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<br />rr. ~...~ ..~,~~~ .. ~.:.....~ ia~, ~ ~,~~~ aEA4 E33ATE Mi03CT(iA&E ~ ~~~r~,~~, ~~ ~ =oa+~ F!e aoa~ (Kiev t=~~~~
<br />.~ n}
<br />
<br />Date Noveidaer 18, 19$1
<br />Ernest R. Ohlnian, Jr. (also knotrri as Ernest R. Ohlmaa) and Alvera Ohlman, husband
<br />and i-ife
<br />tortgagors ,
<br />of $all aunty Nebraska in conslderatlon et
<br />the advance of trio principal sue recited !n the note hereinafter described, receipt of which is acknowledged, hereby
<br />mortgage and comet' to
<br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK Of OMAHA, a Corporation,
<br />of Owaha, Douglas Coun#y, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Faris Credit Building, Omaha, Neb-aaka 68100,
<br />1lartgagee (suD,l set to a11, gas, and minaral rights owned Dy parties other than Mortgagors; existing easements cf
<br />record; reservations in tmited States and State Datents: and Lhe rights of the public in ell highways), thefollowing-
<br />4escribed real estate In Flail County Nebraska
<br />SEC. TNP. R0.
<br />~~;'» ___~. _,..-._....~~..~.... - 5 9N 12 W 6th F.M.
<br />containing 160 scree, more ar !ass, together with all of the ri ~Jrt, t1C1U, :cn1 interest
<br />.` (r,ow awned ar hereof ter acbuired) of Cne tiorCgagors fn said prcperty, lncludlrUl vii but lflings, impraverfi~uts, fIx Cures,
<br />^r epptirteaaicc@s ~cerann =_rr h_rastter Placed taearettn: all water, +rr1&atlen, and drainage ri?.is tg; the teneirse<rits,
<br />~) haredi tafronCs, and apqurtenances thereto and W+e ran :s, Issues, crops, end grofl*.s arising :tom said Fan^s; °~ d {it
<br />j (( trio 1ltertgagelrs+ ^Sghts !ri the public domain are required by Mortgagee fcr securitg purposas, aii leases, permits,
<br />{ liceaaea, orprivtlagea, appurtenant or nonappurtenant to Bald mortgaged premla@s, now or hereafter tssued, extended,
<br />cr renewed to the i~rtg9gars Dy the +-U:Stad Cates nr Lisa aCata In whica cps etrve-+xserl!~d property i~ rnrxtwd it
<br />__ [!.-i` ~ ~ipartmerie, Duraau, 4r,ageaey =Rarecf.
<br />Ei i
<br />j 't111s mortgage Ss given to secure a promissory note of oven data herewith, exeetited Dy Mortgagors to trnrtea, tr;
<br />~.
<br />IPOR'tSC-'P4#i `I~iBUSAtAi/ SY% lillNl)RED AND NCt1161'i - - _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
<br />~_ Uhe~riatlpal srrei 8f -- - - ~ri±~aas.
<br />~;y~rabte-with interest ucordlai5 Ln tiia Lerfsa of sai9 hate; the final payment teeing 1ue-end Lay3hle on the-first {ay
<br />~; of tTO~rtlarYa^Z~~ Tals conveyance shall be void upon the peymerit of Bald Prxsissory nnte.
<br />- This aerCgage !a sut±3eot to Lhe provislohs of THE €AlUS CRBDIT AC7 sad all sets astandatory thereof or supglemanLal
<br />thereto. The proceeds of the loan secured hereby will be used for the purposes speclfleA in the tk+rtgagars+ appli-
<br />`~ oatloa ttagxrgpsat4 loan sad ntsthorlted by sold Aet.
