<br />It!ORTGAGE
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN Nn. _ L 24, 012
<br />KNONALL-t7ENBYTHESEPRESEN'1'S:That Beverly M. Paulick, an unranarried widow,
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, io ootesideration oC the tmm of
<br />Forty Thousand and rio lOC •----_____~~__~~_w______~.~__M..____~_w_~__~__ ~~~
<br />Inwred to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagx, upon 400 abates of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate Nn. L 24 , 012 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the folbwiog
<br />deaQr1red real estate, situated in HaII County, Nebradca:
<br />A tract of land txatprising a part of the Northwest Quarter (NWT) of Section Twelve i12),
<br />iri Tarrlship Eleven (11) North, 12artge Ten (10) West of the sixth P.M., more particularly
<br />described as follows: beginning at a point on the West Line of said NW}, said point
<br />being 390.0 feet north of the Southwest Corner of Laid NW's; thence rtuiriiaig northerly
<br />along the West Line of said NW's, a distance of 290.0 feet; thence Winning easterly and
<br />parallel to the South Line of said NW~, a distance of 300.0 feet; thence rtutriiazg
<br />southerly and parallel to the West Line of said NWT a distance of 290.0 feet; thence
<br />running westerly and parallel to the South Line of said NWT, a distance of 300.0 feet
<br />to the point of beginning and containing 1.997 acres, more or less.
<br />tagetlKr wish all the terretnerts, hereditamonts and apprutertances tfeercunto bebngrng, uaclrrding attached from ooverergr, a6 window sasxsn,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awrrirega, hating, air conditioning, atxl plumbing and watts ogiriprrsent and aevwories thereto, puttrpa,stoves,
<br />refriEewtors„ and other fixtures arrd er{uiprrrent now or hereafter attached to <a used m mnrreeinm with said rat estate.
<br />Aad wherw the said mortgagor has agreed arxt does hereby agree that the rnongagor shall arsd will pay aU taxes and asrea~eata ktied or
<br />aaeaed upon said prer";-. sad upon this mortgage and the bond stewed thereby before the same ~trll become deiiugrsmt; to Furnish approved
<br />inautanct upon the bttildiregs on said premises silrated in the sum of S 40, 000.00 payable to sod ASSOCIATION and to deliver to aid
<br />ASSOCIA710N the policies for raid insurance; and not to twmmit or permit any waste un ur about sand pternnes:
<br />In nse of default in the performance of any of the terrrn and rnnditiona of this rnatgype ur the Ixxnd cored hertby, the mortpgee shah,
<br />on demand, 6e entitki! to imtnediatc possession of the nn>rtgaged premiers and the mat~trrr txereby asv~yrs, rraa~en aced ally over to the
<br />mortgagee all the rents, revenues and inwme to be derived from the mortgaged prcrnrsea darrtg wch trine u the mortgage mdebtedrmo shah retinue
<br />unpaid; and the murtgagce shall have the power to appoint any agent w agents it rtuy destrc to the purptrs of repairtrtg said prtmoes and rentistg
<br />the sane and collecting the rents, rewmrres and uecome, and it may pay out of said inwme all expeAaes of reprising said premires and aecaaartp
<br />coneminbas and expenses inctured b renting and rnartagiog the same and of mllectrrtg rarWs therefrom; the balance reaainuag, if any, to be
<br />towed the discharge of said mortgage indebtedrtca; these rights of the rnurtgagee may be exercved at any time dutmg the existence trf srteA
<br />de oafs, irrespet;tive of any temporary waiver of the aamE.
