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DEED OF T~L'ST 8~,-- Iat~59?4 <br />TH[S DEED OF TRUST is made this..... 24t?, of t•?ovemher <br />19.e}-., tttontt the Trustor, R er 4?. Loft and r?onna R. ~ I,uft, ?'ushartd ~ and 07ife• ~ ~ ~ <br />and Lu1~'xt Plumbing and ~ Hea~tirig, ~ Inc . ~ ~ . ~ " ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ John ~F. ~ ~ • <br />.. ......... ......... (herein ''Borrower'")........... °rowriell.. . . <br />... ....................... .. <br />Attorney at Law ......therein "Trustee"), and the Beneficiary. <br />Cormnercial Savings Company of Grand Island „• a corporation organized and <br />existing under the Iaws gf..hebrasl-a , whase address is ............... . <br />2].21 *?. Webb Rd., Grand Zsland C?F 68801 (herein"Gender"). <br />Hoxxowett. in consideration of the indebtedness herein rrc;ted and the trust herein created. irrevocably grant+ <br />and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with pa ver of sale, the following described property located in the County of <br />Hall State of Nebraska: <br />The Westerly Fifty Five (°5) Feet of Lot One (1) in plock. Plighteen (].8) in Pac}:er <br />and ?arr's Second Addition to the City of Grand Ist_and, °all County, P?e?,raska. <br />Lot Seven (7) in Bloc}; One ??undred Seventeen (117) in Railroad Addition to t>,,e City <br />of Grand Island, F?all County, C'.ehraska. <br />Lot Fight (8) in Rl.ock Thirty six (3F,) of 'harles Wasmerrs Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island, tall County, *tehraska. <br />South Thirty Feet (30') Lqt *tine (^) , C'ortherly Sixty Five Feet (P`65') i•ot Ten (10) <br />Block Three (3) in Ingalls Turner subdivision, ~'il.lage of Cairo, Hall County, t?ehraska. <br />Lot right i8) Bishop jreig>'ts Su*xlivision, located in part of tie Southwest quarter of <br />the 9grt)=west Quarter (SY'ti*?W~) of Section eleven (11) Township Eleven (11) "'orth Range <br />Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, ?'ehraksa. <br />Lot Seven (7) in Flocl: Thirteen (13), in Poqgs and Hill's Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island, Hall County, *?ehraska, <br />Lot Q, Bloc}: 16, University place, an Addition to the City o£ ;rand Islanr', ?'all <br />County, Nebraksa. <br />The tTesterly Thirty Five (35) Feet of Lot Four (A), in Plock Four (4), in the <br />Original Town, now City, of Grand Island, Clehraska. <br />Lot Fifteen (15) in Hawthorne Place Aeing Apart of the northwest. quarter (PA?4) of <br />Section ^Wenty-Two (~2) in Townshir~ Fleven (11) ^?firth, Fange Cline (°j) , Frest of <br />the Sixth P.M., Hail County, Nebraska. <br />I,ot Three (3), in Block Forty (40) in and Parr's seconR Addition to the <br />Citp of Grand Island, ?tall Count-y, `?ehraska, <br />ADORE'SSESe 191ta W. Plakr±, Grand Tslgnd NF. p;8801, '~12--(~'td ta, lAt, rra;;d T~'!a.^.~4 ?•tF r;ap(?1 <br />1512 W. .john, Grand Island *?F. 58801, Ingalls; and Turner, Cairo ??F t,a824, 4328 Sherwood <br />G a~7 I lad N ,, 6 8 827 W }Ot f>zan Isla d "'F t;?t801 ?11 t•?, c-uster G nd 1IS7.and <br />N~`, 6880s1, 8301 Rast2~t~y_G~~~o~sG~~~dCTs~~~l!^F~S~Bt~ClSycaifiore rand Island ~1~ 68R(}1, <br />which has the address n ... ..... . <br />Ist,aeU Ic,+rl <br />........ (herein "Property Address") <br />t5tete end zip Ccna! <br />Toot-tltEit with a!I tht rmputvcmrnt+ naw ur hcrcaurr ~rirtrd nn the propcrry. and till ra+uncnts, rrghis, <br />appurtenances, rents (subject however to the right+ and authonnrs gnat hcrcrn to Lcndcr to collect and apply such <br />rents), rnyaltic+, mineral, ail and ga+ nghts and profit,, water, water nghts. and water stock, and all fixtures now or <br />herc.tttcr atriched to the properly, al! ui which, tncludmg rtplacements and additions thereto, +hull tx tlectned to hn~ <br />and rcnt:un a pttrt ,.f the propcric nncred h} this Decd ul Tnt+t: and till of the foregoing, together with +aid pnrpcrt~ <br />(or the IcascMtld c+tatc d thr+ [bed of Cruet n tin a Ic;nrholdi are hercm referred u? as the "Prupcrty'•; <br />n,q(r. za , 1"el <br />t"' ~ 3 Tt) St.('uit{ Iu Lcndcr i a) the rcpa}'mcnt +rt the indchtcdrurrrr t v~~t~`'ic ~i~ tiv An.rnwrr', natc doted . <br />~~~_ thereat "IVotc"), m the pr~rtctpal,um uL '.~nP(~{t(fn~YYe~' "'wel,ve ""~oitsara?. ^i~ !tuna re<'. <br />t ~ t~ z y-Four Dollars anc? 45/LOn-_""~'l;rhllars, with rmerest thcrcYtn, providing Far monthly installment. <br />t}~)~,,+5 ~# [rrinrinut and rnit•rost. with the balance of the mdeht.dnc+s, rf not wooer paid, due and payable on <br />r ~`~~vovetnher ;30, 1H89 the payment of :d! cHher sums. wnh interest thcrran. atlsanevd <br />' to acceudnncc hen•wt1M let pnrttYt the x•curit} of the, Ik~rd of Tru+l: and the pcrformancc of the cuacnant, .utd <br />agrccrtitints tit ~rretwcr hu'citt cuntuincd; ;utd i tat the rcpaymcut tit any future aduanecs, with intcn•,t thereon. rnadc <br />to $rxruwrr by Lettdcr pursuant to paragraph ? I ttcrcof t hercm "Future rtdv;mcrs" 1 <br />NiNrt>wcr cnvcnanta ttntt Hurruwcr n lawfully +cucd „t the e+tate hereby ~oaveycd and ha+ the nght to grant and <br />cunrvy the #'rrtpirty. ttutt tlic Frctpcrty is uncncumirertd..urd that 8crrrowcr writ warrant and defend generally the <br />htk tU file Prrrprrry against ail cla+m+ and dctnantl+. ,uh}ra n+ any dcctar.won> casement. ,er restncuuro h+ted m a <br />sehcdulc td cxci:piwns to stxeragc in .uty irtle rnsuranc. fxrl,,.) ~nwrurg Lender', inien•,i in the propcrtyr <br />irxte~ + is a ?..,v~. `n i~iAi{~~ irliii~Yi iirliAaairri <br />