~~ _~'+~5"~4 a~~~ ~srxTE ~R~~~~E
<br />~orxte Ft8 zoo {Rev. tt)
<br />Novenaicer 9, 1981 j
<br />Late ~
<br />27aaiel Woitaiszewski and Violet Woitaszewski (also known as Violet E. Woitaszewski),
<br />husband and wife _ ,Mortgagors,
<br />at._~____ Hall County, Nebraska Sn consideration at
<br />the advance of the prlhcipal sum recited in the note hereinafter described, receipt of which is acknowledged, hereby
<br />mortg~e and convey to
<br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANI( OF OMIINA, a Coroo-ation,
<br />of O+ssha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100,
<br />Mortgagee jsubJect to oil, gas, anC mineral rights owne4 by parties other than Mortgagors; existing easements of
<br />record; reservations In United States and State patents; and the $$rights of the public In all highways), thefollowing-
<br />described real estate in Hall & Valley county,eS Nebraska ,
<br />SEC. TMP. R8.
<br />r<_ , .r - HAL~._ COUNTY
<br />pi{,lby--- -- -- - - -------------------- 28 11N 11 W 6thP.M.
<br />W~SWS4---------------------------- 34 12N 12 W 6thP.M.
<br />NE'zandE'-iNFT~y------------------------ 1 17N i3 W 6thP.2d.
<br />~ in all 476.76 1
<br />containing acres, more nr ass, together w1Ur all nI the right, title, and interest
<br />(now owned nr hereafter acquired)atttle mortgagors In said Property, including all buildings, Improvements, tlxtures,
<br />_ err appurtenances thereon err hereafter placed thereon: all water, irrigation, and drainage rights` the tenements,
<br />heredi tamants, and appurtenances thereto and the rents, Issues, crops, and prgfi is arising Tram said lands; anti (if
<br />tna Mortgagor.' ririits 15 the *~u lie Jam- . a.°e - v.:iraC try Hrc~..~es •'rr €r- --- - t, -au`poves; all le~.ses, ••g:,^iGs,
<br />- ~ licensee, orprivllegas, appurtenant err :tarappurtenant to sell mortgaged prpmiies,,taw or hereafter issued, extended.
<br />- ~ or renewed to the Mortgagors bi+ the Unitsd State: or Lhs state in which tho above-described property Ls Loratsd cr
<br />. y „ ....,.». , barn , `!$=r%Eiy Gear., [•'-.-'{.
<br />- - *-'-,~ ---- Aga __ tiitven to ^esrar®a _ amie_n,y mace of even der+±e harewitil, exenuted oy Mortgagors t.n Martvagas, 'in
<br />1 _ ^u _ TG1p Hl2NDRED ETC~TY-FIVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NOJli7O - - ii,,,Yl,,u,
<br />arinri~•~
<br />- p~ve6le wlLh Interest acrurding to the terms of said mate, the find ;~~ment tieing dtie and payable nit Lne ir:3t 14sy
<br />t of .2tiI1iG 2001 ._. ~Ihis conveyance shall tra ~*nid upon the payment o* self Promissuty note.
<br />~' ~ Tula mortgage Ss suDJect to the provSslons of THE PARtt CREDIT ACT and all acts amendatory thereof nr supplemental
<br />j thereto. The proceeds of the Ioan secured hereby will be used for the purposes spec±tied in the Mortgagors* app11-
<br />~ nation for said lean sntl authorized by said Act.
<br />;!
<br />The Mortgagors, end each of them, hereby warrant that they errs fee corners at the mortgaged reel Property; that. they
<br />) will defend the title agelnst all claimants whomsoever, and that said Property Ss tree from all encumbrances; that
<br />-'_ j they will keep all the Smprovcmants, fixtures, sad appurtenances occupied and in goad reRair and ParmSt no sots ;?t
<br />waste; and they will rallnqulsD all rights of homestead In said premises, and covariant and agree with the Mortgagee,
<br />_ i as follows:
<br />f Ghe Rroportyahereln m~orcgaged~s ail taxes, liens, Judgaants, or assessments which may ba lawfully assessed against
<br />(2) plat they will insure and keep insured Uulldings or ether improvements now on or winch may hsrratter tra }laced
<br />an said premises to the satisfaction of trio Mortgagee, sualiinsurance policy shall be endorsed with a mortgage clause
<br />`-) ~ with th6 loan thereunder to ba p~yaDle to Ghs Mortgagee. Aqy sums received may be used to pay for re4onstntetiE«*e
<br />9f file destrdyBd improvements; 01", it not a0 applied, may, at the option of the Mortgage P., be applied in payment of
<br />any IrydeDtednesa, matured or utimatured, secured by this mortgage.
<br />,? ~ !s1 T?± pay all ran La. tees, br dharQes now due or to be4nr4e due under the terms of each loess, permit, license, .'r
<br />T pi~lvilage oil the pupils doalaih which is appurtenant er nanappurtenant to file mortgaged Premises, which :tae bee::
<br />ia~*uaII _at8adad,or-r4h@wad Dy file tkiltad $Lata& err file stale in which the apova-dasnrlbed property is lacsted: and
<br />s to per}o[9s an4 abaerve every act, cgvenant, condition, and stipulation necessary tc keep each of [.he same 1n guc~.:
<br />stpildifig; acct to take every necessary step to secure Lt;e reissue, renewal, er extension cf each or the G9n;e; anal to
<br />_ g541gc1, 1TalvB, Pledge. or endorse to the t7artgagee each lsasv, permit, license, or privilege if Mortgagors' -lghts
<br />In puD3fa.doaaln are ragellred Dy Mortgagee far security purposes.
<br />- (41 That Sri, the tveDt Ghe-Mortgagee 1a a party *.e asty i?tiger*_ion attacting the security .'r tba liar I +~ti *sart-
<br />gs~, arludir,g any suit Dy Gha Mortgagee tn.arseloss t,*.1s :~rt~gs nr any suit l:: wii+ch *`•e Martgag~e -`~y +' nac±e*1
<br />a pal`ty defendant iii r~ilch it is aD igated t.a protect its rights err lien, irciuding conflamnatlor. ~u;d rarktupt~~
<br />praga@dings Life Mortgagee may incur expenses and advance pe~y:eei;t for abstract. fees, attorney fees iexcap*_ to thr.
<br />4ECeAt Lzr~z~blt-gd Dy Ia-t)> costa, expenses. and ether charges.
<br />[Ea? 'iM1saG 111 tot event tt~ Mortgagors Tall to Pay when due any *_axes, liens, ,7udgmenr. c.r sear ~.mart,:> -. fakl. to
<br />maLntaln SaAurancs a~ hareinDtfora Provided, nr fail tc Pay rants, Lets. •or charge, a Jar 'h tr-s o a y 1•?asa,
<br />P~t1G, ll~riae, t:* privilege; nr Moi"tgagaa is required to incur expenses far abstrsc? `acs, attorney f:=es,
<br />t;4pc+ntaes, afilatTier charges in csaulsctlm~ with ':tigstian, M:T3'tgag`s =any .,r. ui y ?
<br />?r xR.-ii ~e~h =k'-fat aA>~ra.. trp .... .~',':2^°zGr nw._I w~..~. ~ ~ s 7 °1 h pr ~ .Je
<br />and tarils iawallateiy, and shall Ddar}41n i^RSt-from ;dte*int€ rtfps~yele:itia. ~1F'•~ama .a,.r -:. ,r.v,~.ie:d .., .ir*si:??.
<br />- St( t,'te nvvr~.
<br />