<br />~J~ ~~-- +)1J5~9~s
<br />~ ~~ ~~ ~ {~i .~GDGiii'~~ Thst.:F tmq,. fn an action in tfr Ilulrirl taart y tlr
<br />..;~
<br />~.. Ejtl/dq_t2Y,-._Aadieed Irisbiet al8,r .Blatt of Ne6r~aLa, riLbi+x ad fs 4tr Deady aF' is ll. „- -
<br />~.-- ;r . ~M F,cLBitable.,_Bui2Qi~_ and _Loan.,_ASaO~~a~l~ 4~ C~s'a~d _1-slanct, ptainrif/._. and
<br />Ylealep_Ti,. 3ts~atc~_--and Pearle_.K. -3ohnstgn,.__etal _. defe»dmt~-
<br />al~~!n~_T~st._-.--._.rerm,A.n.rs.si of,nie,m.r,Eguftab2e_.Bldg-~&Loan Asaocfation-
<br />Y`
<br />~a~„~~~;,d~pa,,, Wesley_ij.,_Johnaton and Pearls M~_ Jotm$tcmoetal
<br />ll
<br />~ ~..~??a._~9.v~ta82a..BU~~d~B.. ar~d_I,.~z!_.~ss4~latioxi. of__Grsas~..Islan~3 tt~t~
<br />-~ a/-P-it'i~_~S-sL_Th4sts_and.. t3~rE.e. hundred. eigii'Ly, three. and.. 4B/1 QO .- - - . -. dam,,
<br />1
<br />:~
<br />~;
<br />....,..dollars, and. utiexot, i( loos then aced there '
<br />': and costs of wit l~ ar -
<br />faaBiv andoed in ~e said action U+at in defaull of the paymeN of 7hr sum w fourd due by the wid _ _ _.. W 88~.~Y... D ~ _ eJQ2'121$ttljl,
<br />~; .1iad...P.taP3e.-.M.---.IQhnstnn,.atal.- ----.....that _._._ Charles F. Falrbanks.- -__ _ ._- .
<br />- " 3Mri said ,Ha.11. -...should caate the lands and fenenenh luvriwfta described !o be
<br />Bat ~-~°'rraf.___.._..-..... -_ -_. ___..-_ ...._._-.
<br />~~: rsatised wit sold mewdircg to !aw ro pay [he tame, and. whereat, default laming bem made thrxin, fhe wid__------.-.---- -----.--------------.-
<br />. Charles,--F ._ Fairbanks- _ __._ ..._ --. sheriff of mid rwintr, ar,du and by sirme of the said dmee a»d
<br />-----
<br />' rhea,a~raft~bhimdalyai,~d.didanw ..__....9th__ _ __._-__.__ ,~a,•~~ .Noyember___. ..__._a.o.r981--
<br />e<trK..lower_ lobby . f«m c;,ardy coat( na.r,r ir. ur.. wity.__ _ _ _ _,~_ Grand.--~sland....-...._.--
<br />its said Caunly ~ - .... .............. Ha.~l ..-... _- --._..-._..... Ding Jm:t gitrn due and lxgal rvXiee J tlu (ime and plan of snid sale
<br />.'. far max (hm[ thirty darn prior lhemla in lhe.Grand_, I31ar~.d .i.ildeuez-.siQnt.. . _.. _. n newspaper printed oral in general
<br />-' ei,ealatimt in said t-ou»tY of----.. X8.11-. - _....._.. tcu tafd pranixa ul paWie auction to rSgu;~table.._
<br />R3,i ding-.and-_Laan..Asanciation ....._ farlh~:amp-..FSfxy__Thcet.._ThQnsand-Four
<br />~~ .Hti3r-!~'~.._.E~~~s.~~s~~).....~.._ _.~_..~_..~-dollars, which rak mar ufl<ruard atlhe..J.iln.s.-. ~..3.t_. term of said evert,
<br />=_~ a n., r~1..., esamintd and aanfa»u~d and uK said......- ,...._ Charl sea . F, Fairbanks .. _ _. _as loch shuiB, ardard
<br />' m aanoey the said prurcrsra in fee simple to fhe said.L.'~.g1.~~.,ta b~~... ~uil.diag. a.AS3,...Laon-. ~.ss.Of~i~x:iSln_ - - _....
