IIl-- vt,59i?
<br />$. If he fails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at
<br />its option, may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum
<br />owing on the above note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided
<br />far in the principal indebtedness.
<br />7. Upon request of the Mortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes
<br />for the sum or sums advanced by Mortgagee for the alteration, modernization, or improvement made at
<br />the Mortgagor's request; or for maintenance of said premises, or for taxes or assessments against the
<br />same, and for any other purpose e}sewhere authorized hereunder. Said note or notes shall be secured
<br />hereby on a parity with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in the note first
<br />described above. Said supplemental note or notes shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin-
<br />cipal indebtedness and shall be payable in approximately equal monthly payments fur such period as may
<br />be agreed upon by the Aortgagee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the whole of the sum
<br />or sums so advanced shall be due any payable thirty (30) days after demand by the Mortgagee. In no
<br />event shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first described above.
<br />S. He hereby assigns, transfers and sets ovet• to the Mortgagee, to be applied toward the payment of
<br />the note and all sutras secured hereby in case of a default in the performance of tuty of the terms and condi-
<br />tions of this-mortgage or the said note, all the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mort-
<br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid; and the Mortgagee
<br />shall have power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of renting the same and col-
<br />lecting the rents, revenues anti income, and it may pay out of said incomes all necessary commissions and
<br />expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance
<br />remaining, if any, to be applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness.
<br />9. He will continuously maintain hazard insurance, of such type or types and xmouuts tts Mortgagee
<br />may from time to time recruire, on the improvements now or hereafter on said premises and except when
<br />payment for all such premiums has theretofore been made under (a) of paragraph l hereof, will pay
<br />pramptly when due any premiums therefor. upon default thereof, Mortgagee may pay the same, yii
<br />insurance shall be carried in companies approved by the Mortgagee and the policies and renett•ats thereof
<br />steal! be held by the lortgagee and have attached thereto loss payable clauses in favor of and in form
<br />acceptable to the Mortgagee. In event of loss Mortgagor will give immediate notice by mail to the Mot•t-
<br />gagee, who may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Mortgagor, and each insurance company con,
<br />corned is hereby authorized and directed to make payment for such loss directly to the Mortgagee instead
<br />of to the Mortgagor and the Mortgagee jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or any pat•t thereof,
<br />may be applied by the Mortgagee at ite option either#o the reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured
<br />or to the restoration or repair of the property damaged. In event of foreclosure of this mortgage, or other
<br />transfer of title to the mortgaged property in extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, x11
<br />right, title and interest uC the Mortgagor in and to any insurance policies then i^ force shall pass to the
<br />purchaser or grantee.
<br />10. As additional and collateral secw•ity for the payment of the note described, and all ,ems to berorne
<br />due under this mortgage, the Mortgagor hemby assigns to the :tortgagee all lease bonuses, pt•otits, ret~e-
<br />Hues, royalties, rights, and ether benefits accruing to the Mortgagor under any ttrtd all oil and gas leases
<br />now, or during the life of this mortgage, executed au said premises, a•it}t the right to receive and t•,~cuipt
<br />far the saute anti apply them to said indebtedness as well before ttq aftct• d+>faulk in the conditions of this
<br />mortgage, and ttte 3lortgaget: may, demand. sue Cor and recover any such payment- when tine and pay-
<br />abl€, bat she's] not be required so to do. This assignment is to terminate auci he:•t;:,t.~ null auci void upt;u
<br />rele:~€ of thin mortggg°.
<br />lI. ale shalt not c~rf trait +ir permit waste; and shall maintain rho property in as g«~i z°ondttion its ttt
<br />present, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Upurt any failure to so maintain, Mortgagt~, at its option,
<br />may cause reasonable maintenance work to be performed at the cost of binrtgagor. Any amounts paid
<br />therefor by Mortgaf;t'e shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the principal indebtedness, shall
<br />thereupon txcome a part of the indebtedness aet:ured 6y this instrument, ratably and on a parity with all
<br />other indebtedness secured hereby, and shall be payable thirty (3~) days alter demand.
<br />12. If the premises, or any part thereof, be condemned under the paver of eminent domain, or
<br />acquired for a public use, the damages awarded, the prviceeds fur the taking of, ot• the cousicieration fot•
<br />such acquisition, to the extent of the full amount of the remaining unpaid indebte«htess secured by this
<br />mortgage, or hereby assigned to the Mortgagee, tend shall be paid torthtt•ith to said Mortgagee, to be
<br />applied ou account of the last maturing installments of such indebtedness.
<br />13. if the .Mortgagor fails to make any payments when due, or to confw'tn to and comply with arty
<br />of the condititns or agtecmenks conGtinetl in this mortgage, or the notes which it se«:ures, then the
<br />entire principal sum and accrued interest shalt at once become due xud payable, at the election uC the
<br />Mortgagee; and this murtgago may thereupon rte foreclosed immediately for thr tt•hole of the indebted-
<br />tte~ het>1,'ysr€ured, inludiull the vast of ext€ttding the abatrac:C of title from the date of this tttort-
<br />gage to the titles of commencing such suit, a reasonable attorney's f«+e, and any sums paid by the i't+tertuts
<br />Administration on account of the guaranty, or insurance of the indebtedness secured hereby,, all oC µ•hich
<br />alts]] 1~ included in the decree of foretlosure.
<br />14, If-the ]ndebtedn€ss secured hereby be guatantt~tl ur insured and€r Title :i8, Unite~ti States Code',
<br />such.-Title f(IUl Regulations issued thereundor and in effect on the late h€rcxtf shall govern the rights, duties
<br />ate! littb-tities of the partfee hereto, and any provisions of this or other instruments executed in connection
<br />with Bald ia~ehtedness which are itscuttsistent with said Title or Regulations are hereby amended to
<br />eop~tx~m thereta.
<br />The eovettsnts hernia rnntaittrd shalt bind, and the benetiks and adc•autages shall inure to, the
<br />