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8I~(~i~583 <br />hfORTCAtC>£ <br />- _ ____~l----V _- MORTf.AGE LOAN NO. L 24 , 010 <br />ravoty ALa. M1=1+i 6Y FElf=SE PRssENTS: That Craig L. White and Vonnie D. White, each in his and her <br />t3te*n ric~tt and as Spouse of t~.arh other, Mortgagor, whether rme or more. in +ur~dm,rtim of the stmt of <br />Forty-Five Thousand Six HtxYtdred and no 100--._T.~_.~_.~_~r ~- V-_ -~-__ - ~ ° n()GLARS <br />laaeted io still mortgsgor by The Fgtsitabk Wsilding and Loest Asstrciation of Grartd island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon a 56 shears o! atoak of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 2$,010 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage onto the Said ASSOCIATION the ftsilawdug <br />dtscnbod real date, situated in HsH County, Nebraska: <br />Lot Fifteen (15) Whites Sunny Slopes Stilx3ivision, <br />in Hall County, Nebraska. <br />together with ail the tnsapnsents, lsamdpk'amrnnrs anti atnpmtrtvmHCS tliuurrrrtan hairwtgtrs$r iau~#tr4u'p~i, rkt~lq tlfr y~z~ct I i~'~ <br />window shacks, blinds, sta'm windosrv„ awnirgts, heatmg,ata-cr.mtlrtrYtrgrt{~,anditkunwtna~and wttcm's+adt#glnnr~atumy! to;wrrrrpw^afwcpp+Mt.,~.'ISrw, <br />refxigcratura, uttl other iSxtarrs and rrtrrt}ururtni rtovr ear h,,rrcaficr xUtxe~:Ytayl t+, ear tutcd m coxrrms:taasn wsth srytd srnsi utausiar„ <br />Aard whereas the avid moxi'gagoi ':lent zgreed amt drat^s ftrtrb+y agpas abet the rra~rt,ru ~ xt vrl ,~YSy sik ~ saw>* aiawdlagaa>p ~ err <br />asaeaed upon said presnmaes and upon this, rrrasrrgtt~t xrrd tba Mrsud rni'':i sell g,faurthyy~ bc^4~u{rc alas vprwest aR: k~rs:aui rtuaplingywrrkw'. tlru fwtwNglL'~ <br />ntsusattce uprm the btd6f~s on seal prerrsors ritrsa#rd io the sum rd ~ ~~. 'D0. U'0 twyat!rk ro axisf rxw;,'Wt'ilr'RA,Yi aatli csr !!sail <br />ASSOCIATION the policip ftu asst urwrant-e; and tort to rvm,na rw permw any route un cn- ^#arut ^rNat pr+futs^w. <br />In case of default in tht performance tYi~ any ref the terrra ~ .3~drtn>f!a ~ zi>=s rt +~ else! ~ ~~~ -..-° <br />0o demand. fx entitled to itnrnediate pr,saesaiua of the nrara~gcd prarttaes arxi the nrattgrtpr~ hexelry ?= r.,s ar~¢ ~ ~esr ~ :Ae <br />rurrrlgagee ilI the rents, raventrn and rnwnse to be Jer,vad from the mrat~irf praneaa dvsrrrg au.6 trans p tta nvrips~s arNs~trwiaaas tlwi ^sssasryr <br />unpaid: and the mnrtgagae slush have the power to appuent any agaut ur amts rt teary +iaaas tr» the Pmp*>'a ~ ,rgaaats,ttt !trial Wearaatrrtat^ aui r.+~araatl <br />the same a,il rnlkcting the rants, raYertUta arsd nttxrnsa, ami tt rtar pay +rwt .rf sod yrrrtasrc a~tl c ^pemrs ,,f tvgtaaYy.~ rrtsY Yrar~ttaa earl arw+arasatE <br />wmmisaioos and expettsea mcuxred itr rentrag snri nanag,rrg the sa,na arsd ~,t iolkksstryt, esarah rhsrrti+)waf- eta trtsla^ata ~, a w9r. a; tle <br />apps ttmatd the disclrat~ asf ~! ~amtg~s ti>tcf. tt~ c,; . t~ ~ .~ r «+w.~ n a?~a. aa, ~ aYra <br />default, irn~spcctive arf any irreyrrrasy' wxivas ut !ha anra. <br />"fhtae presents, Iwwwevat, err: arpun the Craydnroas,':4'htai L ilta vaitil k~r:.rrdwgp+»r ~trttlP erftay vuaf b' v+~ + .~a#rrrsa a':twr tua?':rrt ~yt ,Yr.d t <br />paymant~ pay rramthty tea said A.ttirttAC,:IATitti'i iif aiw tuustu apa+y~rryad uaN th!a iitlNtial vwy:tiysrol trsrar#s~y ors ~arpatwva aiwi diprr±trtaittui r'ua iirsais t,.,: ~uwrva ae~wrs <br />the 'I'weariieth dxy .... e+r:h arrrl wry .rti~nar.y. ra"rtril ~~ ii.,an is gliy t& }wr art iy~v vart!L rds~rs ~i..... '"!'"