1`tris form is used in cotiner-
<br />tinn with mortgages insured
<br />~.. (~ ~~~'~" ~~.~'' under. the one- to four-faririlp
<br />U ~'~ ~ ~,' provtston6 of the Nation&t
<br />' l~'tat161ng Aet:
<br />TNTS MOR'fCrA(iE, made and executed this gth day of Ntsvetnber ,A.D.
<br />I9 81 , by and between Earl J. Hardy and Linda R. Hardy, Husband and Wife
<br />of the County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska. party of the first part: htreittafter t:atled
<br />the Mtrrtgagor. and superior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />a corporatia» organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska
<br />party of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee.
<br />'LYtTNF,SSETH: That the said htongagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty five thousand fifty and
<br />NollOOths -~-~- Dollars t3 55 050.00 ). Paid by the MtM-
<br />gagee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. has Granted and Sold ant) 0`iy these prestnts dtxs Grant, Bar-
<br />gain. Sell, Convey and Confirm ~rnto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the- followittgdescribed
<br />real estate. situated in the t:wnty of gall ,and State
<br />of Nebraska. to wit:
<br />Lot Thirteen (13), Nottingham Estates Subdivision, in the City
<br />of Gland Island, Hall Countp, Nebraska
<br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, asntaimng m a8
<br />ment survey:
<br />arms according to Gmern-
<br />TO HAVF..iND T<) HOLD the prermses alx.ve drsrrrhrd...ith :ill the nppurtennnces thereunto belonging and including
<br />all heating, plumbing and Gglitirtg fiatusrs and cyuipmcnt n,+v. ur hereafter attached tour used in cunntction with said real estate
<br />u!tta [he Mortgagte, and to its wccessnn :sod assigns. (arrvtr. T'he Mtrrtg:tgur represents to, and ravenanh with, Fhe Mortga-
<br />gor. that the M1lartgagtsr ti',is t;.sud right to ,ell amt cttnvcz sawt prerrrisrs, that they err fete tfrom enrumbranee; and that. the
<br />Miitigagor will warrant and defend the s~stnr agnm.t tht Cawtui r:taims of alt persons whomsoever; xnd the said Mortgagor hrre-
<br />hy relin~ui.=lse= all right, pit humaateasi. 3ttd alt rrtartixt :rgt=n, ertnet sn law ur in eUUi[y. and all other contingent interests of the
<br />Murtr,tit in and to tt~ shsr+c-dterttt> t*remr~a, rte snterttnn} ixin~ to eonvey_ hereiry an absolute title, infer sitripit, tttC2ud-
<br />iti~t all rids Uf h:'»mitra::, a,it <.Ehrt ertt:•ts ,dry i^Ecr'.e-t= ~= a€€n.;:.si.
<br />PYt()VIDED ALi'V'A'~ti. and tfirsc pre+ent.:rre ea~irted attd rYtrvp:rci upon fire f=*itawing ctsnditriins, in wit:
<br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Mrxtgiger, ar urdei, the pnrcipal sum ut Fifty five thousand fifty
<br />and Nall00tha----~------~--~-------~ 1k°Itar'ts 55ro5o.oo i•
<br />with interest frorn dace at the rate at Sixteen acid t?ne-half fxr .cntuns ! lb. 50 '~) per annum on
<br />tM: unpaid balance until paid. TRr wid principal acid intrresl shall Px payable at tht office at Superior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />in Crand Island, Ni3bsaska ur at arch uthtr pluct as the hold~rof
<br />the note nta} designate in writing. in monthly imtapmtnis ut Seven hundred sixty two and 52/100ths-----
<br />[)altars t5 762 a 52 !, couunencittg on the first day of
<br />JanuarYr , Iv 82, and on the tint da} nt each month thereafter until the principrd and in-
<br />ttr<st are fully paid, except that the final payment of principal and interest, if oat wooer paid, shall tie due and
<br />pa}.ihtr an the first day of Tlecetaber, 2011 ; ail acrtxding to the terms of a certain prumis-
<br />wry nrrte o{Oven date hertwilh executed by the said Mortgagor
<br />The Murtgugar in order mart tutly w protect [he security ut this Mtxtgage. agrees.
<br />t. 'Titer he wilt pay the itttTebtedritsa, as htrtinhtfore provtcied- i~iviicttt t; rterveJ ro pa}° fifie Jrbr in wisoie, of in an
<br />amxnt CT's !a; tine tx mot'e muttihty paynrrnts nn the prirrr:ip;1 that m'e that duo on the note, un the first day of any month
<br />~iw to maturity: prtrvided, however, That writlen notice of an intention to tcercist such privilege is given at least that} {30)
<br />days prior to prepayttient.
<br />? That, ttylether with, and in addition ta, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable under the terms a[ the
<br />txue sc'tued hereby, the Mortgagor wi8 pay to the Mortgagee. on the first day of each month until the sai2l ntrte is fully paid, the
<br />following sums.
<br />ta) Ansrwiu twfta-ir»r to pruvlde the halritir Itottr,f with funds to pay tite next mortgage inattrarrs'c prenuum rt this
<br />uisttuntrni and the note w:cured Etereliy axe irrsutcd, ur a nrauihty cttatge tin lre~, u/e nusrtgWtt' inwrsnrr pre.
<br />!nlttrnf if tTtry' ors' held by the Se, retary of Housing grid Ehhan Tkvxlapnrcnt, :ss trdluws.
<br />tt) if and so lung ,ez said note of evtxr date and thin iri-irurrirrii are utwicd ui are rrrrrsurrd rindtt ttte pru-
<br />nsttitix of the 'Vauonal Housiig Aet, an antaunt suiTicirnt to aceumu}air to the haiids at the tstrlder save
<br />riwi,?yr~r r..rA Zr4:tM ..k, i~ ~r+rv rra~ utini v,u+f surer ;soar-ssustW ~T q'1`~;itF' 1i ~•,1;'~s
<br />~uo.itatastw ta-rel
<br />