7. Caadoa. m theeamt ttbe Prnlferty, araaypart thereof, sh#Il be bYen by eminent domsin,ttre
<br />is er~owered to eoHect and receive nit eoffipeasatian v may be paid for any priperty taken or for damages to property
<br />not tikes, and stra0 apply sneh compensation, ,t its opatoa, either t4 a reductdoa of the indetrpednaaa secured
<br />Iscrebq or to npatr sad restore the property m dalaaged.
<br />$, ?aetaananee by 1WPtp@ae. may, but shaA bare no obligation, to do any act v)hich tare MaetgaKor
<br />hfs mead bat falls to do, artd Mortgagee ~ also do any ad It deems neeearary to protect Lhe lien hereof.
<br />tolagnq, upm deumrd, my an~tso expended bq the ~ far ttce above purposes, and nay saw so expended
<br />bq -the be added w the indetrt a~aued hereby and become subject to the lien hereof. MortyBee
<br />:ttffl not->amrr a~ lree>ead 1{abittty be~tn+e of mpt5tat it may do or omit to ~ hereunder.
<br />9. Dataadt; Aaai~t of Rena. Time is of fate essence }mreaf, and upon bSortgagar's default in any coveemt
<br />aragesesrertt at fhb , incladiag coverianta to pay when due the sums second by this Mort~e, the Mortgatee sh~l
<br />he ent~ttkd, at its sate option aad wltholrt notice, W declare aft soma seelusd t)y th4 Mortggge to be'immedlateiy dam and
<br />gayabte and may oanrmence tmedasare of-this Mortgage by judicid proceeding; acd, provided further, that uponsvch
<br />dexatrit the Most~r0ae, or a le.~ver appointed by a court, may at Sts option and without regavd to the adequacy of fire
<br />seeurIty, eater upon and take possession of the Property and collect the reins, teases sad profits therefrom and apply tam
<br />ihLat W -fie-east of colleeUoa sad operation o[ the Property and tben upon the indebtednesc secased by this Mortgagee;
<br />said rend:. ieal~ and- profltc being aadgm±d to the Mortgagee as further secluity ter the payment of the indebtedness
<br />seed hereby.
<br />10: Treats of Property. If all or any part of the Property is sold or transferred without the exprera written cam.
<br />...seat a1 the IVlortggee, Mortgpgee may at its sole optaan, declare all auw secured by this Mortgage to be Immediately due
<br />and psayaMe,
<br />11. Future Advances. Qpon request of Mortgagor, Mortgagee may make additioaai and- future advaaoes to
<br />Mart4pgor. Such advances, with interest thereon, shall be secured by this Mortgage when evidenced by promissory notes
<br />atatht8 that-said notes. are secured hereby. AE no time shall the principal amount of the indebtedness seeaee~by this-
<br />. , not indudi~ sums advanced to protect the security at Chic Mortgage, ezcesd the original Note.
<br />22 lBlaeellsaoears Provision.
<br />{a} Any torelasarmce in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver thereof.
<br />(6} All remedies prorided herein are distinct and cumulative to any other right aftoeded by law or equity,
<br />andlaty be exercised concurrently independently or successively.
<br />{c} The covenants snd agi¢ementa contained herein shall bind, and the rights inure to, the respective
<br />wetxaora and aesipis oI the Mortgagor and the Mortgage[:.
<br />{d) Ali eoremiap sad agreements of the Mortgagor are joint and several.
<br />{e} The headings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for convenience only and shall noE be used to inteo-
<br />prat or define the provision hereof.
<br />28. Ralene. Upon payment of all sow second by this Mortgage, Mortgagee shall discharge th}s Mortgage and
<br />~ esecute and delires s uttgfictmy releue therefor.
<br />IN ®fITNt~S Wft6REOF, Mortgagor has ertecuted t63s M n the,~1~. day at.~4'..,19 ~.
<br />., ~~ /~ -
<br />aouor~r
<br />a060RQ
<br />8hla of Netusrta, Hall County ~:
<br />t)a this ?LOth day o{ NOVember 19 81 betore me, the undersigned, a Notary PlrWk
<br />ttsdy comoihsioaed sad yualifled for rata county, peisaoalty erne Aden Ens ley
<br />> to aw Imowa to be the
<br />IMnticat person(s) whose names} are subsceibad to the toeegojng intrumeat and acknowledged the execution thereof
<br />ttt bras His vduntary sec sad deed.
<br />>?fitness my hand and notarial seal st c=r~nc3 Ic and 2~E in said county, the
<br />datcalfoaeeetd-.
<br />lly Ownmlaioa espirea: ~~..~~,,~ -'-7
<br />YB4itYfiRAtr-arusatartesM- !~ r~~~r ~ ~21..G~''. f': _
<br />~a ~f Ngr+~nJr lti4a~
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<br />_ +~ ... 1 K ~ ~ ~.
<br />`~,.~ ~ - raft -as- S'a? ~ `.~' _
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