<br />t .,
<br />9?£~t ESTATE k"1&116E `;=~ : _ , - . _
<br />~''! -1j~1 a{7gc~la5 _. _ tiavFmber z0, 1931
<br />'1
<br />~t
<br />~t
<br />;i
<br />f
<br />13onald R, Spieha and Beulah G. Spica, ilushaad and wife
<br />. ,„rt;,,gcr~ .
<br />of Hall ,,^_ct+.rrty, ._ Nebraska in ~tcrsiderarlon t.
<br />the advarre of the print ipal sum r=cited in the note ..^,_reina_ft5r _...,,.; ibe', r._aSPt ^' 'rvhich `_~ aclmowiedgad, hereby
<br />mortgage sod ecnvey to
<br />TkE FEDERAL ;.AND BANK OF OMANA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Doug3as County, Nebraska, chose address
<br />is Farm CreQit P~riiding, Omaha, Nekraska 68:00, -
<br />Mortgagee ;suD3ect *_o oil, gas, and mineral righr,s owned Dy ~~ " =s ether than Mortgaccrs: existing easements of
<br />record: reservations in i,Ti_ter, States and State Dstents; and the ~r l3hts of the Dubllc Sr, a1i hlghv~ays J. the follawing-
<br />described real estate in 1ia11 t,c,..,tti, Nebraska
<br />SEC, TMP: Re.
<br />S~eNS;L-------------------------- 'k "., 3N 9 W6th P.M.
<br />enntalnin8 NO -n~re ~~ less, +.agatnar w1±n alt cf .the right, t±tie, and interest
<br />(now owned or Deresttar ac"Wired) of cr,E Mortga[r,~rs to sa;a t:royerty, including all buildings, improvements, iixtures,
<br />or appurtenances *_na>°ECn Hr hereafter ~_,~-.d t.^.Eraen; ~tll wxtar, Irrigation, and drsinage rights; the tenements,
<br />heraCl tamants, ;Ind appurtenances thereto and the ten CS, issues, crops, and profits arising from wild lands; and (if
<br />the Mortgagors+ riEirts in ttte public doinsin are re~~lreG Dy MortF,<rgee for sacuriry purposes) ali leases, permits,
<br />licensers, nr privl tepas, yppurtana.'. cur tEnant to -s 1 M, tgag 1 ;: s--e-. :tw er hEresf ter iCSUed. axterdEd,
<br />or renewed to the Mortgagors by the tri ed -'rates or the .ta~~ in svhii,.t ~:n~ abate-descrShed proparty is located or
<br />say denar ilgent, *_.nrea!~, nr a~enCV LT; P_r-_f.
<br />'i?!is mnrt age is Divan t-p secure ._ ,._..missctiy note or ?van y..~ra },crawl tt!, ...._~,;rgn ny Martnsgera ..., ....rCktugee, .,,
<br />the-F:l,cipal sass cf ONE HUNDRED SIX TN~I1SAi!_•fI NINE. HUNDRED AND NQJ1Q4 - - - - - - ° livLLAnB,
<br />payable with interest according to the terms of said note, ctta final ptlvment being due and payable on the ISrst day
<br />of MSiC11~ 2011 ?iris conveyance ;hall be sold upon r.he payment of said promissory note.
<br />This mortgage !s sub,7eyt to the Provisions of THE FRAM C.+iED1T ACT and all acts amendatory thereof or supplemental
<br />thereto. The proceeds of the loan secured hereby will be used for the purposes specified !n the Mortgagors+ spp11-
<br />natlon for said loan and auttrorized by said Act.
<br />The Mortgagors, and each of wham, hereby warrant that they are tee ewnars of the mortgaged real property; t.trat they
<br />will defend the t.ltle agelnst all claim-sots whomsoever, ant that Bald Property is free from all encumbrances; Chat
<br />they will !reap all the lmprovements, fixtures, and sppurtarances oc~^upied sod in good repair ant permit no ac CS of
<br />waste: and they will relinquish alI rights of homestead in said premises, and sovenaht and agree with ttte Mortgagee,
<br />as follows:
<br />(i) That they will pay when due all taxes, liens, tudgmencs, or sssassments which may be lawful iy assessed against
<br />the property herein mortgaged.
<br />(2) That they. will Insure and keep insured bus !dings or other improvements new nn or which may hereat ter ba plsc ad
<br />on said premises to the satisfaction of the t•~rtgagee, such Insurance policy shall be endorsed with a mortgage cisuse
<br />with the loss thereunder to De psyaDle tc the Mortgagee. Aru• sums received may be used to pay Ior reconstruction
<br />of the destroyed lmprovements; or, if not so applied, may, st the option v: the Mortgagee, ba appll ed In payment of
<br />any indebtedness, matured or uhmatatred, secured Uy this mcrtgage.
<br />- (3} 3a pay ail rehts,-ices, or ehai'E3es now due ar to heu'timE due +urder the terms of each lasso, Hermit, LleansE, or
<br />pr silage-on the public dossin which is appurtenarrt ar norappurtanarit to C}re mortgalZOC premises, which hss beats
<br />issued, eiltended,dr renewed Dy the united States or the state Sn which the above-describ+°d proparty 3s !orated: and
<br />t6 psrform. apd gbserve every act, codanant, cordiClon, sad stipulation necessary to keep each nt tho same in gncd
<br />stahding; and to take every necessary step td secure the reissue, renewal, ~r extension of esch er the saris; ar,C tc
<br />assign, waive, pledge, or ehdarse tc the Mortgagee each lease, permit, license; or privilege if Mortg:lgors~ rights
<br />in public. dcmaln era required by Mortgagee Ior security purposes.
<br />(,1) -that in-the auellL the Mortgagee 1>^ a party tc any litigation affecting the security nr the iien :;f :t-s murt-
<br />gdlte, iniit:cling.arry suit Dy the MCrtgagee to foreelcse this mortgage cr soy suit in whlcn the Mcrtgagaa ^;ay be named
<br />a party dalendanG Sn whlcti it SS ob2lgated t0 DroCact. Sts rights er iien, including conde:mrstlor. err.;: :;ankruptc;;
<br />pf oG88d1agS.-LAe Mortgagee may inCtir.experrs4s and advance psyr<?nt .oc' ?Ds'*'hct tPe=. st.rcr.^.ey feev tax e;t C.... ..,.
<br />eAtapt-prptsiDlted Dy law), costs, expense^,, and ocher charges.
<br />(5) 'CttS.t 1,^.. the event the Mortgagors i¢il to pq; when daa ,uu~ taut. sr ?ter - -- +g :er c ~. r asses; c:e:.t.; - { 1 ^ ,
<br />mai.llialtl in$tiranCa a3 harPlnbP•LJTi provided, ^r fall Y, (, , a> : EI;La, .Bas, '- ..h_. wP.., u.,de. tii@ tar'rs .' r ~ . ~ s.:a~.
<br />paF7R1` --liaensa ar rrivikega: or. Y,ortgagae is rB ,.air el to '. rcur Fx sas*~ bstracl teas tc~ -
<br />~~v~~, a..d Dths-. st~.r~s 1° .v;trattio wi -t t z; - r rot - g~ n y s u - n°er t
<br />4Y tnet_'^ asczn g~sf!axt l-n, 2:s1! er.'n *1:~._.*_„ , -h°_r~. c. ..;:,__1 U
<br />atkQ psyaple Sxa9dlaGaiy, and shsli Dc¢.^ interest ±rom the Cate of „ayn.'~r at .h+. ,,. _E ra*. r_. t. c ~5„ „'.~_',
<br />;., thr s.- ~, - -
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