<br />~01p ~1pctEfoK. I, ue said... _ ....Charles F. Fairbanks _ ___ .. slwri,(I of um caardr of
<br />Hall _
<br />• ..._....-...-. __.. .. ._ __ ......._ ..._ eu ufaresaid, in canrideratian of flu pmnius and ly rv(ue of the tamers nrled in n¢ by law and(he
<br />deem of said mart, do hereby Cise. Grant and Cvrmey to the mid.T~ .,F'.aQ32it$bl€-..fl~ilding..and.--.Loan---a8~°e_
<br />Satien of Graced Island Aiebraska is successors
<br />- ._.._-__.. _._. _._..._..._ ............. _-.-.-..-_.. -i ._... - ..-_- ..f. 71tM7and assigns, the premiers so a+ afonsoid sold. to roil:
<br />' --.__._..- _..._ - -.-._._ _._.._ . Lat...Qn$. (.'t.)._ in Hlock. Oaa. {-1.).,in._I~iokay._ Thizd.........
<br />$ubdinison,__s.re-subdivision of all. of B1,Qeks....-
<br />Txo (2) and Tktrea (~,), and all of Blocks One_ ('~).
<br />_. .
<br />' -- -- and Tyro (2),. II#ekey Second. subd.ivisigri pf the --
<br />_.. .. _-
<br />}_
<br />City_of Grand_Island,_Hal2-Cgunty,Aiebraska.-......-
<br />~:~ t
<br />''4 ,
<br />f' ----~ _ .. _. __.. - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _._ ..-
<br />}4~ ~ ...... . wi(h (he nppurknatmes.
<br />i ....-_. ~ .. .._. .. _....._. _.__..... -' -_ . ..._ .- .._ .. - --
<br />l~r '; ~Q ~Abt aria t0 ~ola t~t ~dgit ante (hetaidi~~e E~~table .Bq~,il;iing..9.r}d _L.p_
<br />;' Aaaociati~n_oi._Grand-,Island,-,_-debrasKa„at;~„s,andrath<n,a,ut:nrir„ts a„d>xhaaffarra~.
<br />U ~
<br />~[ ~t~timol[p ~~ertoft I haft, at such Shcrcg, harwnto ut my hand 1hitX.__... ~ day of
<br />I 4th~_ ~- - _...
<br />y.
<br />'. E,rendsd~ ^murd in the preunoe of ~ - -.. ,,, - ..... .. _. .,.~... -. ..____._
<br />,~~..' Sherig of _ H8ll .. __(:menty, Nebratlw.
<br />STATE OP% NEBR~k:t, ()rcrhit_24th..... _ . dgyaf Neveatber
<br />- 1 n - .... _..
<br />;.;
<br />19_$.~,..,brfareme,tlceandertidreed...._.._~ROdger,_Le..._~11118s$_._. _ --
<br />in ou+d far said mw+ty, pnx+ratily uppearad (he taid._ _~c~1~,C~..Q,iL...2~'.. w. -~.$.~.,~ t231C1~C5,..._.-
<br />- ~ ----- ......-`--- -- - - - ~- ~-- - ...... tifwi$ ul sate! Gaan{r.
<br />b me pettanalfy knenen trt 5r (he iden(ieal person who signed the f ~ - - ~ ing iutrearaird v: grrtralar, and
<br />ht eakranetrdged the rarer to br his mltudory act and deed, at ruehi$, Jor Urc oars and purpuus
<br />86erein xr(farth.
<br />~Mtf~ »ey har+d and a~eial mat the ~y at pl , alp^'r y~ytyn
<br />> r;~ ! . ~ ;
<br />~_ r. -r-,
<br />LL__._ . _t_ u . _... ..~.. v.:ee_-..._...__ - -__ - _ -
<br />