<br />nll~defatid ttis titleaeehgaoltaaCDall c~lalD~ts~idlanaoaverham4 Chatasald~property Ss~frtee~terax ell ancumbrences~ LhsC
<br />t11Rre w131 keep all the Smpravamants, iixtursa, sad apputtananoes accugiad and in gaud repair and parmlt no acts et
<br />waaCe: ahd they will raltnqulsh all rights at h~fataad lh said q+^emisea, sad eovenanr. end age@o with the Mort ltagaa,
<br />`S as tollowa:
<br />{_) 7haL they w111 pray Mica 4ue all taxes, Hens, Judgments, or assessments which m4y ba lawtuily assessed agatnst
<br />the Droparty herein mortgaged,
<br />it2 Thst their will iaaure nod Keep insured butkdiaga nr otttar tmproaemeata now oa or whica may hereafter be pieced
<br />as aald premtaes to Che satlafaotiml of the Mkirtgegaa, such lnaurarice palmy shall ba endorsed witty a mortgage elattee
<br />p with the loan thereunder to be peyaDla tc Cho MartYage~. Any sums received may Da used to Ray far racaastructlari
<br />of thw destroyed iGproveEMntS: ar, iT aoc so applied eqy, at Coe oDC1on of the Mortgagee, be applied in payment at
<br />aqv lndsbtedaeas, metered or uasatured, secured by this mortgage.
<br />r8. Tb al.l -rats, tea, ~ rAea one db'e cr to b@et~ dug e>ti~er tii@ t of eat Sesae.. e1~1', ! 1
<br />~_ l ~t^~rrtle;e an Ghe publia dosaia whiah 1a appurtenant ar nanegpurteaant to the mortgaged-pramisaa waioh h~~ Dead
<br />iaanld~-l3t~trd~ 8t ra~tawad say t~ #!!t€ed 3*~Ela eg tl~ State in wh1Ch Lhs shave--lB3CrkDad Dr=papty !§ leer<a^ '
<br />~ tR perfarei ahaerve aunty-act. covenant, coadttioa, sad stipulatlan necessary to kaap aae11 of the same to rated
<br />st~ilt~; a41d to take every necessary stop to secure the raissua. rtaawal. nr @atanyinn t psch nt the sans gyn. rh
<br />Matgti 1~lve, pladga, or endorse to Ctw MartQagef each Yeses, pa*i`init, license, 3r privllaga Sf 1'0Y'tgagara+ zt;i.,a
<br />i to ~~ir d~1a1n ere T'ebultad by iiartiailee Tor secrirfty purposes.
<br />~. (4j-TSias-tic LAe E tea Mottgagss !s a party to any 1lLtgatlon affecting the aecurlty nr the lion of 1 ~rdrt-
<br />8~r iaoludts~g afiy obit by tits ifal'ty~re tD taricloaR this aenrtgage ar sap suit In which the worr~agea may t@ Hamad
<br />'* ~ a part deferdmat 1a whiah Yt 2a abllga~ed to pro*.ect its rlghta nr ilea, lnaluding condamnat on a;:i [.anxruptcy
<br />~~; k p the tfortgegee may lacer expenaas sad advm&a paywant for aDS tract f@ea, at torndp £@aS (axcepc c; chi
<br />) extiat lD41<sd Dy lace#. aoata. eapenaas, atxl other charges,
<br />.gi ghat 1n the arrant the iKirtgagora fail to pear eeiNni due any taus, liana. „udgmanCS, ,ir assa,ta v1 t.c
<br />'. f etafiitaia l~uYTinsa as hetwt~etore provided, ar tali to pity yenta, fees, or charges under the .arms irU ~' e.
<br />}. par+wtt, 1lxsiae, ::r 1<rtvtlaadu: ar Mart~ea Sa rnqulrrd tc? lnaar a1q+~anaea for abaernc- eaa. offs ~aW t•^aa ._
<br />- ¢ expeaaae ~a.hes' t[si^~is to ^+mnsett~ a1C{t llelgaCl~i, siartgaaae a~ mna@ :.ueh Da~nai r xr 1. ov ir• -h 'z +n-.*+.
<br />-~ ! or iaoE{f sttCti oD11Sat1-ni, snot Ltut awiurita~_i_4 taerefor s11~11 become a Dart -~ the in9@D e~triasa se4 tr.1 r e eD +~N
<br />t -pti payacie ita~ly, sad i1 1a at frteg t31Y to sP LiCrneaisz at Cite same ;~x.;.® .-_w 1., v7..,, ,,=4t ~ufauic
<br />. r, i.ha note,
<br />J{]T`
<br />