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<br />Mo~,T'tsac~~
<br />This Mortgage is entered into bettreen Gordon 1. Scarborough, A Single Person
<br />_ (herein "Mortgagor"} and,.
<br />FIVE POINTS BANK (herein "Mortgagee"}:
<br />Idottgaagsr:is :indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum of $ 2 , 9~i 5, 60 ,evidenced by Mortgagor's note
<br />~~ j;jlj8 81 {herein "Note"} providing for payments of principal and interest, with-the balance of the
<br />indebtedness, it not sooner paid, due and payable on 2 I6 82 -
<br />To r>eratre the pagment of the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment of all other sums, with interest,
<br />atlvaniecd by Mortgagee to protect the-security of this Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreetnenta of
<br />the Mortgagor contained hernin, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgage the following described
<br />peepeety Ibcated in Ha"i > County, Nebraska:
<br />Lot One Hundred Thirty Pour (134) in F,uenavista Subdivision,
<br />An Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets, alley&, passageways, casements, rights, privileges and
<br />txtpttrtettancvs iowted thereon or in anywise pertasning thereto, and the rents. issues and profits, reversions and remainders
<br />theranf; indadiag, but not limited to, heating and cooling equipment and such personal property that is attached to the
<br />improvements sa as to rnnstltute a fixture; all of which, including replacements and additions thereto, is hereby declared
<br />to be a part of the real-estate secured by the lien of this Mortgage and ail of the foregoing being referred to herein aa.the
<br />,.~p~y".
<br />Mortgagor further convenanis and agrees, witA Mortgagee, as follows:
<br />1. payme p><y the indehtedrtess aad the interest thereon ax provided in this Mortgage and. the Note„.
<br />2. Title. Mortgagor is the owner of the. Property, has the nght and authority to mortgage the t'rtrperiy, and.
<br />wartaaia that the lien ereared hereoy is a first and prior lien an ih~ Pr.-,pert}°, .!ncept as ntay otherwise be set.. fazth.hereia.
<br />Tate Prrty a st,t to a Mortga~e wherein -- Ff~ve -I~'s~lut~d~1'ia:.1;.-, __ .~-.,m.~
<br />is the hloi'tg~ee> t~rotderl at i~ _~ , Yage - --. - . - of tfae Martgagr~ Fterards of _m _H°'~=..._ ._ __..._, Gouttiy,
<br />~, whits ~ i:t a lieu prior to the lien rrrated hereby.
<br />^ Qther prior iiena or encumbrances:.-----__ __ __. _...___. _~__....._.__--
<br />3; Texas, Aarwtsania. To pay where due all taxes, special asseasmentt and aft other charges against the Property
<br />rwd, upon wpttten demand by Mortgagee, to add to the payments required undeg the Note secured hereby, such amount as
<br />tttay ba saf~ent to enable the AAariga~e io pay such lazes, assessrtuants ar other charges as they became due.
<br />A, fnstlewee, To keep t!-e improvements now oc hererfter located r1n the real estate described herein.^insured
<br />apinaE damagdby flte and such other hazards as Mortgagee may require, in amaaunts and with companies aixepisbNe to the
<br />Mpttt!, Kati-with,-oss payable to ttce Mortgagee. In case of loss under sorb palirles the Mortgagee is authorized to
<br />att~aist,,,txiils~E aad.rat~,p; is its. dissretiort, aft claims- thereunder at i;ta sole ,optiat, authoriaedt~eithrrappty tlte, -
<br />plnueeeilit qr thir reatoraEimt of Lbe Property or upon-the Indebtedness seeuretf hereby, but psymenta heneuadershaN crut-
<br />t#l s'w~ a~rtti~~y 3n .
<br />6. Cl t.rernta. Yoe T rqd iawmce. Natwithstxnding anything vr•`anaieiaed in pan;raph* u anti d hereof to the
<br />~?,- shall pay tat the at the time of paying the ngonthly itrsEpliments of pritk.tpal and interest„
<br />Dire.twtltttA--ei#-yearly-taxes, hatiard ittauranCe preaPitUpaB, and gmtutd rents (if any}which may,,attidn a
<br />t-eiggity thlt.Mtt~xlgage, aU rut »asoitably esiitaated from time to time by true Mortgagee- 7'he amounts ro paid shall be
<br />lgt tpa #1~tta.~aittl~auk iE aad emptied to the-pitYmeoE ae the +tat~ in respc~rt to wttiett sorb aataunts were
<br />dpg~ad, attms )mod to tt[~tpgaa hstrutxier acne pledged. as additional senurtty for the indebtedness secured b}~ this
<br />~4._t~ttbdt pisy to the amount-ot a>;y defieienc3~ be3ween the aciuai taxes, asseaurtents, itawnace
<br />' fkq~r a,~-(~ttad rants. aqd titp dep~astts h~eceapder witRtyq 10 days after demand is mat>,s upatt Mort{sdar requesting
<br />xy:waat ttitdtaet.
<br />8~, - Etgp{ait, 3i1s~1aisapa4llbR.arttl Use; Ta pwmpily repair, restore or rebaiid say twildin~ ar imprvvements navy ar
<br />~ oa tom, bray; to keep the,~rty in:good condition a»d repair, without waatc, and free front mechanic's or
<br />o~air #vt aa~at~siy s4Dordiaated ta: tffe.lttni her~f, not to make, suffer or permit any nuisaacs to rust, nor to dimin•
<br />t1R os i11RDali -the val~t€. at' fire YTaaerty try ant; az2 or omission to act; aad to comply with ail mquireatenta of taw with
<br />trrapect to the f4aEtarty.
<br />