortgagee"}.
<br />MorfidMgor is indebted to Mortgageg in the principal sum o[ ~ ~ 9.'.Y, non nn ,evidenced by Mortgagor's note
<br />dated 12 2 81 -(herein "Nobs") providing.for payments of principal and interest, with the balance of the
<br />indebtedna~s, it not sooner paid, due and payable on 1 31 82 ,
<br />lbaa<cttre the payment of the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment of all ether sums, witlt intat~E,
<br />adrlrtced by Portgagee to protea;t the security of thin Mortgage, and the performance of fire covenants and.agrcertteats of
<br />the 'Mortgagor C?~raEasned herein, Mortgavor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee -the following destxibed
<br />property looted fn X11 . t:ounty, Nebraska:
<br />Lots One (1) and Four (4) in Lindsay Subdivision, Grand Zsland, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska
<br />lhgether with alt buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, privileges and
<br />lotwted thereon or in anywme pertaining thereto, end the rents issues and profits, reversions and rcmaindera
<br />thereo[; including, hat riot limited to, heating and coding equipment and such personal property that is attached to the
<br />hTtpeowrarenta no as to cartitute a flxturc; dl of wdich, including replacements and additions thereto, is hereby declared
<br />to be a part of the read estate aecarcd by the lien of this Mortgage and all of the foregoing being referred to herein ss the
<br />.,~~,».
<br />Mortpgor further ownanauts and agrees, with Mortgager, n slows:
<br />1. Payment. To pay the: indebtedness and the anterest theteaa as provided in this Mortgage and the Nate.
<br />Y. Title, Mortgagor is the owner of the Property, has the right and authority io mortgage the Property, and
<br />rrurants thaE the.lten created hereby is a Mat and poor lira on the Property. except as may othetwise be set forth herein.
<br />G3-Tire Property is subject tat a Mortgage wl~rcan .~... .......~____Tn„~_ ____.
<br />is EMr ddoetgepge, tvmrdsd at Book , Page n~ a---:- - or the Atoorteage Aacorda aft County.
<br />i~u, wiEidt w a Iran peor to tine hen created hereby.
<br />_ -- --
<br />^ Other pecor liens or encumbrances:. _ _ .. _ _ ..
<br />$. Tss:aa, A1Ellnawpnts. 7b poly when due all texas. special assessmeota and all other charges against the Property
<br />~i tipQn written aieraaed by Afortgligee, to add to the payman4 required under the Note sa!catrvd hereby, web amount as
<br />tAly.be _siiflldegt Ea eoabk, the Mortpgee to pay ouch taxes. assessmeata or ocher charges as they become due.
<br />i. trpggwrw, To reap tits improvements now or hereattet located os the mat estatr deaeribad herein insured
<br />agfMtbt alatRage by fire and nosh other hazards m Mortgagee may require, in amounts and with companies aaccep4We W the
<br />AWetgagee, and witA lose payable W the Mortgagee. !n cane of lose under such puUcies the Mortgagooe [s authorised to
<br />. asW~ct atgi, is iM ai~xettotr, sic adaims tttezeunder at its sak opiJoa, autharitwd taeitherapply the
<br />ploale~,t+t the ~: of the Ptx~erty ar upon the iadebtadtveas secured hereby, but payawate hereundtr stuA con-
<br />t~ouR itotii tip w+t4s iNauaad hetrbY ue paid M -Nil.
<br />i. [] ts~eemw Par _ _- N>Ltxrith3tafadia~ anytbia~ contaitt€d is pasagrsphs d and ~ heraaet to the
<br />~. s pay to f~ fgottgagce at the thew of paying the moattltly imWlttteaty of principal and in€eresi,
<br />tw)tlfth of t'he, Y,~' taXlt, weaameats, harard )uwrance preaatucts, and ground rents pf any) which may atWn a
<br />pdotlEy ever this Mortgage, all, as yeapaneldy estimated Rom time to time by the Mortgagee. The amounts so paid shat! 6a
<br />Iptd by. tht Mortglgte; wltttotit-intereaE and appiled to tba patyment of t4r items is rvapect to whktt sucA amounts were
<br />ttid. 'iUc suQa p!sid to Moetpgee imreunder are pledged,a6 additional aeCUrity for the indebtednlas secured by this
<br />~, ~. ~spttiF to ~ s6eamttunt o[ satY deficiency between the actual-taxes, astesaments, ittsuranee
<br />gtatt~ttis, arkd•gfnstlnd a[gEi and the dtpoaiq heratmder within 10 dsya ratter demand is made upon Mortgagor requesting
<br />p(tYt4tnt,t#erit~ot;
<br />ti, tia~ttit lad tilt. To proaapily repair, restore or rebWld any buildings or improvements now ar
<br />MMtMt oq flee Pipay4rtY; to keop the Psaperty la.good condition and repair. wiWOUE waste, and tree from mechanicis or
<br />tl~el[1iaffi.ns}t ~!_~ ta}-flit haft; got to mtke, suffa2 or permit any nuisaaee tq exist, nor to dimio-
<br />~S os ' tl;ce "*apiv.ct isle. Ptty ter' :nY act or Mara to nets and to iwrapiy with nit regnircments of law with
<br />to `sY.
<br />