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<br />i4~(3RTGA~E <br />'f'nis farm is ;rsed in cannec- <br />Lian ts~th nmri);attes insured <br />under the one- to faun-family <br />provisions of tiro National <br />Reusing Act, <br />THt3']N£3kTEiAGF;rttadeat~cxecutedEhis 13th dayof November ,A.D. <br />i9 81 , by sad be[weeri Jataes S. Reed and Precious Reed, Ftutaband and Wife <br />of ttx. County of Ball .and State of Nebraska, parry of the first part, hereinafter caiitd <br />cite ~forrgagor, and ~~~ 19Ortg8ge r Inc. , <br />a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of Nebraska <br />party of thesecond-part; hereinafter caged the Mtortgagee, <br />WFTNESSETH: That [he said Mortgagor. far and inconsideration of the sum of Forty one thousand one <br />tnand='ed fifty and- No/100ths Itoltazs tS 41.150.00 ), Paid by the Mort- <br />FPgce; tttt receipt of which is hereby acknnwiedged. has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant, Bar- <br />gain, Sell, Convey anti Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the following-described <br />rest estate. situated in the County of Nall .and State <br />of Nebraska, to wit: <br />Lot (9?. Potash Subdivision, Nall County, Nebraska <br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, u~ntaining in aU <br />runt survey: <br />acres according to Gavern- <br />TR HAVE .4Ni) TO HOLD the premises above descnbed. with all the appurtenances thereunw trelongiog and including <br />alt tieatirtg, piotnirittg told tigfttitt$ futurt+ and eyuiptntnt new ar hereafter attached to or u>ed in s:onnection with said real estate <br />unto the Mortgagee, and to its ~urcessurs arm ,itssitzns, farever. 'f'he Martttaitur represents to, and covenants. with, the M<*rttta- <br />gee, that the fNorttx has gaod right to ne11' and convey said premises; that they arc free from encumbrance; ~urtd that the <br />MoMga~ wit! warrant ark dcfem-I the same against the lawful claims of act ~rsans wlwmsaever, and the said Mtutgagor fiert- <br />tty r4tis~uish€s a€1 rights of tit: 3t~~. acct all msrtial rights. aittxv in lacy cr in ryttity, and a!t other rontit tnteai<ests trf the <br />inr~tzi t'~:vr-dess.~i*+ed ~~atises, the itur:ntt taeit~ta eanveY Etrrrtsy 3n a€r3utetit#a. in tea simp~, incltrti- <br />trttfatt tigfrt4 ttf ht,+rNCittcas. attd otie€t rigftts and igrtorrsts as uft?resztid. <br />fjRf?trit]E1f,4i_~Al'S, and these presents are rxtcuted and delivered upnn the following cumlitiuns, to wit: <br />The MnrtgaIIar aerecs to pay to the Mortgagee, or ordtr, the principal sum of Forty one thousand one <br />httndted fifty and No/100ths -..------ t~uttar't5 41,150.00 <br />with intetcst from date ai the rate oC Sixtet3n and Drrs-half per centunt ( 16.50 ~) per annum un <br />the unpaid Manse until paid. The said principal and interest shat! he payable at the office o[ &uper3.or Mortgage r Itio. <br />in t3ztatad IBliattdr N61'r1Gdllkrt , ar ut such other place as the holder of <br />the note may dosignate in writing, in monthly ina4ailments o[ Five hunrired sitcty nine and 99I100ths---- <br />~~,,,,~,,,,,,,-,,,-,,,- Daltatra iS 569.99 i, camnrcncingon the first day t># <br />J , lY 82, and on the first day of each month thereafter until the principal tend in- <br />terast are fully pt~d~txYept that the firial payment of principal and interest, if not sooner paid, shnli Re dot and <br />payank on the firat'day of fir, 2011 : all ssccariting to the terms of a certain promis. <br />cloy ref even dais herewith executed by the said Mortgagtx. <br />The-Metrt~tt;or in order snore fatly to protect the security of this Mortgage:, agrees: <br />t. 77t4t _he wilt pay the indtbtetincas, as hercinhefurt pravided. Privilege is reserved ro pay the debt in whole, ar in un <br />amount aq~t ic; trot o: more atuntiity payments an the psirtsipat that arc next due an the note, on the Rest day of any month <br />prior to nsalr$ity: Preavid¢d, hutvcver„ Thu written nWict of an intemion to exercise such privi~gt is given at tease thirty (30) <br />days prior to prepayateer3t. <br />?. That, tttrer with, sad in addition !a, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable under the terms of the <br />rtota sestuedhereby« the mot wfii pay to the Mt~rtgagee, on the first day of each momh untr7 the said note is tatty paid, the <br />following cotes: <br />(aj Amcwnl s~l'€icaettt tea prortdtr the holder horttirf with funds to pay the treat mvrt Insurance prenaum if this <br />ittstruttrsttt and the note sesuted hereby errs inwred, ar a oarnthi7% charge- /in Bete o,~ a mart fnrrtrmice ~rc- <br />rrsar+ertJ bt they acs paid by ttte Secretary of Hrxtsing ante Uthau l7evelapnrrnz, as totlaws: <br />i) tf and; ace la%~ as saW +tote of avert-date .and Shh utatruirtsnt err insured tx are reinsured under the pra- <br />vl~trrts~crf clue National }kwsiog Act, an antraurti -s-uf(iGirnt ra aecumutare to the hands of the luatd4r last <br />tiT,4T! tiF''.titEyHttASE-A <br />art t eiei•ara~t.t+,~en ' it use+t vi:t:t t~pWr sa c.ntruaar! NuUtlZ1A3114 t9-T9t <br />