~ 1 °-U G 5'~ 4'`r
<br />f7>vAG~ _ _
<br />._ _. ~ ~ MUF.TGAGE [.OAN NU. _ L 2d s U(37 t+1raIC
<br />ItNO~v wu MFN ~ m~sF PRFSiTdT5: 'Wait Terry Stephen speed and Christa Anne sped, each in his
<br />attd her ohm right artd as spot>,se of each other, Mortgagor, whether one w more, m rnttsidesatiao of the nom of
<br />2trtnnx 3~Five Ttmusand Nir~ _~ art rto/100=_._~_.-- - __
<br />forted to acid rmtgagor by The Fgnftabk Building and Loan Association of Grand IsLetd, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 259 shares of stoat of
<br />said ASSUC-A174N, Certifuate Na. L 2$, 007 MGIC . do hereby grmt, convey acrd vtwtgit®e unto the said ASSOCIATION the; fo9owsg
<br />d sea! sssate, rituated r HaA County, Nebraska:
<br />The Westerly One Half (W'~) of Ivt Five (5) in
<br />Block Ttao (2) in Hann's second Addition to the
<br />City oY Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />together with all the unentcnts, heroditaments amt appurtenances thereunto helortgiog, including atitadud (loot coverings, all window staeenet.
<br />window shades, blinds, storm wirdawa, awnings, htati~, air axsnditiarting,snd plrsmbing and water egwpment and actxroriet (berets, ptatgw, stows,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment maw or htreafler attacleed to ar rased in connection with soot ,cal estate.
<br />And vrltereas ttte said tttortgagor has agreed amt does tteeeby agree that tare mortgagor shall and wilt {ray ail taxes and rsab kvieel w
<br />assessed uprttt said premixs and upon this mortgage amt the hood xetrrod thneby before the same shall become delioytautt; to teamed( approved
<br />irmuanae upon the buildings an said prreniaes situated in the sum of S 25,'900.00 payable to sad ASSOCIATIt?N and to drdiver fo said
<br />ASSOCIATION the prtlicies fw said insurance: and mr4 to sarmmit or permit any waste an ar about said promiats;
<br />In art of default in flee performarrtx of any of the urrtes and ctxediiians of this rrxrrtgage or the bond xcured hereby, the mortgyee shag,
<br />on demand, be entitled io immediate possession of the ms}rtgaged premises anJ the nwrtgagur hereby assigns, transfers amt xn over to the
<br />mongttgee all the rents, rtvtnues arnt income to be derived from the mortgaged promises during sut;tt lime as the rtturtgage irtdebiadrtea shall rcmairi
<br />rutpaid; and the rdrrtgagee stall hex the pswvsr to appoint any agent or agents it may desire (or the pwpoae of repairing said ptamiasa sad renting
<br />flee same and collecting the ,tats, rerenuea and imxrrm, and it maY pay out of said insane ail expemes of repairing said protnian and rtetterary
<br />aomndssam and expenses irtewred in renting amt managing thr same and of collecting rentals therefrom: the baWwe remainieg, if any, to be
<br />toward the discharge of said rrrortgage intkhtadrtem; these rights a€ t}te rrwetgagee any be exercised at any rims during the t'xistenoa of such
<br />soli, in~p€s;ti~ of attY tempnrarY tvai~r %,r stab sa=~.
