M4RTGA~~ ~ 1..-s~ u S 7 ~
<br />'c'lfis II,Ti313NitTRE, made this _.__ _1.1-tf2_ _.. _ _ . day of __ _>~IQLtEt[tf741L _ i9 t£2_ .. Dy snd tnYween
<br />_._C~n~~ F. R.i,Lelz&-- rind---F¢.2ene_ 5,..__~~s~s.e..+u<4.6_~d 4-~d _u~i-fie. _ -__ _----_._~ _.-- _ . _._._ .`
<br />of (f~ ..__ CourttY. N~rsata, as tttorfgagtx ~~__-._-, and Hrnne Federal Savings and Loan Association of Cnatrd island, a oorporatiwr
<br />arp^ised acid ata;iteg under the laws of the United Slates of Arnerica with its principal office and place of 6usintas at Ormd island. Netxaska. as
<br />taortottgee:
<br />WITNf35.SETH: That aid mengagor .~,___ __ . fnr and in consideraticm of the sum of..________.._~
<br />_ _aud-25L~-O.A.---- ~--~~---•-___~ontfrrt~=~_= . ... 1,
<br />...
<br />the rtmdpe of sitich F! hereby seknowkdged, do _.. .. _.. _..._._. _ . _- ny these presents tnnrtgape and wdKatxt utttw ~ ~ and aatiW,
<br />framer. alt the tdhnriag tteacrtbed res! estate. aerated en the County M _. H~'_.____....v.__.___.___ _ - -. .
<br />srd State at NeDratka. to-wit:
<br />lob Eofvt ! a) , MeadouiPa,~k Eetatea Stabdi,v.i,5.i.on u1 Na.B.C County, Nebnaakcl,
<br />`PWSnttrar with ail heating, rsr csatrd+tsonuxg. iuftrutvl, snsl pturnbirag equaptnant and fissure+~ ttuludatyt screens. awnings. strum windows and
<br />down. and window shaba nr blrrtda. used nn or m cone coon wuh ~atd property, whettwr the same are now boated nn xnid property or henwttav
<br />ptatsd thsrwn_
<br />TY) HAVE ANU 7Y) HOf.D TH F. SAME. together with ail and singular the tenements. hereduatnenta and appurtetratassr tiwretmto b«-
<br />tnnging, or an anrwura appertammg. 4xvvm. and warrant the trt4e tr, the wtme. `+aid rexugartnr ~~ lae~hy rnveraaut - witi: sax!
<br />raorttagwn that .t M t~ tllt.C at the ddivrry hereof, the lawtul nwarer~ of the ptertrrsea atxav« rnnveysal amt sleacnlaal.
<br />and._ ._-S.ilLtF. - saiuct o!' a good nand ira;eraaaaDte eautte of ,nMaritrrarv ttrarean, frer oral clear nt all erarumhnerawa, and that,,.,. hrrf~...... wilF
<br />warrant erd daMsrd tM lathe thanta farevav agausat the atalmrs arasi demarata of a1F 1'eersona wFautnanavsv,
<br />PNf)41 i)E~ A1,W AYS. road thre uurtrurhrnl is e~xaaut,xt asst! dalw.red R~ a.ecura cha pa„Yment of thsp sum of ,. , .~,.. ~ . ~ ~ ~, ,,.
<br />...~L.Sia i#t~~~RL1t319d._Sd.Z..~~3 3!1!1 ~~: ~f~A,-____..~.__..,_,__t'kailFarsFt?. f.lt.~Ab.~1.. ____).
<br />_, yyp~ ~ tom,, rc_ 7~ .,,~ =~ a ex,.~ a~1t•:>•a!s'3 an stay t,e due and payae~ u, aaiti ttwrtYai~ unriel the terxana ,.m! ,~mi3itilmg
<br />ul,tlse!pgtetaa~r cane u1 arsgt tiara herewatD oral x+e~ur~n'{ tawrM,y, tMaee4ta+tt by :isul rnortgagur ,~,.. to card naartxtarjna, Faayawiaie as khNlrrgaaed
<br />iarttarid. tt7,ia, atsd ~ aarYi;w thw 1ti of ail the terrma alai c::ntad..itilata rnntaitmrf t.taaeta. `k-Fte ltsrria <at :,sal rents= area isy its~~zo5^leti
<br />-- - h~ ~'. side.
