<br />i',
<br />REIAt ESTATE t40RTdAdE ~-
<br />81- ti~U5951
<br />r6RM FLB za8 ~~(Rev. 1-~~77} ° + ~~~
<br />care November 24, 1981
<br />Larry D. Fartridge and Dorothy Partridge, husband and wife
<br />'. __ Mortgagors,
<br />of Hall ~. ~otn,ty, ,Nebraska in consideration of
<br />the advance of the principal sum recited Sn the note hereinafter Aescrlbetl, receipt of which Ss acknowleAged, hereby
<br />mortgage antl convey to
<br />THE FEDERAL- LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Oouplas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omsha, Nebraska 68100,
<br />Mortgagee (suD~BCt to oil, gas, and mineral rights owned by parties other that Mortgagors; exlstirg easemen:° of
<br />record; reSarva6jons !n tfilted States and State patents; and the rights of the public in all highways), the Tollouing-
<br />described real aerate in Hall County, Nebraska ,
<br />SEC. TMP. R8.
<br />aonta/ning 142.01 actors, mare ur less, together wttS! all et the riti'rt, title, irt.l i.~tera~t
<br />(new owned ar hereaf.ter saquiretl) of the norcgagors Sn :aStl property, ?nciuQlnq all bullAing::, imProvaments, itxtures,
<br />or appartenan@es thareoti cr hereafter pl~~zA thereon. all water, +_..*rlgatian, ?~A :±rai.^.?aga rlght4; the [ane~mants.
<br />haredltaments, and appurtenances thereto and the rents, issues, rroGS, and Prafiis arisipg from s'titl rands: trod (if
<br />the tiartgagbrsi rights in the puailc -.main at'e re~~lrsff Dy Mart-fir '='.r .--r~:=r1 =;,= Ezrpaa?;,. ~i.i iea3e~. peiiai €.,
<br />iiaenses, ar prlvi2egas, appttrtansst or uanappurtonant to said mortgaged premi,es,;:i:w ar h@reatter Ss::ued, axtendeil,
<br />or renewed to the Marcgagars Dy the ;!Hired Stales ar the state 1'. wnirt: ',... -.t,~:~'e iescrl bed p* , rty ?., iacuted cr
<br />4ryy 11epa1'r~t@tit, Duren:, _ ~ agent *_^.a=suf.
<br />Sti1S~mnrtgaga to g1 Yen tr2 =acute a ^-real<_-sary Hate of eYen :iaUe ;lei`ewith, e&ertad a.Y oar**-_-t.~tt's to nartcagae, in
<br />r~ prinolplt} df FORTY^ItiiO_1tf0U5AND SIX HUNDRED 1iIiD Nil/100 - - - - - - - - - - ntlL.lb4R~,
<br />pajta)tie with intar@st aaeal'~fnit tv the term f CSC note, :na ..°i;:x. ;:-~a~tt rung -:.r€ ryrsa ,~aDlR :,,€ the first day
<br />- - 1992
<br />- of ~$LtUS'rYr - --_. --..--. Sala eanvayanez :hail De ra4d upon '-hP PAymane ~,f :rid Prcxnl s9oty note.
<br />Tula aartgage is sub,,}tact to the provisions of 'iHK FARtt CASDIT a^„f and alI acre assandatary thereof or supUlemental
<br />thfavto. 'ltte proceeds al the loan secured hereby will Da used far the purposes specified Sn the Martgagors~ app11-
<br />catitat for sold loan and authorlsetl Dy sNd AcL.
