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<br />81-- ~~~j5$5~ <br />CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS <br />OF THE DIOCESE OF GRAND ZSLACID <br />I, Charles L. Torpey, Secretary and Chancellor of The Diocese <br />of Gran3 Isla*d, a corporation, hereby certify that a special meet- <br />ing of the Board of directors and members of The Diocese of Grand <br />Island, a corporation, was held at Grand Island, Nebraska, on the <br />29th day of October, 1981, in the offices of said corporation at <br />804 West Division Street. The following members were present: <br />President Lawrence J, McNamara, Bishop of The Diocese of Grand <br />Island, and the following members and officers: Carl T. Hayden, <br />Vicar General of the corporation, was present by proxy given in <br />favor of the President, Lawrence J. McNamara, as his attorney in <br />fact with the full authority to vote. Charles L. Torpey, Secre- <br />tary and Chancellor of The Diocese and B. J. Cunningham,Jr., lay <br />member of said corporation. The President announced that a quorum <br />of the members were present and that the meeting had been called <br />for the purpose of taking action to authorize and empower the <br />corporation, through its officers, to mortgage the following real <br />property owned by The Diocese of Grand Island, said property being <br />the real estate upon which St. Leo's Church is built and described <br />as follows: <br />A part of the West One-Half of the Northeast <br />Quarter (W~,NE~) of Section. Twenty-Nine (29), <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), <br />West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, <br />as more particularly described on the attached <br />Exhibit 1, <br />to the First National Bank of Grand Island., Nebraska. Said mort- <br />gage to be given to secure a Promissory Note bearing the same date <br />to be repaid by St. Leo's Catholic Church, a corporation. <br />Upon the Motion of Charles L. Torpey, seconded by B. J. <br />Cunningham, Jr., the following Resolution was unanimously adopted <br />by the members and directors of the corporation: <br />"BE IT RF„SOLYED ttiat the corporation be duchorized <br />to r~iirrt~ra~e the fciliowin~-described real orcanerty: <br />A part of the ~ie3t One-}ialf of the Northeast <br />quarter (i~i~~Ir:~t) of Section ~wertty-Nine (29) , <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), <br />West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, <br />as more particularly described on the attached <br />Exhibit 1, <br />to First National Bank of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the President of the corpor- <br />ation be authorized and empowered to execute a mortgage pledging <br />said real property to the First National Bank of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska, as security for a Promissory Note of even date <br />in the sum of 5110,~QO.O~i to do such ether and furth~:r <br />things necessary ^r incidental to the mortgage of the <br />above-described real property." <br />The undersigned Secretary further certifies that the abc,ve and <br />foregoing Resolution was executed in compliance with the Articles <br />of Incorporation and By-Laws of The Diocese of Grand Island, 3 <br />corporation; that said Resolution is a part of the corporate <br />records of the corporation and that said Resolution after its <br />passage as above set forth has not been rescinded or modified <br />in any respect and is in full force and effect this 29th c3ay of <br />Qctober 1981. <br />