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<br />~U~58~4
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<br />Novesber 17, 1987.
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<br />Robert E. Engel at~i Deloris B. Eage3 {also icnot+cl as Deloris Eagel), husbaad sad wiffe
<br />. ~ortgagars,
<br />of 71x11 County, Nebraskz is ronsideratlan of
<br />the advance of Lhe pritte lpal sum recited in the note herelrafter described, rocelpt ct wliSCh is acknowl edgee, hereby
<br />wartgaga slid convep rA
<br />THE FED~RAi. LAND BANK OF 01GHA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Oouglaa County, Nebraska, whose a3dreas
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 88100,
<br />Mortgagee (subJect to oil, gas, and mineral rights owned Dy par..*,ies other than Mortgagors; existing easements of
<br />record; reservetfons Sn United States and State patents; and the rights of the public 1n all highways), the fo11aw1ag-
<br />descrlbed reel estate in ~ - iFarl.l - ~ Ccunty, Nebraska ,
<br />SEC. T1iP. R9.
<br />NF3E------------------------ ---- 26 ION 9 W 6thP.M.
<br />~contalning 160 acres, morn ar less, together wl th all oI the rlgh r„ title, and interest
<br />(now owned or hereof ter acquired) of the Mortgagors In said property, including aIi Du lldings, lmprovaments, fixtures,
<br />or appurtenances thereon or Deraafter Fieced thereon: all water, irrigation, and drainage rights; the tenements,
<br />lrereditaments, and appurtenances thereto and r~tra rents, issues, ^ro-a, and profs is arising from said lands; and Ill
<br />the Mortgagors+ righ is Sn the public domain are requlrzd by Mortgagee for security puriwses) all leases, permits,
<br />licenses,arprivileges, appurtenant or nonappurterant to said mortgaged premiss,:row or Hereafter issued, zxtended,
<br />or renewed to Lhe Mortgagors by the United States or the stela in which the above-Cescrlbed property is located or
<br />aryy QaparGmenC, bureau, or agency thzreof.
<br />_ finis rorLdige is given to s€cure a pr~missary Hate of even data h~rswlth, exe~atsd Dy .~„rtgagars to Mortgagee, in
<br />;~@ Prlfl~ipal av,3- at _ _ _ - - LA.RS,
<br />payable with interest secbrding tp Lhe terms of said note, the final payment Deing due and payable an the first day
<br />of D!',CeIDber, 2001 '!iris conveyance shall De void upon the payment of said promissory note.
<br />this mortgage is suDJect to the Drovlsions of THE FAliM CREDIT ACT and all acts amendatory thereat or supplemental
<br />4heraLO. Yore proceeds of Lhe loan secured hereby well be used fer the purposes specified Sn the tortgagors+ appl!-
<br />catlon for said loan eatl authorized by said AcL.
<br />The Mortgagors, and each of them, hereby warrant Ghat they are fee owners of the mortgaged real properly; that they
<br />will defend Ehe title against all claimants whomsoever, and that said property is free from all encumbrances; that
<br />tbey w121 keep all Lhe Smprovaments, fixtures, acrd appurtenances occupied and Ln good repair and permit no arts of
<br />waste; and they will relinquish all rights of Daoestead Sn said premises, and covenant and agree with the k',urtgagea,
<br />ea follows:
<br />(1) That they will pay when duo all taxes, liens, Judgments, or assessments which rosy be lawful ly assessed agalnsG
<br />the property herein mortgaged.
<br />(2) Thst they will Insure antl keep insured buildings ar other improvements now on or which may hereafter Do planed
<br />aA said premises to the aatlsfactlon of Lhe Mortgagee, such insurance policy shall Da endorsed with a mortgage ciausa
<br />-with the loss thereunder to be psyaDle to the Mortgagee. Arty sums received may be used to ply for rzcanstruzti an
<br />of the desLrayed improvements; br, Lf not so applied, rosy, at the option of the Mortgagee, be applied ih payment of
<br />atyy indebtedness, matured or unnatural, secured Dy Lhis mortgage.
<br />(d) To pap all rents, less, or charges nbw due or Lo become due under the terms of each lease, permlG, license, or
<br />~rivl: on Lhe_-1?iflls daraain whlah is appw^tasa-nG or nanap-urtenanG Go Ghe rrarGgagad premises, which ?;ss beet:
<br />issued, exEenrfad, or renewed by Lhe United States or the state 1n which the above-described propart~v is vacated: and
<br />to par£orm.~ru! observe every.~pt. covenant, condition, and ~atipulation necessary- to keep zaah at cue same In geed
<br />stand#11g•. and to Loge every necessary step to secure the reissue, renewal, or extension of eaah of thz same; and to
<br />assi},, ~ vpa1YB, plad$B, ar eP.dorse tptha Mbrtgagee each lease, permit, lleensa, or prlvtlage it Merlgagnn:+ ri vtits
<br />iis.-pub~4c-rioraairr-are required by Mortgages far security purposes.
<br />(4) That Sn fire-event Lhe Mortgagee Ss_a party to soy litigation affecting the securl ty or Chz lien cf itn rr~rt-
<br />tneluQti~ any ssr1L Dy the Mortgagee tpfareblbse this mortsage or any suit in which the Mortgagee may Da ramed
<br />a #u4rty :leteadant in-whl ch tt is DDligatad La protect 2t5 rights ar lien, Including conderrtiaDicn env bunkruptry
<br />pt¢z;~trdinnggaa tde rmrtgagae may incur expenses and advazrce payment for abstract tees, stturney -ee~ (ex.ept +.o tt:e
<br />8diteiit 1}f'ot11D1tad Dy Iaw7, costs, expenses, and othor charges.
<br />(~j) 'fit Yn the avant the Mbrtgagora tail to pay when due any lazes, liens, tudgmants, cr .asse~.msrrts '.r tail '.c
<br />m8 nLaln 1liSJ1~Ce as haroinbafote ptavlded, or fall to_-ay rents, fees, ar cDarges ender the ,.zrmr; c any icasa.
<br />patmlt: liLense, br prfvile~e; ar Mortgagee is required to tnr.^uc expenses for abstract fees, attorney e -n;t,.
<br />e~ptfhees, n[idotiier charges n cannectlan with litigation. Mortgagee ma;Y make such Paiyasnt or pro:lde :;~; r ~ •-w e.
<br />d.['_SY~Cisr- s1:eR oUY.igatian, and the sm-unts paid- therefor shall Decade a part o* tHz 1nde~te.inr~i sac-,roc a Eby .=
<br />apd pbJrable immediately, akrd sDa1l Deaf' interest from the date of payment at €ha scree rata h re vide ~~r dafau,+
<br />i€-Ln~ fintR.
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