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g1~.(3G5733 <br />SECOND MORTGAGE DEED <br />THIS INDENTURE, made and executed this 1st day of June , 1981, <br />by and between Fingerman Enterprises, a Minnesota partnership having an <br />address at 2901 West 66th Street, Richfield, Minnesota 55423, herein- <br />after "MORTGAGOR", and Nash-Finch Company, a Delaware corporation having <br />offices at 3381 Gorham Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426, hereinafter <br />"MORTGAGEE". <br />WTTNESSETH: That Mortgagor, for and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) <br />and other goad and valuable consideration, receipt and sufficiency of <br />which are hereby acknowledged has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, <br />and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Mortgagee, <br />the following descr::bed real property situate in the County of Hall and <br />State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />Block 16, Pleasant Home Subdivision of part of the <br />East Half of the Southeast 4uarter (E-1/2 of SE-1/4) <br />of Section 21 in Township 11 North, Range 9, West of <br />the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, <br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the <br />same belonging, and all the estate, title, dower, right of homestead, <br />claims and demands whatsoever of the said Mortgagor, in or to said pre- <br />mises or any part thereof; and said Mortgagor does hereby covenant that <br />it is lawfully seized of said premises; that said premises are free from <br />encumbrances, except as hereinafter provided, and that said Mortgagar <br />will warrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful <br />claims-and demands of all persons whomsoever. <br />This second mortgage is made subject to a prior mortgage on the premises <br />made by said Mortgagor to the Small Business Administration <br />dated _~~ , 1981, and recorded in the offices County <br />Recorder o the County of Hall, as Document No. 81-002641. <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are upon these conditions; Whereas <br />said Mortgagor has executed and delivered to the said Mortgagee a certain <br />Promissory Note of Sven date herewith, and whereas, the Mortgagor has <br />agreed, to the extent not otherwise provided in that certain Lease <br />between Mortgagor and `mortgagee dated August 1, 1966, as amended, to <br />keep the buildings upon said premises insured in some company or compan- <br />ies dpprpved by said Mortgagee for this full replacement value, in <br />palicis~ containing a claus€! with the loss payable to said Mortgagee <br />and its assigns, to pay all taxes and assessments against said premiss <br />before the same, by law, become delinquent, and has agresd that if <br />Mortgagor does not provide said insurance, or fails to pay all taxes <br />as aforesaid, then said Mortgagee, or the holder hereof, may pay such <br />insurance or taxes, and all amounts as paid by said Mortgages shall bear <br />interest at the rate of 9~ per annum from date of payment, and this <br />mortgagee shall stand as security therefor, and said sum may be added <br />to the mortgage debt, and the same recovered as a part hereof. But if <br />said Mortgagor shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid the said sum <br />of mousy in said Note mentioned, with interest thereon according to the <br />tenor and effect of said Note, and shall duly pay and perform all the <br />ather covenants and agreements herein contained, then these presents <br />to be null and void. But if said sum of mousy or any part thereof, or <br />any interest thereon, is not paid when due, or if said buildings shall <br />nat be insured as aforesaid, or if the taxes and assessments against <br />said premises are not paid at or before the time the same became by law <br />delinquent, or if said Mortgagor shall fail to keep and perform any <br />covenants herein contained, the holder hereof shall have the option to <br />declare the whole of said indebtedness due and payable at ans~ time after <br />auch failure or default, and may maintain an action at law or equity to <br />recover the same, and the commencement of such action shall be the only <br />notice of exercise of said option required. <br />AND, it is further provided and agreed that the said Mortgagor shall <br />and will pay all taxes levied upon this Mortgage and the debt secured <br />thereby, together with any other taxes or assessments which may be levied <br />