<br />'These Prestnts, txswever, are upon ttse Conditiao, Tint if the said Mortgagor xhall repay said loan on ar beforo the maturity of and shoes by
<br />paytnant: pay rtarmhly to said ASSOClA'TIUN of the scam sttecil""red m the Hand xcured hereby as interest and principal on sod Waee,an ar befaro
<br />(her Tvnrtttieth day of tar.-tt and s:vttp uesttteh, until said ksan is fully lvaiJ: PaY all taxes and assesstttents levied against rid premises amt an this MartgsMa
<br />wad tlxe isoroi aegared ttrtrehy, before rieiiayucttc-y; i urriar-'t iippriwnd iri~ntta:srf opus[ tttt buitri.N%gpt tht'reur: in i?:a :ant a: S 25, 900. ~0 paYals3a
<br />to safd rss~l!t'Tf_[HH: reaaY to said ASS(]CIA'1'IU:d apart detrurd sit trerrrtty by it pakl Cw sutdt taxe-, assmsarrtants rnd ituurartoe with interest at
<br />fore aasxirinran ~ rate therarn Pram date of payment ail isf whisdr Itlartgagw hereby ag,eea to WY: perrrtit ms waste on said prerrrraes; keep artd txwtgdy
<br />with aU the agreements and conditions of the Bond for 525, 900.00 this day given by rise said Mortgagor to said ASStJCiAT1ON, aril sanely
<br />with aft eha raitsirementa of the Conatitutian anJ BY-Laws of sad ASSOClA77UN; then these presents shall became null and void, otherwise they
<br />shall (amain in foil force and (nay be 1'arectosnt at tM option of the said ASSfJCl.4T1UN alter failure for three trwntha to nuke any of said
<br />payments or be throe reanrths in atreus in nuking rani monthly payments, us to keep and twmply with the agreements and conditions of said Hand:
<br />sad Mwtga~rr agrees to have a receiver apposnttd forthwith in stsclt ioreckxiure prusxetlings.
<br />if there is any cirartgt le awtrwship of the real estate mortgagod herein, by sale at otherwise. than the entire rerruiniog indebtedness hereby
<br />sttcured shall. at tbm option of Tree Equitable Building and (tart Aswcialiun of Grand ldaod, Nebraska. become immediately dtx and pyable without
<br />fustieer rwtim, tad rite artawnt rerrtaitting disc sander said band. and any other (road for any additiaui advutaea made tiseroetrtden, shall, frruai rite
<br />dde of eaerciae of still aptioa, hear inipeu at fife maxunwn legal net, and this mwtgttge may then be foredtued to satisfy the attwuat due as said
<br />6and,and any trtltst (wad for addittsaas! advnacsa, toypeelter with all rums pard by mid The Fquitalde Bw7diag and Loan Assotaatian of C:raod Island,
<br />Nekrmka fw innua®os, taus std atrsasmanat, wad abstractireg extensitsrs charges, with rotates( thereon, from date of payment at the rnaximutq
<br />bp{ ate.
<br />A±pru as the Braesi tCavued kv:e:n , vttttk ehts rtatrtgage renttsius in effcv:t the rturrtgagee may heteatter advance additional snits W the
<br />taaktrs of satd~~tiand, !hair eta ~~ sr~:eera m rnter~, wtt~t sums shall bt within the seetuity vi this neartgage the same as the funds arig$sagy
<br />aaFtued tfisaeby, ihrs (oral aracwtst of priarspai ddtt tact to eaaeed at any time the original amount of this tmrrtgage.
<br />~~,t)aMd this 1/6th ~aY of i3atr~ttber A. o., ro 81
<br />~: -~
<br />C~arista Anne sped
<br />srwTS pF NIiBItASKA, ~ r. Ott this 16th Jay of November
<br />CU1tNlY ~ ilA1.L i9 81 , before me,
<br />the unslaraigrtad, a Notary Public in asst far said Canty. pastanally came
<br />'l~r>y Stt~erl Speed and Cgtrista Anne Speed, Mach in his and her at,~right at ~~ to
<br />off each othex, are
<br />ae to be Wa ideati~ ptustra g whose none S era afftaed to the abtrtro isutrwrsEnt as rmutgagcsr S amt they seresallY
<br />adtaxwisetsd the said inalrturtant to be their vrrlsrntary act and decd. rt
<br />7nTNE:i: my band amt Notarial Kcal Lila ante ai'oresaia. `~' 1
<br />My Ctmm~ptset expitos ~
<br />- ,'~
<br />ir~wit.its+t -f+ata to M~~re~.~-- _ ::><.~L1~' ~ ~ ° . x ~ .. a~_.
<br />r.aea at
<br />gaa..,l~g°w.
<br />