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- s:i-VdR5E7~B ~AR2AAtTY la~6t) F•Itan fr Wwli Camwnr. Li~oG,, plc <br />S~R~'lV~RSNIP VWARRANTY DEED <br />~Iit1~~~69 <br />"G.W.G. {ISl~. ~ '~ partrter8ttlp ,herein called the grantor whether one or more, <br />to coassteration of Hotty Four '14musattd ~~ Htndt~ed and 00/100 <br />received from grantees, does Grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm onto Ja¢ttes R. I3oltgr~te and <br />t3at~ara L. ti[alt:t¢ewe <br />as joint tenants with right of survivor»hip, and not as tenants in common, the following described rest <br />HHll ....... County, Nebraska: <br />$*olbr'LY ia ......................................................... <br />Lot t3} itt J.S.C. St~adivisist, ian the city <br />of Gxartd Island, tisll Coutty, Nebraska <br />To have and to hold the shore described premises together with aU tenements, hereditaments <br />cad afpttrtenanaes thereto belonging onto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the hairs and assigns <br />of the survivor of them forever.. <br />And grantor dose hereby covenant v.~ith the grantees and with their asigns and with the heirs <br />and asaiges of the survivor of them that grantor is lawfully seined of said premises; that Choy are free from <br />enenmbrsaee <br />that grantor has good right ami lawful authority to convey the name; and that grantor warrants and will <br />dafsnd t~ title to said ~ i.?st the lawful claims of all penons whotnsosver. <br />It is tl€e iatanc~a of ~1 parties hereto that iu the event of the death of either of the grantees, <br />toe emirs ice simple tills to the ran! eatats stall vet iu the surviving grantee. <br />II~~ :3~Y'e<t` ?f~ laSl <br />~u,~rr~.4;~w~.. ....................... <br />--^--- <br />NEBRASttA Li~OGU0."EiV7Aft1` <br />......~1'ItEdR.,IpX...._ ........................... <br />C.TAi`.~. ITYH6a't7l~i~s ,$ .~- <br />BYt ~ /it/._~= <br />' gTAT~ OF ..«».~}xi9~ita[~.........» ...............,..., t'oontp „r .......,,lfa.~.l.,.............,..._...~..._.....»t <br />IZef~O ~ a notary pnbhe $ttallfied £~ said cuuaty, perwaatty came <br />C.1t,~. Int~ee~Ettetttts, A Nei~raeka Fartne>tahig . <br />~+~~ ~ mil= ~1 P~t:trtar and Nola Wheeler and <br />~T11Cg L. G`~futoll - <br />kaowa un use to he the ldsntieat pora<aa or persons rvho signed fife foregoing iastrttxoent cad anknowled~+t <br />ttm esesution thereof to be his, bar or their voluntary act cad dead. <br />W4taess soy head and trotssiat aesd oa ...................., 19....f'~.~..... <br />e---- ' <br />rMlratastes~ ~:~`:... ..:..,.""'~'"`f:ac .............. Notary Puhlia <br />fife .. <br />i«q~~a~ra+~ ~Y eomu,irsion espirea ..~~'......~,........ li#.,~~..,.,. <br />