<br />3I--~v5~33"r'
<br />tiA~ _ __
<br />ttfr~xrcACE ts~AN No. _ L 24x011
<br />gvfrw ALL titXl HY 171E_1'E 1'xf~srxts: That Richard fi. Larson and Shirley P. Larson, each in his
<br />and her cam right artd as spouse of each other,
<br />Mortgtgw, whether one or mare, in m~ratioo ~ the amo of
<br />Forty Tho~sartd and NaJ100 --__,-__^------------___,---_ 1xluARs
<br />batted w acid rtiwtgaptr by The Egtstabk Bwldiog and Last Assoaatinn of (:rsnd tahrtd, Nebraska, Mostpages, upon 400 shy of start of
<br />stud ASSt7G7A't1iJl1, Cert~ieau No. L 24,011 , drt hereby grmt, mnvey and r~rtPge tmto the said ASSOCIATIONf [Ire foHovrlag
<br />de:rstlfsd rsi esuu, sittated Fn the Cuttmy, Nehra~a:
<br />Ir3ts Thirty-Three (33) and Forty-Six (46) of
<br />Frank P. bark's Subdivision fb. 3, of part
<br />of the Fast Half of the Northeast Quarter
<br />(E~NE$) of Section Ten ;10), in Township
<br />Eleven ell) forth Range Nine (9} West of the
<br />6th Y.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />together with ad the tesaerstents. trmdvameau and appttnenmrzs theretmto Ixbngitt;, mciudiug attached floor oove[mp, all window x7+eetts,
<br />vvutdow dudts» btiods, [torn[ wmdrrvra» avtmtttp, heatirtg, air conditronirg6 and pltmtbinR and wale egtdprrcof and atxtaories thereto, puaeps,stores,
<br />refrigaraton, std other fatttres a::tt egniprrtent rurw ur hernfter attached to .x tmnl in amnectuon wild aid real watt.
<br />Aad wltettas the sYd nturtgsgor ha agsnf and dues hereby agree that the mangasor s{utd and avid pay ail tasea sod as>es~enu (cried w
<br />ataeaad uprat ad ptentQS ~mi apon thn r,yxtgagr artd the band secures! thereby txfurc the same shall become delinquent: to fta<noh apptored
<br />iswrnrtct upon the btddvgp .m sad prcrnvxa srttaud to the stem al 340, 000 o QO paysbk w aid ASSOCIATION srd to deliver w said
<br />ASSOCIATION the polities far sad tmuraace: and not to r:tmmit w permtt any wsste an or about said prtrnaes;
<br />to [sae at defaedt re tee perforrm~ of any of the tertm and c[todifioru of tfus trtwtppge ar rive bond atxured Itertby, the ball.
<br />un de®td. Ae entitled to umnediate puarauort of the rraxfggged Ptentnes and the natrt~or hereby aaMpas, tamfets and eta ova w the
<br />tnortp;ee aU the recta. nerertvvea and income to he tktrved from the mwilpged prtmttes dttrsng sttcJt tune as the mort~e mdebtedaea shall remain
<br />tmpadd: a~ the mwtgaBne slaty dare the paver to appoint arty agent ur agents it may desire for tttt purpose of tepavias said prances sad rrntiug
<br />the ame and toliettiag the rrnu, rerenetes and trtatme, and it may pay out of said irtcorrte all expenses of repaving aid prentots and rtecew[y
<br />m~orw and expemea attuned m rentutg and nuraguvg the same ami of colkctittg rentals tfeercfrom; the bahuts tetminio¢, if my, w be
<br />ap>~ied toward the dish of said mortgage imkbtsdrrcg: ttxac rghu <>f the rtturt rtuy be exrrtisrd at mY time dwitrg the existeaa~ of wed
<br />atdt, vstspeefix o!' asy tcs~orssy xaivta of flu awm.
