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~~--i~~JS`73~ <br />r+vo.azose <br />!9.49} <br />. AxtTZCLE YZII. NIISCELL~'1NEOUS <br />SEC, 80L Conflict aT Interests; A~;en~y Representatives Not <br />Individually Liable. No member, official, or employee of the Agency shall <br />have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in the Agreement, nor shall <br />any such member, official, or employee participate in any decision relating <br />to the Agreement which affects his personal interests or the interests of <br />any corporation, partnership, or association in which he is, directly or <br />indirectly, interested. No member, official, or employee of the Agency shall <br />be personally liable to the Redeveloper, or any successor in interest, in <br />the event of any default or breach by the Agency or for any amount which may <br />become due to the Redeveloper or successor or on any obligations under the <br />terms of the~Agreement. <br />SEC. 802. Ecusl Employment Oppor2.unity. The Redeveloper, for itself <br />and its successors and assigns, agrees that during the construction of the <br />Improvements provided for in size Agreement: <br />(a) The Redeveloper wilt not discriminate against any employee or <br />applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or nation- <br />al arir~in. The Redeveloper will ta;ce affirmative action to insure that <br />applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during emplo;,,+me'ht, <br />without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, <br />Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the follosain~: employ- <br />ment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment adver- <br />tising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; <br />and selection far training, including apprenticeship. The Redeveloper <br />agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants <br />for employment, notices to be provided by~the Agency setting forth the pro- <br />visions of this nondiscrimination clause. <br />(b) The Redeveloper will, ir, all solicitations or advertisements <br />for employees placed by or on behalf of the Redeveloper, state that all <br />qualified applicants will receive consideration for emgloymert without re- <br />gard to race, solar, religion, sex, or national origin. <br />(c} T'ne Redeveloper uilr send to each labor union or representative of <br />workers with whic4x t??c* ::~-devel_~per his a ce~llettive 'ur~rgai:~i;zg aorsemenF;. or <br />other contract or underctaniinx, a notice. to be orvvided. advisinu. the <br />labor union or workers' z•r_•presentative of the Redevelopez•'s commitments ~zder <br />Section 2O2 of F.xeeutive C•rder ilEkb of September 2~, i965, :#nd shall past <br />copies Of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and <br />applicants for employment. <br />(d) The Redeveloper will comply with all provisions of Executive Order <br />1124( of September 2b, 1yii5, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant <br />orders of the Secretary of Labor. <br />.. `>Q .- <br />