'Phis ti~EOrtg~r iaa~e ans! entered into this _ 22t:f+ _ dov of t~_
<br />f9 Sl - by ate between Mzd-^.-orlti:+_ei~t F,ntezpzi~;es, Zn~:.
<br />(hereinafter reftarcd w as mtxigagor} artd Cotttmerciai P;atiorraf Bank and Trost Company
<br />ihereirtaftea reftrrtd to as
<br />mc~tgagee}, ,vho maintain: an office artd Place of bnsirtess at 424 west Thirer stmt in Grand flsland,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska-
<br />WYttaES~iti, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby ackttowltdged, the tnorigagor
<br />does hereby r~Ygage, sdl, grant, assign, and rnnvey unto the mortgagee, its su~essors and assigns, all of the fo4
<br />tt27ving describal property situatxd and being in the County of flail
<br />State oS iVebraslta.
<br />Lot Twenty-Four {241, Block Seven (7), Unit: One Continental Gardens,
<br />an Addition to the City of Grand Zsland, ball County, t3ebraska.
<br />together with all the tenements and appuntnances thereto belonging, all the rents, issues and profits thereof, and all
<br />tents, rights, royalties, mineral, oi! and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and including
<br />a!i beatittR, phunbing, refrigrraiion, tighring, eyuipmrnt and all fixtures of every deseriptian belonging [o [he
<br />tnatga;or now or hrrcatftrr attaches! thereto ar used in cronnrctiott with the premises herein described and itt additiott
<br />tlterrto the following described properties which att and shah br deemed to be fixtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />are a portion srf the sturity free the itt~rlstedttt~s herein stated. (If none, start "none"! tdpne
<br />'rte ~~.at~ t:` ~ :rte ~s~ E,e.tn t~ ?4f ~t~ter, a herein erevided:
<br />The taottga;or is ~wfuliy seitcti anti possessed of artd has the right to sell artd convey said property; that the
<br />satt:e is free from all umbraltc~ except as hereinabovr railed; artd that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against the claims of alt persons whomsoever.
<br />This it~trutnrnt is given to secure the payment of a promissory note dated tvovember 12 . 1951 ____
<br />in the principal stun of S~Z.,n4o _ U4 ~ _.., signed by _____.~_~____ _.
<br />ltt bdWdf of s~A«t'r,nrinapt F3~}~r'~;'YrrPS_ rtr_ ~.,_.~~ ._____`~____
<br />also, ~ stsc.5 ~ or :.nt.s r..tty fry tirm to timR be modified, renewed or rattrttd:w in writing.
<br />!n the rapt thrt title to said r€si estate is transferred, or eotttractrd to br transferred, from the undersigttrd f'or any
<br />rr~txm ~ by any ttxthod whatsoever, the antler principal sum and accrues! interest shall at once become due and
<br />tntYable at tht: ttlaatian of the balder hereof, Faitwe to exercise this option because of transfer of title as abovr stated
<br />ht tote letettatta shall trot cooustitute a waiver of the right to exerdse the same [n the event of any sut~seyuent transfer.
<br />!. Tit+e t:~tt<aiifi agrees as follows:
<br />a. To lwfptl5' pay the it~ebtedn+€ss evidrztc€a! by said promiasary Hate a2 the Iimes and in the nrtnller
<br />thtx+~ ptovi~d.
<br />b, To ~y all taxes, ~tstrnts, wares rates, and ath~ gcrserrltnental ar tttuttisipal charges, fines, ar
<br />• ImposititMUt. for wheeh ptavisiorr has Hat been made hentinbefore, and wtU promptly deliver the official receipt.
<br />therefor to the sttaid tswrtgagsr.
<br />c. 'fo pay such eatpernrs and fees as Irtay be incurred in the protection and maitttenatlce of Satd property,
<br />ie~'_ t~ fats nt aRy ?it{cuttey rmploy,d try ttse IttlDrts'+S far the C£?Il~!'Ctian c?f 3?I?% ar aft sf Ihs ittdebtrdnrss
<br />her~,ay ;zred, rn fc~'evxlc~ure by igag~': sale. e*I t~:ri prcas~ist~s, skr t; ar2~ c~Iher fitiga¢saat ;?r [~ri~c~:iifv
<br />ai ~ai:a, ;mad prin.
<br />