<br />'Me-HangB~rs, and each of them hereby warran€ that they era fee ewaers of ttre >~rtgaged real Prop@rty; that they
<br />will ~latid the title agslhst alb claimants wbonsaavar, and that said property !s free Pram all aneumDrarices: that
<br />they w132 Keap all the t~irovements, fSxLUres, srui appurtenances aacupied and Sn goad repair and Permit uo acts aT
<br />waste; and they will rellnqulsh all rights of homestead in said preaiszs, -end covenant Hoff agree with [he Mortgage@,
<br />ae talIows;
<br />[tile) prope`r~h~rein nortgaged~e all taxes, liens, ,lodgments, or assessments which may Da lawh!!ly assessed against
<br />(21 liter they will lnatu'e end kaeD insured buildknga ar ether lmpravementa now on ar which may h~rauftar as placed
<br />on said prewlses to Lhe satlafectlon of the Hortgagee, such lnsurahee Paltry shall b@ endorsed wltll a n:urcgage clause
<br />wltd ttla lass titeraunder to Da payable tc the ttarttggag~~. ARy sums received may ba used Go pcty tar reconstruction
<br />of the destroyed isprovements; or, 11 not so applied, may, aG the opClan at the Mortgage@, D@ rpplled !n P.yym@nt of
<br />af(Sr SA4eb tadnesa, matur'ad ar unmaturad, s@cured by this mortgage.
<br />- (~ Tn paY 431 yenta, leas, or Charges now due Or GO Decasa flue uhder the [arms of each I@ase, ParmiC, ltcaclse, or
<br />pr Yilega on the Dublic dctaain which !s appurtenant ar nonappurt@naot to the mortgaged premises, which has Da@n
<br />isau@d; Bxta~acd; ar rahawa3 Dy -tea !;tilted S-rates ar the atata !n whim tyre aDav@-d@scr1D@d proi>@i°ey is Iac~ltc~cl end
<br />to pe_rLt sad €riisprva every act, cavanaut, aandltian, and s€1pulatian n@Cassary w keep @acD of t.ha _.ama Sn .rd
<br />aLAt{dlp~: and to te72e eYary naeesasry stab GO aaaura the r@1a&u9, retlewal, or axtariaion nC eaCtt of the aama, ltlt t,3
<br />aaalgn, waive, pledge, or endof'se to the Hortgage@ @aaD leas@, pei'mlt, I1C@nae, ar prlvllag@ If Martgagors+ right:,
<br />i€) puDllo domsin era required Dy Mortgagee tar security ivrpas@a.
<br />t
<br />(4) TAa6 Sa the eYeRG rile Nortgagee Sa a party to any 11 t1gatlon of-. uting the actor! Cy or the .lien of its murc-
<br />¢ lneludinq sap{ 9u14 Dy the Nortgngla to foraclosa this mart$aga or any suit in whlah the Hartlgagao may to Hamad
<br />!- ~ 1mTr,y data tin-whi -it is ab tg+itad to protect its rights ac lien, including aanti@mttattatt anil Ditlkt upic~y
<br />E pr~uadln8a t3r@ Hartgagaa may Incur expenaaa and advance payment rot aDStraat fees. attorney tees ~axca~ ,~ the
<br />extent pa' {hired Dy law). caat@, expanses, sad Quiet aher`g@s.
<br />?~} '11144 in the aYen4 [tie Martge~ara fail Ca D4Y wDan due qtly tax4&, Hens, .+, udgmatit:;, ot• asse::sm@nis, •.+i` Ittll t,n
<br />elA, fatale ftisut~uaa. as Derelnbetora provided. or fail to pay rears, fees, ~r 'sargas uadat thr+ ~ervn- any ri~
<br />f patialt; Eicensa, or prlvtle~p; ar Mortgagee is required to incur expanae~ tar SDstraar ees, attt r2ty c ,
<br />el~nses. andctlaar cliaraae Sn cnneatias w1 €h :lt.it4atlcn. HorLgYgae rdyy sit: c,r ~,y~avr t rc: ' ~ ~, ~.
<br />s,1'-incur Ala ahi3q'arlon. attd- hit feats paid tharafer shall D€aa 4 a.t ~ to ,d+rbt t,~v z Scsrct~
<br />- a6d ~ya)ta S~:dla.a:~, ettd ;T,RII Darr Sn^eet Errs rile date et pa~ri. _« r,~ .aHT ry.e _.. ,s, ,e1 tar refaa;t
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