<br />Thee txrzatnta, iwwever, are upon thz Candita~fl,'fttae ii the acid Mortgagor ahsii repay aanl loan un ur betorc rM maturity of aid shares by
<br />payment; pay monthly to said ASStICIA'1'ItNU of the sum speatified in the lkxrnt xzt:urEd hereby ax. anterest amt prmupal tin said boa, on or before
<br />the TwreAtieth day of each and every month, until acid loan is fttBy pwid: pay all texas wad asaossnteots levied aUiart said premises sal m this Mortgage
<br />atsii tho Board iW7urEd thereby, before deliatueru;Y; twmah approved irurtraarx upon the 6uiklatgs tinrooa m site sum off 40, 000.00 txyable
<br />fu ~ Ace.` „_IATtG':I: €~y to '~~'r'!A'CIU'": ugh tr'ztri a'd mta[zy s ;t ~ 1 fr<r i t~~. asst= ~~, _~ s;rh btsr~ ai
<br />the maxuattttt iaiat rain thereon from date of payment all of which Morigagur hereby agrees ro pay; pettAit tar waatz oa snot prcraiurat; keep grid wrreply
<br />vrith s6 the agarsttrtants sad mnditiuas of the Bond fa S 40, 000» 00 this day yaven try the raid Mortgagor to sod ASSIX:UTION, artd axrreply
<br />wills nit floe roquuetrtsuts of ibo Consiiwtirxe and By-Laws of said ASSt3('IiXTIi3N; tlxn these prosenrs bocortta nub and vsxid, otinnrue they
<br />shah ramaitt in full force and any be faecktved at the option of the seal ASSOCIATION after failure Ibr three months to rrtalte any of said
<br />ptiymcnts or be thtce months in arrears m leaking said munihly payments, ur to kelp and wrnpty with the agreerttrnts and ccaditioos of said Bond;
<br />sod Mortgvgor agrcas to tow: a receiver app»nttd forthwith +n such foreckxawe proceedings.
<br />If there 6v nay tdtartge ut owrtership of the rat estate nwrtgaged herein, by sale ur otberwire, than the entire remaining irtdebtadrtesa hereby
<br />secured shag, at the optinxn of The Equiubk Building and Loco Atca lotion of Grand Islartd,Nebnska, becotrx hnneediately due and payable without
<br />further notice. artd the amount rotaainirtg disc under said bond, and any other larµl Cur any additional advattars Ande thateunder, altall, from the
<br />date of exercime of aid optior, boar interest al the maximum legal rate, and this matgage may then 6e foreclosed to atirfy the anaeuot due oa raid
<br />boal,aad nay uthor bond for additasaal sdvattcm, together with all sums paid by said The liquitabk Building and Loan Asoociatioa utGrand IsWtd,
<br />Nebnrka far itnwance, tuts and saewnnts, and alostrastirtg extension cltuges, with interest thetson, Fran date of prytnent at the mavimwn
<br />kpl rate.
<br />Aa vvidzd ifl ihz Bcrnri xzcrtred hereby, while ties mortgage rcrnains in effect the mortgagee nwy hereafiar advance additital surrts to the
<br />ttnken of said Batd, thou asaigiu ur sucrxavors in interest, which sums shall be within tM: secwity of this mortgage the same as the [undr urglinally
<br />aecurcd tlxereby, total aawurtt ut prurcipd dohs not to exuuad at any stole the original arrwunl uC this nrurtgage.
<br />,~ I7•tal Chia 2~i~ day of Naventtaer A. D_, 19 81
<br />L~~G1
<br />t. ./~` .... ..
<br />y M. P~~_.
<br />3'(ATE OF N6BRASIi,A,
<br />CO{)NTSi ~ 61ALL ~ t?n this 2gth day of NOVCtt1FJEr t y $1 , hefae roe,
<br />Ure wufe[sxgned, a Wotary Wblic its and for acid County, perwnally nine
<br />Beverly M. Paulick, an unratlarried widow, who is persvaaBy krtuwn w
<br />coo to he the identinl peraun whuae risme l.S allixcd to tax xtwvrfdistrun~i nt ax nrortgvgur and she
<br />aritruiwbdged the seal irutreunont to 6e her vulturtary act xnd decd. j e"
<br />Wf'INIiSS my hand and Nrxtarial Seal the date afaresaul. . = ~ ~ ,'
<br />-F` '~ "
<br />,~ ~' i ~_
<br />MY CoAAnmsafl Expucs ~-'t`^-? 'a"7'"C . . ~ ~ .-.- -"
<br />.~ ~ ..
<br />.. r--~~•--^~-- - -- - °---'~ Notary Yublc..
<br />