SEIC~ ?zi~ffT~AGF~
<br />This Mortgagz is entered into betwE>en L'~2Ff1 ~• 3TR ~ C.Ai~?i3it ~' ~'i'FZi~+~,R, Ht>sban3
<br />aYY3 Ydife -_-- --- ~---~---_~-~--_---~_.__--_-_ (herein "Mortgagor'") and
<br />_'Ii~ t~i____.~St~3_ I~Tp3'II, HA2~ ~ G'~.'AhYD Isd Grarsd Isla, Ns~i'aska (herein "Mortgagee„).
<br />Mortgagor is indebted tv '.'.rrtgagee in the prinripa: sum of Sg5r.250~0~ ,evidenced by biartgagor's note
<br />~~,d UC."babPT' 30r 1981 {herein "Note"j providing for payments of ptincipa! and interest, with the balance of the
<br />indetstedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on~ NeNHttb2r '-r_ 1982 __.
<br />To secure the pavrnent of the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment of alt other sums, with interest,
<br />advanced try Mortgagee to pmtect the security of this i;ongage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of
<br />the Mortgagor contained herein, 4ortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee tha fot}owing described
<br />property located in i~all___--.----County, Nebras;ta:
<br />A tract ryf ] azt<3 cxzttprising the southerly 425.0 Feet of the easterly 325.0 Feet of
<br />the Sr~,tth0$st Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE~S'4~) of S~;tion Thirteen (13),
<br />2bwnshig Tta~lve (12) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P,M„ in Hall County,
<br />i~braska, said tract cw'ttaining 3.171 acres, more or less
<br />This mortgage is givt=xt as security for our personal guaranty of even dace given by
<br />tt` to t1~ mortgagee heroin.
<br />'ibgeth+er with ail truildings, Emprovements, fEtttures, streets, alleys, passageways, easementrc, eights, privileges and
<br />appurtenances ltscated thereon or in an?,•wise pertaining thereto, anti the rents i+sues and profits, rervetsions and rentaiitdtats
<br />thereof; incttidinR, trot not tirttited to, hraung and cotrting eftutpment and such personal prapesty that is attached to the
<br />impravetnen4s so as to tronstiUtte a Gxturr: all of whseh, EnrtudEng repttfcrmcnRs and additions thereto, is hereby declared
<br />to be a part of the rest estate srrured by the !rE^n of the, tlortKatte and ail tsf the foreQotng hying referred to herein as the
<br />"Property.,
<br />!ulortgag`vr Further ronvrnant3 snd agrees, with Mortgagoe, as i'otlLrws.
<br />1. Payt:tettt. "Pn p3y the indebtedness ante the Entr Ea,t aherrnn a:, pnnEded rn ttii~ i{Errtgage and the '.Vote.
<br />;. 't'its, hiorigagor is the ewnee e=f the E'raprrt~ , nai the nght ,ynd authcrnte Eo Enorigage the Property, and
<br />w=reset- that the° lien E::YaExd he'r:•by E:: a fErs! and pnnr hen ,.n th,• 4'rot>E^nt , ,•art'pt a Esaray ntherwi,t• bE+ w•t forth heft&n.
<br />'Ei,.. L_ .~. aehr~,E E u 4ta:.t ~.,.. -. Ea~rexa,:
<br />Yi - rmssv~~~3 nat. -n,. ',`49,[1£i ~.3 ~.. t 1 -. - . - ........ .zEianty;
<br />x
<br />.'u'..Sm..4e ---a: 6 G„.~....a :~ ..::..~ a.r.... ,.~ ;A.. E....; ,-R.~x.,rf te.. z..:;a
<br />t~ sk eta ~ ee e. ,,..zypy~ .,. .. ..~ ~ v. cc~ cx.. ... .. .. o,~a, .., ..-.-
<br />C7 (?Etter prior lions os eneunthrasELrs: .
<br />~. Taxes, strtents. 7'u pay when Etue a't taxes, ,pE•cial asessments and all other charges against the Prtrperty
<br />and, upset( wtitten demand by Aiortgttgee, to add tLE ihr payments requ±red under the Nate secured hereby, sucks amount m;
<br />trtay tie suf0cient to enable the Mortgagee to pay sorb taxr., a+sesxmenis sir other ctturges as tht+} became due.
<br />1. lnsuranca. 'tb keep the unpnrveuu•nts uow or hercafurr lorxted on the real estate described herein msurtrti
<br />~a_.~tt5t d3{33-~ sty firs artd ??tilte outer tta~.ards as 4LortPatyE•s• (stay n•tturrr, ut xn.outtts uud w,lh rusnpsuue+arreptabie !u th:•
<br />hitrrtgrigrc., at~d wits( !tom payab#e ttr the tviortgagE.°. in c•a-a at ta5 und-rr sua~h pohctr: the Mortgagee Es authorized to
<br />attjast, edlcrtt (asst cc~ttproatistr, in its ditteretion, ati ctatms thereunder at its sEEie opttEru, authortredioeitherapply the
<br />pmet?rds to the mctaratitxa of the Property or upon the mdebtednssti secured hereby, but payments hereunder shalt cat-
<br />tinue unU1 the sash(; arttvix~tf hereby are paid to full.
<br />A, t 1 E`a- CaaEY Fnr '1_'xxa,R aAd l!t~E~?r!E$, tintwtth'tt3ndln Yq Any ttttnl~E E`t>n t~btE•d in D4Ya~rapttY ;{ and ~t ttCrRbf t0 the
<br />caxtratyE Mar't;krr sh~i pay to the Mtart~gee at the three of paying the munttti}• instattmettts of principal and intetest,
<br />,~e~t~:fth of tk•~ yt~#y taxes, a.~trECUi~, ttaZaE-d insurattcr pt'~•trtsu;na, and gttrtttd rents {it any 1 wttirh may attain a
<br />prSarity twee this Murtg•, ads as reaiottabiq estimated from tithe to time by the hiarlgugee. The amtsunts so paid shill ter
<br />held ny site Mort{ta@ve withtwt interest and applied us the payment of the hams in re.,ptrt to which sorb amuun4s were
<br />t,~d. ? s pad to Mxtrt~ tteae~~~+r ar?• piErd;ed ~ addt?t~~ttAt ~est€rity for the indrbtedn secured by this
<br />. iaartgr~orattalt pry to dfartt~fsga+e the amount oT any deficiency tretwern the artuai taxies, axussments, insurance
<br />ptfattr#aitts and litxnutd rcnix seed -the depe3sits hereunder within iii days after demand is made upon ;1lortgagor requesting
<br />p~•trerit G:eteuf.
<br />5E. ttep~tr, wee sad Gx. "i`n pet-Emgtiy n•patr, E'estore or rebuild any buiidtngs or rtuprovententy haw ar
<br />,~.s~!LF ..» t,~ .art, ~".>~><°4p t. .u..>.}.~Yty it ~.a ..ri,die.~...,t;d ;=pas., rttt:;,,. ,.~,... ,.n;: fr:~ ::stn ..._r±:a..:_ •....
<br />4$.~r:{"E2~ r<*3-4 C~.~3E~gd ~( -~` +sessgt€^a.Si'<'d tf} t ifs [`$~+~3, ~tii LLE E~~$L'. ittit~t flI ~R`rEiliS Zn) Sync(' i2t ?'ii~t• SS(~T it} dli`iiin
<br />A. R~ + to -s3 ~f a Eys ~~. - ~ . - ._.. _ t ~ M ( r :.r i;i .` .,-.N}i
<br />_': `::..
<br />E~~EY4-t ts:E F?!e FrCd~!ty. . _ -
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