-; ~ 6gV=--aEGDMii RBRt ESTATE 610R7itltl+tl--M~Itt+ "t'az Ga~sa
<br />:~;.
<br />is~itm?n sari fc;tntt 8 prstt. pstg. Na. 6&46t
<br />$~ =-U t1 ~ 8 3 ~ ffivow ~, n~tv sY ~E ~~xrs:
<br />THATIar WE, RICHARD M. CARSON and SHIRCI:Y P. CARSON, Husband and Wife
<br />of Ha11 County and State of Nebraska , in cunstderatiox of the sane of
<br />FQ71€R `I'H9tJSAI3D AND N0/tOOTHS---------------(Z1-,000.00)----°----- DOLLARS
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and COA`VLY unto CHARLES PERHINS and ALBERTA PERICINS r
<br />Husband and ti/ife
<br />(mortgagee),
<br />of $aIl County, and State of Nebrask8 ,the folloxcing described premises
<br />sitaaisd in Ha11 County, and Stets ct Nebraska fo-udt;
<br />Lot:a Thirty-Three (33) and Forty-Six (46),
<br />in Frank P. Bark's Subdivision No. 3, being
<br />a part of the East Hal,' of the Northeast
<br />quarter (E~NE~) of Section Ten (70}, Tovrnabip
<br />Eleven (t/) North, Range Nine (9} asst of the
<br />6th p.M., Ha12 Countp, Nebraska.
<br />The intention brag to ronx~ty hereby an absolute title in fe¢ simple intluding at! the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tke premises abov¢ described, oat/e all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto
<br />!lee said rnorigagre or rnortgagtes and !o his, her or their heirs sad assigns, forever, proeaded always, and these pres-
<br />tats ors neon the express conditiua that if thr said mortgagor or mortgagors, his, her or their hears, execulors, admin-
<br />istrxttors or assigns shalt pav ar cause to be paid to the said mortgagee ur mortgage¢s and to his, her or their heirs, ex-
<br />eerttext, adrrarastrators ar asaigas, the sure of Four Thousand and No/tOOtba---------------
<br />----..---..--------(~$,000.00}----------------------0ollars, payable as follows. to-wit:
<br />Mea_bl3 psyments in ttra mount of ~8ti.98 to be
<br />scald directly to Gbarlea and Alberta perkias.
<br />First paysent to be due January 1, 1982 and
<br />fiaal payatant due January 1, 79b7•
<br />aloe tb 1
<br />tuitk aHac'ast thereon as 1 2 par cent per antrum, payable zs~~ according to the tenor and effect of
<br />slat promissory nuts with interest coapons attached of said Mortgagors, bearing e^osa date u+th these prrs-
<br />eteRr, and shall pay aid taxes and any interest an, or maturing instaAmants u f principal, due on any prior mortgage and
<br />asasssntenls lathed aeon said real estate and all othrr taxes, !series and assersmeats learoed aeon this mortyagr or the
<br />teats which this rnortgaye is given to cetera, before the carne becomes delinquent and krep thr buildings an said
<br />praairu itunrsd for the srm ~' kti,000l, lnss, of any, payable to nah f+rst tnortgngees or this mortgaysr, or Goth,
<br />than these prssanu ba void. othsrutise to be and remain is fat! force.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (t) That if the said mortgagor shat! fail to pay such taxrs and Bach interrst un,
<br />or nwtrrirp inatalltntnts of p.incrpat, doe on any prior mortgage and procare such insaranca~, then this mortgagee rrwy
<br />pay such taxes and sarh interest on, or maturing installments of prituipal, due on sash prior mortgage and procarr
<br />saa:A irutrretres; aced the sum so advaeced a+itb interest at nave par cent shall br paid by said mortgagor, and this rnort-
<br />ga~s shaft stdwd as secarity for tke same. (2i That a failurr to pa3• an_y of swirl mosey, either princtpa! or interest as
<br />' ties or any prior mnrtgugr, sullen the sass lrsramss dos or a faitarr to eoraply :rich any of the foregoing agreements.
<br />sirpb( tarns tlar whole sxta of money htreen rreartd to become des and cullertoble at once at the option uj the n:art-
<br />ga~gas. .. _ __ -
<br />~ IT IS $~ ;Maid nwrtgages, Pending forerlosure of thas morggage and after drtrre and
<br />I psrrda~ #' a or artd peteding salt of premises mortgaged, may pay suelt taxes and metering
<br />~ interest or Feat ttAtl>iR ~ol, oa prtar mortgages, process nub i»saranre and sack saws shall ~a
<br />added to ths~#"'ttanr'mr dteres mtd-span confirmatiaa of sots $y tbs toast ordered takes out of prueesds of sale;
<br />.ar ij rsdsanrad darbeg stay, appeal or sots, sack amaaats shalt bs totlrcted the setae os though d tiara a part of sash
<br />s dec+se.
<br />.5ipusd this ?Orb day of Novesber , refit ,
<br />
<br />!r Preattrcr of
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<br />Sf#'e'~`SiE M' l~~a`~s~# '"~
<br />ter:
<br />-~.g-~.'c~uzf,~f '~r`~ rat`'«_
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