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~~.~)~5f~~~ <br />CONTRACT FOR CONDZTZO"JAL SALE OF REAL ESTATE <br />THI5 AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between l,lfred <br />Meyer and Evangeline Meyer, husband and wife, of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska,Y:crein called tare "Seller", and Caletta Oakley, <br />a single per•sori°, of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, herein <br />called the "Buyer"; <br />WZTNESSETH THAT: <br />Seller hereby agrees to sell and convey to Buyer, and Buyer <br />hereby agrees to purchase from Seller, the following described <br />real estate situated in Hall County, Ne~raska, herein called the <br />"Real Estate", to-wit: <br />The East One-half (E 2) of the Northwest Quarter (PJW~) <br />of Section Faur (4), Township Ten (10), North, Range <br />Nine (q), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, <br />together with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto <br />belonging, upon the following terms and conditions. <br />1. <br />THE PUFSC}iASE PRICE r?IdD ~iANiJF.R OF i'AYP9ENT <br />1. _The Purchase .4s the purchase. price for the heal <br />Estate, Buyer agrees to ;ay~to SellL:r and Se.l.ler agrees to taccept <br />from Buyer the sum oS' One iundred ccve~nty Thousand and Nof.T00--- <br />Dollars ($170,000.00). <br />2. '"he Pdar~r;er c3I' ~'ti~'^t. 'h<~ {lurch~;se price mall be <br />paid ip th!~ f01 i,i~~ying .._?nr,~3,•; <br />(a! ins ., ,~lil ~,i - ,_.•c :I~~+: ~: .Sni3 rl rld Na/1C30______Doiiars \vJ a~'+tii. ?ii) <br />.._.~ ! ,.. _. t~},-y tici ili, it CAL±~C,.YLt;Ci1 LI ~' t,:!C .. 7.;~, 1. <br />note of t=~r ;~LZ~J~=r, n thE~ amount oi: l+ivr? ThL~L:c;~~rd =srrt:}. <br />(b) }'hc i4li i't'r7cr Siirn Cif 'J i'tj'-two ThOUFuanu :riX Hii~iis rE=i `k itd, <br />ai/ JV°°-°_-°"S EW4~,DUli.itti) Sna.11 a~ I;-.-1 .y r,i,],y{'~~r`° <br />Co ie7,o. on or be?are the 1st ?y of April ,n =?~, <br />ecnsti tui.irrg ttie total. down p._ryni~:nt far the eui':~•},<r~c <br />of said premises. <br />(c) The balance of the purchase price of One Hui,dr•ed Tweniy- <br />twa Thousand Four }iundred and No/100--------Dallars <br />($1~2,40Q.00} ^hall be paid by Buyer to eeller in <br />installments, as follaws: <br />'T'he sum of T''i ve 'Phousand ..nd Na/100----- -----Dallars <br />($5,000.00} on Lhe 1st day of Mar°ch, lq']7. <br />'I'hc sum cf Fivc Thousand and iJo/1.00-----_..---Dollars <br />($S,OOO.OU) on ttie 1st day of March, lq7$. <br />The sum of Five Thausand and Nof100----------Dallar°s <br />($5,000.00) on the 1st day of P•iarch, Iq(q. <br />The sum of Five Thousand and No/100-----------Dollars <br />($5,000.00) an the 1st day of March, 19$0. <br />Tha sum of A'ive Thausand and No/100----------Dollars <br />($5, on the 1st day of T•9arch, -ig81. <br />The s,sm of Five Thausand rind No/1.00--.--__---L)ollars <br />($5,000.00} on the 1st- day of March, 1882. <br />