~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~~~ Ut~5732
<br />1'hi8 ~rf1~¢rituY'@, Made by and between S-J, IIaC. , a N~ebraslm ,Corpora .,_ __.,,. .
<br />_. whether one oe more hereinaRer referred to as mortgagor
<br />and Tt3E dVEItEF,t~ID NP.TItNAL BAN[C OF GRAPID ISI.ADID, wand Island, Nchraska, hereinafter referred
<br />~ Ths Mortgagor far and in consideration of tg 9.6, 250.OQ. ! . e .-----"----- - --
<br />lk`1~.1?IYE ~_'ll"+"+i(0..~i(7J~?~.kLF'~C.AI~ NS3L100 _._... _...__.__...-------'vOLi.AR.4.naid by ratebenk
<br />the receipt whereof is hereby aclmrnvledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by the presents, does grant,
<br />bargain, sell and convey, unto said ba-'t, the fallowing described real property situated in the Gaunty of - _ ..Hall __.._.._...._ ............._..
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit
<br />The Southerly 118 Feet of Ir~t Two (2), in Block One (1) of Dickey's Sub-
<br />division Located in the East half (Erf) of the Southeast Quarter (SF~I)° of
<br />Sectirn One (1), Trxatship Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the- `'
<br />6th P.M.
<br />Together with all easanents appurtenant thereto, and subject to easements
<br />and restrictions of retrosti.
<br />together with a!t the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances t.o the same belonging, and alt the estate, title, claims and
<br />demands whatsoever of the mortKaKOr of, in or to said premises or any part, thereof: and said mortgagor does hereby cov-
<br />enant, that the mortgagor is lawfully seized of said premises, that said premises are free from incumbrance and mortgagor
<br />will warrant and defend the title to said premises against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents ax• upon these conditions:
<br />............
<br />WHEREAS, the mortgagor has executed and delivered to the Bank -a..rjy~ .................. ...... promissory note
<br />dated October 30, 1981, for $95,250.00 at 19.0 interest with mixtthly instalments of
<br />$1.,708.16 due m the first say or each myth t~t><tlenoi.rtg Detxlti~er i, 1981, and the entiree
<br />unpaid principal balance plus accxued interest due ort November 1, 1982.
<br />and has agreed to maintain firs, windsWrm and e~tenrled covr~ra>:e insurance on said premises in amounts required and in
<br />Companies approved by the bank and with standard murtf;sKe clauses which policies shall he delivered to the bank, and has
<br />agreed to pay all taxes and assessments levied against said pn~tniscs before the same become delinquent and [o maintain said
<br />premises.
<br />Naw, therefore, if the mortgagor shaft comply wpth alt of the provisions of said note and the provtsiona hereof, then
<br />these presents shalt be null and void.
<br />However, if the above note and interest thereon or any payments ~•ailed fur theremt are not paid when due or if any
<br />of the covenants of this instrument are not compiieci wtth, the hank, nr the holder hereof, nt its option may declare the re-
<br />maining balance of said indehtadnexs due and puyahie ami may mamwin nn art i.~n ut iaw or in equity to recover s[1 amounts
<br />due and enforce Lhe provisions hereof. In the ovent r,f the fariure of mortgagor to maintain the promisee, or to maintain
<br />insurance as la above provided far, m• ±o pny taxes or assessments, the holder hereof mnY advance the sum or stints necessary
<br />to obtain compliance and such amounts shat! b< added to the amount due on the al><rvr mentioned note and bear interest aL
<br />the highest legal rate.
<br />Ifi IS FURTHER Ar~RI''Ett. *_hi- m ,rtt-aK hui'_ ,_. _ t tarp t:c t - hs=sY.uf, that r_hts r,,,rtgagP is sCCUrity far not only
<br />f:tie amount advanced cuncurrrnUy with th+~ .~xeeuuun Ore reuf but ul! iu[ure udvar x•s ~.~~hrch may he taede at the option of the
<br />partial or their asaitttts up to the total amount .tate.i in ihss n:.rrtKatr=~. to 'h+- game <•xtent as advances ortginally made harr-
<br />under. 'rrurelter notice is hereby = en .hat -.,.~. -: ~°au :xic:- .: - tint ....= ....crest :aro, payment, maturity.
<br />panaltias, and arbor terms she!':, --. ~*urreetfiy up<~rn• «_.,cutiun ?cam-~aaa= a par+ '•rf ~r_hts n ~.rtkage.
<br />I~` I$ ITGrRTIiEIt ALiR"'1;-D, that Eha said itr rrA'aK,+ tali sore ++it! ;raY t++,! ta'xe,y !cured «ixa+: this mortgage or Lhe debt
<br />..aE.y ..os\ _:rk .e f.~ _ _ _ ...h:..l, Y-~ .,,i ,.Wr ,hP I~ ,.F a4,r
<br />Ut~d t+li@.G @r „' ant - . .. .. .......... .. .... .. . . . .. . .. ..e ... '.`~~ asks, a~a:nat tet~
<br />said Idvrtgagee ar for legal hpbler of-the said prinrrpal ~n,'+tuisi on account cif th is ~inde•btedne•as.
<br />Ifi IS FURTHER AGREtlD, if at any tintr, .v},ilr fhv nturEttay,'r „ rri rffeei and the noFx for which this mortgage is
<br />given as security, or any part thereof, remains unpaid, the undrrsrgnr:t AtortKaK.,rs ~<=!l, +~urvey or rontrart to sell the real
<br />estate herein described, or any part thereof, or the ttortgagr.rs do oat have or cease to have title to avid real estate m• any
<br />part thereof, than and in any such evonts, the 3tortgaKrr rosy, at its opti+•n, ~Ir:•iare the unpat.i principal balance, and interest,
<br />of the note secured hereby imtnerliately due and payable. In the +=vent that these 1?rrmtses are not now, ur should hereafter, not
<br />be occupied by mortgagor then this instrument shall cnnxtitute an asstKnrnrnt of :'.•ntaia and service of a copy thereof upon the
<br />occupant shall be stdtieient to t~quire nil payment fm~ reatai ur ace _,f the preausrs rafter date of such service to made to
<br />caortgagae.
<br />Signed thin-. ._ ..~Q~1....-.....day of QGK _ -- is- 81
<br />In grasenca aP S~'Jr .:-.} . } ..... --„-_ -
<br />_. --"
<br />Sy•` Pre8ldent
<br />9'A°ATE OF....._,...... ... _ , tvaunty of
<br />Before me, a notary public rxuahfivd Fur said ,aunty, re:ra,.nally r~atnr
<br />itaorxa t0 mr ttt be the identical per.~utt ar persons why >ikn.td the far++R=,ing ;netrument and acknowlzdgc=d the ezeruuon there-
<br />~ to ba his; bar or their voluntary act and dead.
<br />Witnw my hand and notarial sea! nn l9.
<br />~F ctytatttir#ton expires:..... ...... .... 13 Notxry !'ublir
<br />~'1'ATL OF ... .. ... _.. ... ... .. i F.rtar.•d .n cornet-ova; ~ndvx aa~3 -lied fe=r reearei
<br />sa.
<br />County __-..._ .. ...... ....... .. in the ttagisler of Deeds Ufficr of card County the
<br />...._. day cf.. t?i at- .~r;_=.•k «!ad mrr.uis,a H.,
<br />sold rar;ordsd in :look., ... at pat<r
<br />Rteg. of Deeds
<br />fity Deputy
<br />