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APiNJ/rC~ ~ iti lafifk ®~~ - <br />0''`""' ~ ~ `"_°_"_`; ~'-'`~-_'~-- -r ....~ U 5939 <br />c. 81 <br />Approved as to execution: <br />FORM 5866-A ~ ~ ~'. B. T <br />Should the title ~ thi; leasehc~ at any time- during its life become <br />Land, then this lease shall become ipso facto null and void. Any sale or cct~ ~ - bf >4~~aGtfl <br />cagy with it said leasehold estate and the- purchaser or grantee shall bernme bound by the terms 'hereof as <br />fully as-the original Lessee. The Lessee is also to notify the Lessor of any transfer of the title of the abutting <br />property owned- by the Le- ee. <br />As a c»tisideratioa for this lease the Lessee is to pay in advance to the Lessor One Dollar per annum; to <br />pay alt taxes and assessments levied upon the leased premises during the continuance of this lease, not includ- <br />ing taxes or as?;essments levied against the leased premises as a component gart of the railroad property of <br />Lessor in the state as a whole; to plow and maintain upoa the outer boundary of I.esso~s 400 foot right of <br />way, or as near thereto as practicable, a fveguard at least six feet wide; to keep the leased premises free from <br />combustible material; to plant no trees ur shrubbery, and to erect no structures thereV;.n; to put nothing upoa <br />the leased premises which might obstruct or interfere with the view; to close safely and securely, immedi- <br />ately after using, any gate, opening or bars in the fences of the Lessor which the Lessce may have acgr:red, <br />or during the term hereof may acquue, the right to use, and not to use any such gate, opening or bars which <br />the Lessee may not have acquired the right to use. Lessor reserves We right to take temporary or perma- <br />nent possession of all or any portion of the leased premises whenever their use may become necessary or ex- <br />pedient, in the judgment of [he Lessor, for railroad purposes, including the location of public or private ware- <br />houses, elevators, or other industries with the design to facilitate :md promote traffic, or for, ur in connection <br />with, drilling for or mining of oil, gas, coal or other n•Snerals of whatsoever nature upon or underlyi;:g the <br />surface of the ]eased premises by the Lessor or by othra with its permission. <br />In addition to the foregoing covenants and agreements, the Lessee agrees to cut and remove, or spray with <br />weed-killing chemicals, all weeds on the leased premises. IE khe weeds are not controlled as above specified, <br />and any governmental agency takes action to eradicate the same, and bills the Lessor for the cost thereof, Leuee <br />agrees to either pay the bill so rendered or reimburse the Lessor in the amount thereof, if paid by the Lessor, <br />i nis tease is subject to ail outstanding superior rights, including those in favor of telegraph and telepitoae <br />com,.-antes and for public highway purposes. This lease is made without rnvenant of title or to give possession <br />or fur quiet enjoyment. If by reason of a line change, or otherwise, the title of the Lessor shall cease before <br />the expiration of the term above provided as to the whole or env part of the leased premises, or if the teasing <br />of the alwve described premises is held to be, or should become, inconsistent with the law of tbe land, or if the <br />whole or any part of the leased premises is required by or taken by action of any governmental authority or <br />body for any street or highway or other public use, this lease :urd all rights, privileges and obligations hereby <br />granted or imposed shall forthwith cease and terminate, in whole or in part as the case may be, but without <br />prejudice to env right of either or both parties hereto, in the situation last mentioned, to make claim against <br />such governmental authority or body. The Lessee shal- have the right to cancel this lease at any time upon <br />:3n days' written notice. <br />'I'bis lease is made subject to the right of fire Lessor to grant such licer[srs and easements unto third persons <br />as it in its sole discretion shall deem to be aecessary,convruient or appropriate. <br />Lessor also reserves to itself the exclusive right to permit the location of advertising signs of any kimi what- <br />soever on the leased premises. <br />This lease is to berome null and void upon the failure of Lessee to keep any of the mnditicros h~af and <br />n4[ to 6e ~csinued without the .vritten ctrurrrt of the Lessor. ?'he L.esscr will surrender peaceable pa- <br />sl~}q~tpigraisc~s at the expiration ur termination of this lease. <br />f `.~;.•^Itis tiwidsiCSii6ttd that alI arvrnarrts and agrerrnents herein recited are made by the patties hereto for, and <br />;4",s'bt bindit~.irpt+n, themselves arrd their heirs, ezect[kars. aeirniuistrators, successcxs and assigns. <br />_ _ - .. <br />IBr <br />__ <br />., - • , , <br />f?aced ..... _ . ,,.~` "~ . ... . <br />....clay of . 15~=`. . <br />~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'v']tilt) eiOC ~r't:rz, <br />c: ~~1-.F?-«i, . ~ `tyre ~...- .;.. y ..... f3v ~-. <br />tttettr-" y r~~" ,, f 1)it~tor - Rtal k=statc <br />•7 a a.` t~.. ~.. (Seal <br />Ass[stant rotary. <br />'alter foty~oing+ieasg is accepted upon terms therein stated on this.- '.'.._ day <br />c>f. r` C - ~, .19 .. . <br />Wihress: <br />..._ <br />aa~.'t'-° iki.. ` •~ .i.. ~• .~ / <_s.~. i zee ~~L~~. <br />(A. F. Reynolds~f Lessee. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />