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<br />tN~~ifV~E ~ali~PA~~ Q~ NflRTH AiAr1ER1CA
<br />PHii.AtEELPHiA, PA.
<br />KFIOW dE0 l4i~tt ~Y t~'1@5C ~F@3e?it5: That INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA
<br />a corporation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, having its principal office fn the City of Phiiadeiphia
<br />
<br />Pennsylvania, pursuant t., the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the said Company
<br />on May 28, 1475, to wit:
<br />"RESOLVED, pursuant to Artules 3 6 and 5.2 of the By-laws, the following Rules shall govern the execution for the Company of
<br />bonds, undertakings, recognizancez, contracts and other zvnUngs :n tt:e nature thereof:
<br />tt) That the President, or any Vfre-President, Assistant Vice-President. Resident Vice-President n: Attorney-in-fact, may execute for
<br />and in behalf of the Company any and alt fwnds, undertakings, recngnizances, contracts anti other writings in the nature thereof, the
<br />same to be attested when necessary by the Secretary, ar..gss+stant Secretary or a Resident assistant Secretary and the seal of the
<br />Company affixed thereto; and that the President ar any Vrce-Presdent may appoint and authorize Resident Vice-Presidents, Resident
<br />Assistant Setretaries and Attorneys-m-fact to so execute or attest to nc~ ezecuhrn of a0 such writings on behalf of the Company and
<br />to affix the seal of the Company thereto.
<br />IZ) Any such wnhng executeu m accnrdance with the>e Rules shall be as binding upon the Company m any case as though signed
<br />by the Presfdent and attrued by the Secretary
<br />(3) The signature of tt;e President ur a Vice-President and the seal of the Company may he affixed by facsimile on any power of
<br />attorney granted pursuant to thus Resolution, and the signature ni a certifying officer and the seal of the Company may be affixed by
<br />facsimile to any certificate of any such power, and any such power ur certificate bearing such facsimile signature and seat shall be valid
<br />and binding on the Company.
<br />(4) Such Resident Officers and Annrneys-rn-Fact shall have authority to certify or veniy copies of this Resolution, the By-Laws of the
<br />Company, and any aH+davrt or record of the Company necessary to the discharge of their duties.
<br />f5! The passage of this Resolution does not revoke any earlier authority granted by Resolution of the Board of Directors on tune 9,
<br />7953."
<br />does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint FRED R. KROLL, JOSEQH E. NEWHOUSE artd BOBBIE
<br />THOMPSON, all of the City of Omaha, State of Nebraska
<br />each individually if there be more than one named,
<br />t rue and lawful attorney-in-fact, to make„ execute, seal and deliver on its behalf, and as its act and deed
<br />any and all bands, undertakings, recognizances, contracts and other writings in the nature thereof. And the
<br />execution of su<:h writings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said Company, as fully
<br />and amply as ii they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the
<br />Company at its principal office.
<br />iN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said ._- _---_.-_ MIC1tAEL B. FODOR Vice-President,
<br />has hereunto subscribed his name and affixed the corporate seal of the said INSURANCE COMPANY OF
<br />NORTH AMERICA this .-..-,.._.__13th ._.,,,..-.• da of .,_,Jul _ _ ._ __ el
<br />....- - -- - Y Y .................. 14..._...........•
<br />Ih~AN!-€ O OF TH Ah1 .
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<br />ucrntn .t~Z:e!J!~~~t"~.~~y!'~~'~t - -_.: _.... ERICA
<br />iSEAt)
<br />ttICfIAEL B. FQDOR brie-President
<br />COUNTY Of ~ ss.
<br />OOK
<br />da 3r ~. A. Cy. i4. .. ... t Natar
<br />On then .. 13th y , Jul Y ~ CQOK - t31 before me, y
<br />Putflic of the O1Ai`~ Oc SlI.ZNi+IS m and for the:`ount crt carne
<br />urnuwx..x ..~.
<br />``_'"""' ~~ ` w ,Vice-President of the INSURANCE
<br />CdlNRAt,FY €)F H1tiFRTH-AMtR16# t3 mg p,:,~Unaf;y iit~o „ to b~ the rtdw+duafi and officer who executed the preceding
<br />instrument, and he acknowledged that he executed the same; that the seal affixed to the preceding uxtrument is the
<br />corporate seal of said Company; that the said corporate seal and his signature were duly affixed by the authority and
<br />direction of the said corporation, and that Resolution. adopted by the Board of Uuectors of said Company, referred to
<br />in the preceding instrument, is now in force.
<br />Wi7ESTIMONY WHEREOF, f ha}e hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at the City of CHICAGO
<br />~, ~t~"wRliyeau first above written.
<br />t
<br />f t'~' r~~• PHYLLIS DUBAK Notary Public. •
<br />r !~~ , ssionexpires 2/G1B5
<br />i - i,~1d t~dersigned, AttlllilYYt Secretary of INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTN AMERICA, da hereby certify that
<br />,1f .M 1 R OF ATIORNEY, of which the foregoing is a full, true and correct cop fs in full force and effect.
<br />f Y,
<br />R _ ' M w t whereof, I have hereon subscribed my name as JFdS?SFiY~1t Secretary, t affixed the rorporate seal
<br />r ' A /
<br />°ti-~ ., ot>r this-. ___......... ... /... day of ..-... I~.~. -. ~ P
<br />l~,l.~'. 9...... -..-..
<br />a'F '~ ' ~/
<br />f t~ a'~' {
<br />BS-16Sr9 t'<a. .n u.s.n. JAMES S, WY E rltq~{Secretary
<br />
<br />
<br />~.
<br />