` This form is used in connec-
<br />p Dian with mort(;ages insured,
<br />11"10111 1 dY!'1i~~j under the one• to four-family
<br />f R t r ~ ~ ~ ~ 11"'1 .111 `au proviaiana of the Natianai
<br />~~.rw VtF kIouainpRrt.
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made acrd executed this 20th day of November ,A.D.
<br />to-° Al • by and between Jataes R. Holtyretve and Harbaza L. Holtgretre, Husband and 97ife
<br />of the Caemy of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party cf the first part, hereinafter called
<br />the Mortgagor, and Suppxior atiartgage, Inc.
<br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska
<br />party of the second parE. hereinafter called the Mortgagee,
<br />W ITNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, fur and in con.,ideratiun u[ the sum of may-tlr eight thout3and and
<br />~h~ Dollars (S gg , 00.00 ). Paid by the Mort-
<br />l~f-te -icceipi of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Soid and t+`~ se presents does Grant, Bar-
<br />gain. Sell. Conve} and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the tolbwing-described
<br />rea! estate. situated in the County of 8x11 .and State
<br />of Nebraska: to wit:
<br />Lot Three f3)r J. S. C. Subdivision,- in the City of Grand Ialattdr
<br />tfall Cotuttyr Nebraska
<br />ut the Sixth Prim teat Meridian, euntaining in all
<br />;Went survey:
<br />acres according tv f.ovem-
<br />Tq HAVE AND Tt) Hg1.D the premixs above descriked. with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including
<br />art heating, plumbing and fighting fixture, and equipment now at hereafter attached to or used in connectiwt with said real estate
<br />tmto the Mortgagee, and to its successors and assigns, [orevcr. The Mortgagor represents ta, and covenants witA, the Martga-
<br />gee, that the Murtgagw has gaxi right w iett and convey said premises: that they are free from encumbrance: and that the
<br />Martgagor wilt wttrtant aettt defend the same against the tawfut claims of art persons whomsoever; and the .aid Mortgtr$exhere-
<br />by rehnqui~ttes all rights of homestead, :end all menial tight-s, either in taw ur in equity„ and air other contittgent interests of the
<br />Mortgttgstr in attd to the above-+laavrih4d Pxeminra, t5t inrrntiun lxittg ta.~ ~unrey ltnrzby an :~SVlute title, in fee simple, inctud-
<br />i~ art s of homestead, acrd utter rights and iettt:tests a3 atutzsaid,
<br />i#tgViDED ALNrAYS, attd these presents are executed arat detivered upon the foUawing cttnditiuns, to wit:
<br />wee= to ~ ~ti~ ~,~ , ~~ ~~-~€, t~ €u'~t :~ =<.~~y ;=zs gh3F t~ ;rte
<br />Na/100tkw Cktttars (5 l8 r 000.00 1'
<br />with interest from data at the me of Sevttuttsea and Gate-half per c-entum ( 1~ , g0 %) per annum un
<br />the unpaid halatten urNil paid. The sai+i prira:ipa! and inttrest shalt be payable at the uA'icc of Supazior Mortgage r Inc.
<br />in Iatand Nebsaaka , ur ut such usher place as the holder of
<br />the emote easy desigtsate in~atma, nt monthSy inatattmentx of Five httndrati fifty ts®ven and 20/100ths----
<br />Lbitnrx (S gg7, xp !, z~umtttGtttdng un the first day ut
<br />J , 19 g2 , aml cut the first Jay vi each month thereafter until the principal and in~
<br />tarns[ are forty ~~y ept that the iirwl payment of pritx•ipal atui interest. if oat sooner paid, shall 6e dt:e and
<br />payable on the: Hrst day of Deatember r 2011 ; art accrxding to the terms tit a certain prumis-
<br />sury note of oven date herewith executed by tMc saint Mortgagor.
<br />'f'Im Murttpr$ar in ceder more lutlY ur protest the security of thi, lNurtgage, agrees:
<br />t. Tbat 6e wiU pay the itedeh4adttess. as hereinbefore provided. Privilege is reserved to pay the debt in whole, ur in an
<br />amotlPt t:gt€at to ores tw ravro ttWnthiY paYmeats tin the principal that zee next dire tin the emote, tin the first day tit arty atonth
<br />prtar err tctattrrritY: ~rritriif~cT, ~cr, `Etter writtga tatirc of an iitTtentiarn €a ex~rii'.c ns:h ~-ivil~ is ~#Ei«n at `~aat testy (~13
<br />days pry taprepaYmettt.
<br />a. That, tu~th<r wtth, atxt in addttiun to. the monthly payments of principal and interest paynh& under the terms of the
<br />Were secured hereby, the Murtgttgur mote pay ttt the (tWrtJ~tee, on the first duY of each month until the sei>i nuts is fuliY paid, the
<br />folktwieeg soma: ,
<br />(aj Amcuent suffietent to provide the holder hereof with t'utals to pay the next enurtp~ge htwrance prenuum if this
<br />mxtruntent and eha nuts secured hereby arc ittwted, m a monthly chugs (in lien uJ a metrrgafe tnsuronee /rrr.
<br />mfuxtJ if they are held by Use Secretary of Hswsutg and Urban Dcvelopntent, as futlaws'
<br />tt1 fi nerd so lung as sod note at evert date and this instrurtsertt are msuted cw arc reinsured uratzt the pro
<br />vtsiuen tit the Natitieud fiousittg Act. an amuund xufticteut to accumulate in the hattds tit the hordes .use
<br />- ---- -tt,a~~t~a.ar,ri, cast, era .aaa umA svntNV a axr+au.tw :i i'ATi'ti f)f~ .'fif3lLA3~Es
<br />