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1 ~ ~ <br /> <br />.. <br />a~' a~ ~1~+~'Fy4 ~ I ~IMtk 4a•' <br />Llufe_ 9-10-.$3 <br /> <br />1<V TffE CflL:ti'Tl' COt;"RT tiF_ _ _-_.__ Ha31 _COUN%'1', ,tF.'BRASKA <br />%'his is to certify that there is pending in the t:uunt,l t:o[rrl aj_ .____ ria ],._ - <br />Nebraska, a proceeding entitled: <br />IN THE MATTER vF_ THE_-EST?.T~ ~1F_, p.IvH_ARD_ T._, RESH - --- <br />Na. 39-20 Doc.__~4`__ Page__ 1~~--- - _ <br />which is a proceeding irumlving-'S21~1 Adiudl~:$Ci,2S1_4~_Intestaeya Betermination <br />r prubvh• of roil(. erdministralion of (stale, dtle~mingtion of Lein, dtferminafian <br />of He~rs_and Formal Appointment of p tea <br />p. -P-gersonalrnRep~esentatTVe a joltoming described real <br />of inlxri(ana laz, puardianshi or ronserralar.shi <br />estate is involved, to-wit: <br />A Tract of Land comprising a Hart of the East Half of the Southeast <br />Quarter {E~SE'~) Of Section SiX (6 , Townshio Nine (9), North, Range <br />Twelve (l2), 6dest of the 6th P,M., in Hall County, Nebraska and more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />°negiczaii~ig at a paint on the East Haif if the S°utheast lu.arter <br />(E~ZSE~);:aid point being Three Hundred Sevent, (37').'l) feet South of <br />the Northeast Corner of said East Half of the Southeast '7uarter <br />(E~SE~[)'thence deflecting right 890 :?7' and running 'desterly a distance <br />of Three Hundred Two and Twe~ae Hundredths (3+)2.12) feet; thence <br />deflecting left 79° 51' and running, ;>otsthwesterly a distance ~~f T~~~ <br />Hundred Ninety tight and Seventy Three Hundredths (298.73) feet; <br />thence deflecting left 32° 2i' and running Southeasterly a distance <br />of fine Hundred Twenty four and Four Hundredths (124,J4) feet; <br />thence deflecting 3£t 65° 36' a><sd running Easterly a distance of <br />Three Humored fine and Thirty Four Hundredths (301.34) feet to a <br />point on the East line of said East Half of the Southeast ,quarter <br />{E"~SE~F); thence running North along the East line of said E~iSE'~1a <br />distance of Four Hundred Ts~enty and Forty rive Hundredths {420.45) <br />feet to the point of beginning and containing 3.1 Acres more ar less. <br />Person .acquiring the <br />above real estate: <br />Linda M. Resh, <br />RFD <br />Wood River, NE 58883 <br />as sole surviving joint <br />tenant owner thereof <br />a <br />~~VNTY COfi~ Richard E, (~Jeaver „.~IlI( <br />~~rr ~ ~~+'••~~ `-`-- Coun[y Judye uj xaid county <br />~,; ~ y SEAL ~ i ~ t~ ,r; <br />~,w ~ rte' '~ '~~ ~~,°~_ % ~ _ ;. <br />+ . ~ ~O {` .- Clerk of the County Ceurt <br />}' -~,f ' ~ <br />?~~ Stdiun =3-:%,ifi. "In any proceeding in !ht county rourt inemtoiny rl) !lu probate of n•ills under the prooisiwrs uJ t.'hapler 30, article <br />~} E, (2) the admini3(rtEliBn ojtftgtrs under Il+a prorisiona nJ C.lrgpttr .70, nrllcle 8, (3) the drterminulion of heirs under the provisions of <br />dtt Clwpttr30; antic(( tT, {4} thtrleterniLmtion of inlcerilancr laz under the prarisions of fhahlrr :7, article 2d. (5) guardianships <br />'""' s~ +u+dtr the prooisiarea of Chapter 38, grlkle 1, 2, 3, or d, or (ti) constrrutvrshtps under the provisions of fhapfer.38, articfe S, mlrcrt f <br />*: ~ %eal seat( it any purl a fl+t assets a the estate or roa•rdin the caunf• ud a be ore whom Ihr rrueredin is g - <br />f f F y, rlI g J 1 g purdin shall Issue a <br />.:,fir wtjffealt urltich shuU be fired u+ifh dhe register of dseds of tht fuurrly in a+hirh the rtuf estate is (orated +uiUun [rn days after the -~ <br />,~ dt:cr+ptior, of the real eatalc is/fled in the gracecJiny:'........_ ............._............... <br />`,~ ` <br />#. <br />u <br />