<br />ti 1atM intMt+an art of rho taar;tea hrrwo that this rtaartgagr shat! alxr secure atxy future advatrcp made to said mortgaylrr..,. 4
<br />by atdd tnorfda~aa, sax! W and all uutabtedoasa m addsttun nr the arsaaunt alwve rtued whrct. sand tnortgagara, or any of thertr. assay owe to
<br />ask! tnuetgrdae, lsawerr evrdarawd, whstlter 6y rratr. trrxak account or utherwrse. 'Chia mortrtagr: shall remum rn full Some end effarl ixN.wtrn
<br />Iha parties Mtww and than hens. pansnrw npreaeautivua. surreaawa and aaaigna. until ail amnunta aeeural hrreutuilrc. mclodinrl future
<br />advancaa, an peed m fuL' wash mtaresi.
<br />'lira naaetpgor .. b.~ hrebv aaaalpa to eaaad mortgai{s+ aif ,enta acrd ,nennw arraurg at any and all trmea {mm aaui prsgrert,y anil
<br />IwaDy autlo-ur and raor4iptr;wr sx r4 agrnt. st ets e,plaarr, uprxt default, u, take. charge of quiet prcrperty oral cullla:l ilC rents and Fncnm«
<br />~haasdrem and rppfy cM wrw w the prymrat ~ urtr!reat. principal. insurance premiums, [Haas. aaseaaatam4a, rs!paira or impnrvontent~
<br />rpnaktlF+xa MaapwdP' luietrrstaAlaeoatsdtttaa, as to ullhr ehargva nr parmergta provuftd bx herteur ar in the nWe harday xriunrd. ','Chts
<br />not aaairOaaast alydl traatirw ut lerrea uaW the unpaid Faalaotxttd avid near uc fully pad The taking of ianseaaaiun herrurrdar vhall to nu manner
<br />prwaat ur retard Hard mortitagw m tM rdit;taw of aaall aunts by forech,aure cu ntharwase.
<br />9'ie tOaf tba ~ w aeaMR uq erf rte righsa hetMauaxf~ a! any tune tdaaFl m,t h« eunstnted ae a wrirar of its righ! to as+anrt the
<br />aanta ai any in4r time. and to rtssut upwx and etafwe~v stmt t'~nmpliarsce wi!!r ail the terms nrxi prcrvasa,ns „i saai tsaty and Faf this mart;page
<br />tt said earfs#ntar ~ akW tauae to De paid W cold mntkf{ayut the antva atrurunt due it hereundt~e. raxt under the 4«tYlas and provaswtts
<br />d sad rttMar `ably eareyrad, incirdirtit future advrtreea, alai any eatanabDs of retaewaia thareot in aa~errsiataw wrrth the teens and pn.vucans
<br />tYat4ad, aed ~ acid ttrget~tar _. ~_- alall with aq the provisions of said neiW oral of lhia mtrrtgage, then three preaerHS abaci tt« r „Ht;
<br />atlrrwsr tee rrerarirz in fa1^a ai9d amt, rnei ~ ~ atoall be atati;:ad w tDa pVsa~xurn of all n! saai pru)xxty, nra3 mar. a; star t,gatsan.
<br />dtr6hara tJaa wigla d t~ aerie sad W iraa repneentMd t.Mxeby to Ire irmuerliate(y doe oral pnayable, and trwy &arl+rlo.a this naart+tage
<br />rrt coat soy utlrat ~ artiira w peotstt ice a~glt. Amens waived.
<br />'i'Dia awxipLltr a-aH tr Dam opus ass! ~HaJt auura tee the butarli; cd the heirs, esecuu,rs. admrntsuau,rn, sucteesors and saargera of th«
<br />rSiv+a'gMkfira.3 aw4Q.
<br />iW tk'11';t1k WHENf~~N, said dfort;;egtu ,§, ha Ve taart~rnw .at~,tt,. han~d+b :k~ktsl..l~~~.Y.~sxi ~rwr.,i~•t ,ano.«
<br />'wtstratx. ~`~{*~'""" .~L ' t ~ ! f .-'. "'}r,'Ic."^.-r....~''
<br />~,~ _
<br />~LCVC~iCe ~. K.UrClru-sr. -. i ,
<br />£`.
<br />. -. .a.. , ...,,
<br />t~e:~t tee. '~"
<br />