<br />'[)tee I4eaeau, however, arc upon tlx Cartditian, Tfiat if the acid Mangagtr shall repay std lam on ar hefterc the ttntttrity of said shares by
<br />payment; p.y monthly to aid ASSOI'IATtON of the stem spetafied m the Bond scrotal hereby as interest std psirtdpal tin aid ktao, on ar before
<br />the Twtntiteth day of rack std crery mantle, wail sad loan ss i ady peal: pay ail axes and amesuneau lerxd against said premoes std an this Mtxegtge
<br />atxa tfu tsaad uttned tl~relry, btfatc i~i~tsest'y: futaish appts?wxi mswauee upon titz bttiitih~ tl~reou sn the sum of 3 40, 000.00 }uY
<br />to said AS50CIAT10N: [spay to said ASSOCtATiON upon demand ail money by ii pod for erred taxes, asaemmnu std inwrartce with inurtaa at
<br />ilr titattiuvstaa t:Fe theteavt Estrin dots of l~'i mint ad of wttsd. ~uttgagcx ixstby ~saa to pay: permit tea w~#c ctn sawf pse~s;ttc~ oat txtta~I}r
<br />vrith ail the assee»ttnts and tttntiitiom ref the Hood for 3 40 0p0.p~ rho dry given by the aid Mtxtyptr to aid ASSOf:IATION, and txvmpiy
<br />with ad the requventenu of rite Cnrntitutitxt attd HY-Lawn of said ASSOCfA7'tON: then these preaeou stall bworoe nod attd void, othmvoe they
<br />dtaH remain h fad forte sad m+Y he fwetloaed at the option of the aid ASSOCIATION after failttrc for three tttmths to [[take any of acid
<br />paymmu w be three trtmths in arrears in making said traattbly payrtteuts, w to keep and Comply with the ag[eeroenu and txtttditions of still Hwtd:
<br />and INtertydor agrees w havo a receiver appointed forthwith in atttfi forv:clusurc proceedvgs.
<br />r' If thate tx ray thntge in owttersdrp of the real elute mwtgtgoA hoed, by salt ar otherwtR, then the entve rertttvniog indebtedavta hmeby
<br />aecutal shad, at the apaim of The !•;yuiuble fitulttitte and (.oast Amociatian of Grand /shad, Ntbtaaka, bewma it®redi:tely due and payable without
<br />further notice. and the amtatnt rerwittin6 dot trader saws bond, and any wher btertd for my additittoal adrsnas tttatk theretradet, shad, from the
<br />dace of eaercts of aid optio0. bear interest at tttc raaxirratm tegtl ate, and tho roortdage may then be Corexioad [o atofy the aretormt due ten aid
<br />bopd, rind my other bond for addNwettat advartcas, together with ad stout paid by said The i:gttitahk Bttilditg and Lstrn Aswciation of Grand Islmd,
<br />Na)gaefta for ir>awante, taxd arvd aafesamenu, and abalrsUtrt6 extettiao titargw, with intmest theretm, from date of payment at the toutimum
<br />~ au-
<br />As pwvwied m the Bond stcwad hereby. while rho naatgsge rertvains m effect tM rnurlgagee m+Y hereafur advattte additional wins w the
<br />valcars of said IJond, they atigtx ur st+tsxaax in muster, which soma stall be within the scx:wity of this rttwty¢ the ame as the ftmds trripoady
<br />accessed tlwt:by, t3ra total amount of prtrttgral tkbt nut to exceed at mY itroe the original amttuat of rho ~iRa6e.
<br />~Oth dar of NOVPS[Iber, A- B., 74 81
<br />.• ..
<br />I.J ~ L..~
<br />a~3Z P. Late- .
<br />SfATl3 OF Nk$leA$1€i-, ~ a. On [net 20th +hr of flavt~tlbeT, iv 81 , behtre rue,
<br />t~011FtTY OF fdAl.t.
<br />the undersigned. a Notary Pubdc m and iw sad Carroty, perttttaady taima
<br />:tithard; Al. Laraan and Shirley P. Larscxl, each ist his and hez escort r~ht aixi a&P~ooowfrow
<br />esaett other, are
<br />tstr w bs toes stkrttcat p@son g wktnae stone g Avg atFtxad m the sbors imtr![mentity tnatrtagor s at>Q they ~~Y
<br />acdttva:ktf~td the raid ttagrmtsam to be their vedantuy ,mot sad dyed.
<br />vst'i7fl my food std Natuvt Seal rite dart afiaeaid- - - ~- ~ '`~
<br />J ~ '`__.
<br />Vy t:cammauun exlesea _ __„ ii ,- -
<br />/ ./ ""` ~ _*. ,v~' "'~ .._.....~ - _ '\totary~t'a64sc
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<br />;a ~,.ktP.k, !Ai ,fGr a!e .,i '+s.ts.,.,;
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