~k 'r. -.'xy r.._ ~ ..~~.~ st__ ++~ <br />r#w lit-e ta_ynrer! t~`t~'tr'f. ~`€?r. ta,~~~..~:.ts ~~:: t~,:. jai a ~, ":a. --~ ~ ..._.~..,, ~. €~. _- ._ .. . ,~k~,.=, r:- : -- ~ ~ _ _ - _ _ <br />to said A;aS~t~C'iR"i1c33d; tayppay ter i4airl +i«~bt:r.`IATlttt~. trlMaar derrrap¢t ~°'t tstaruaryt imv ou, issNr' ru aa,,y aaa„ aatnasargltd,sta {xrwi, . u:il. ~+~ <br />ism rt'a€2estu:ru i :'ate rs~,~ . r:at:r u,:,. ;~ ~ ~, , ....; ~..::t ~ _ . ~,.. , f.. !.µ , - - „... ~t ~ ,,.....~:: via'. tasx: i"int~~..:atp. +-' ,~~,.~ <br />whir,dl nc~ xgr~rtrerrrs seed sax~r~rtir2rL o= LPs ~1 L~ ~?; Att>l, Lr~ ±Laa t!az area ly tip ;~ ~c:rtt: .g ~tc3i.,tZ .i;'~'.~i, ~ .:~ <br />with all the requuertsctus of the l'rxesinutiun and Hy d.atrs W ta«S AJ.'irX-I A fft.Mv, thin ilaaa prerensra ria^d taaaraita a••,F .r,•t...a-t~vya <br />algtll remain iat full form atml r,ay be foracl~i ae she upttwr ut ttt€ ear! A:~>l7d-tAftt,7N attar lass trs arose t r;,° aaatra » ;~ !teal <br />paYrmnts w be three matths in urears m tssakueg seed maathty payntsrrsr, ,u to leap seer :uttryiy wuh tie a~+rr~ia^ ~+> ~t rr~ - <br />~ Mwlgagrx agrees w have a ruxivee appuwted fwthwtth rn sers;h fwratuswr ptxAeaiu~s. <br />It there is any r~twac in uwparship rat the tcai aasar±< teost~! hcisaa. hY sabt ,~ >~thaaxae, s~ rtla ~.;_ <br />secured shall, at the option of The Fquitatdie HuiMirgg anti Lxvn Aaatn-aatrxr ul l ixand la6aad, NaMas-a, berarn,s <br />ftuther notice, and Chit atrr,unt ratraieting dtsa troller sod i,i~d, nrui ary .t[hsr hwal Ira say ashSatrtwat ~ ~ t: <br />dada of ratcrcitc of said optprn, brae inta:rosi at. the rpar,urwtu W:yyst rats, acid rhea nhrtstgatjlr rl~y sisaa ba fo^eckarsd err saw} riot aasraaaa »i+rp err aai <br />bond, seed any otbex bwtd roe atMitiasnil adva,uset, wgeiAsr wrth all ~n+ras peel by salt! Tbs t= <br />gttt~tt+t ~ xnd !I vYra A~aaa s+a+atlt <br />Nebraska for irtturantae,. ta,tas and assesatreents, and attatrutr~ rau:awrra !:Frogs., wrth trturrst thsirti.W, YrWn dauw ,.tt tn^yreaal at !fie ~ <br />legal rate. <br />As provitkd in the stcuued lee,ohy, wtuk !lux nrrrkt tartwena at rift tyre oaatgr~re nut twraatiar a.!!nuvs ++~*ulat away! tv eae <br />makers of said ~mrd, tlha4' astiy,s ur xtr:txauxs irs intos. st, whx'1r runos shall i+a wrtlutr Lits^ .ecaaaty Art !rtes ter~str}gF Ltr~ ; ~ rye .ice-~ <br />ax~utcd thereby, Lisa totil xtununt o! prrnr:rpil debt to carrell ss auy trnte ti^s Adx~ttyai ur~~rut sii !fur rra~rq~. _ - <br />uiated tttgt 20th day of 'rVcrve:>r'trbr:r A- n-, t4 ~ 1 <br />.% { <br />#T- +.r. . I r - - <br />Vonnie D; ivfiite <br />STATE OE NEt1RASKA, ,& the this <br />COUNTY OF tIALL 20th day of Novetttbr:Y iv i3 i , batose ms, <br />the traletvigoad, a Nutu~ public m and lift saod Cr,t,aty, par mars <br />Graiq L. irlkiite and Vonni.e D. White, each i_rt his and her own rzgrtt and ass of ~~i <br />ether, who 9I~~~parrtutwlty knows w <br />+ae w tee the idaniical person 3 wtwx ttattreS are affixed to the strove irtst,w,eant as rnaaijagur S and tlrrFy rarexaliy <br />~ the sail intctrumsut io be thel.r volrmtary ~t x„d dyed, <br />~tITNESS ray hvnd and Notuial Seal the date afrseesaitt. ' <br />MY Cotnrrwtinn tttndres ~ <br />-- <br />~~il--_- _-. .~ ~_ - ~ _ '._- _s F.__i s_y _ <br />.~•...~ ,.. ! ~ ~ „4R ~tsi ~ r.. _Notary pltlFlia _ <br />~~~~~~ - <br />