'Chia form is used in conrtec-
<br />itrtn with rnortgages irtatged
<br />-- ~ ivi `~'~'" ~~' ~ under tl4e one- to- four-fatialy
<br />}~..~)~5~~~, ~ provtsioria of the Natioaat
<br />Houaittg Art.
<br />TF11S MORTGhGE, made and executed this 9TH day of 14ovember ,A.I7:
<br />19 81 .by andhetween Earl J. Hardy and Linda R. Hardy. Husband and Wife
<br />of the County of Hall :and State of Nebraska. party of the ftrst part, hereinafter tilled
<br />the 4fnrtgagar. and Superio- l~rtgage, Inc, .
<br />a cnrprtiration organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska
<br />party of the srcond part, hereinafter tailed the Mortgagee.
<br />WFl'NFSSETH: That the said }tortgagnr, for and in cansiderdtion of the sttm of gtuty fine thousa~d ffo
<br />hitndrad and No/IOOths DaH:ss (S d~ 4r~0 00 ). Paid by the~ort-
<br />gagee. tht receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and y e`:e presents does Grant, Bar-
<br />gain, Sella Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the following-described
<br />real estate, situated in the County of Flall .and Start
<br />of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />L,ot p'ourteen (14?, Nottingham Estates Subdivision, in the
<br />Ci*_y of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />of thr Sixth Primipal Mrridian. ~untaimng m all
<br />ment survey:
<br />acrrs according to Govern-
<br />TO NAVE AND'T'O Nt>!_D the premix, aMwc dr,rnhed. with ail the appurtenances thereunto belartging and including
<br />~? basting, plum#titig amd ht<.htinc fixture- .and ~-guiprnetat na*w. as htareafier attached to ur used in ronitection with said rant estate
<br />unto thf !tfort>, and eo its ,ut'r~ss.~rs ind ~5si~na, farrvrr- Thr 41ort~itor rrprrsems to, and covenants wtth, the Mnrtga-
<br />gee, that the Mortgagor has {trntd right Oar ,ell amt ct•~vev ,aid premises: that they :ter free from encumbrance sad that the
<br />Mortgagor wilt wattaat and defend the ;alnie;titainst the tawRd t^taims.jf a?I persc»rs whtimscrerer, vnd the +aid iittrigagor here-
<br />L~Y't-Ghngi-rlrii'ie~ all li~i~ +.i rT~tr!lel~lF~tl. 1itF5. gal? Ti'arranF ri~lits, erthcr ifi IoW !ir in ettutty, sad art orht:r rlrittrlft2ni nitrrr.tx ?f the'
<br />',+iorsgtr in inn:. tc thz a~vg-,t~s~,. premises. t#.r iatrntt:rn hrttift to convey herrf+y an ahstr?ute tit?e..n f2e ;#:nP1r, iarfud-
<br />1i".~` ai[I figfit`~:lt tutrEirr?isatt. and otlaeE Et#':14 dnd fnt@'f4`3t`, a3 tt0€r3aat.
<br />pql{)v11ZEQ AL41'AYS, .utJ these prr+ents err executed ;and delivered upon the Icllow ing conditions, to wit:
<br />The Mixtgtrgor agars to pay to the Mortg;ager, ar order, the print~ipal sum of Pbrty five thousand forte
<br />htutdred and No/IOOths---- Dollars!S 45,400.00
<br />wink dntcreai from date at #ttr rate of Sixteen and Orte-half per centutn ( 16.50 `~•) per annum on
<br />the unpaid balance until puid.'lltr said principal and interest ,hall he payable :d tht office of Superior Mortgage, Itto.
<br />in Gratx3 Zalsnd. Nebraska ur at such other place as the holder of
<br />the rune may designate in writing, in monthly in5taitments of Six hundred tvrenty eight and 86/100ths-----
<br />-- - Dollars 1S 628.855 1, commencing on the first day of
<br />J~tt~sy M , 19 land un the tiro day of each month thereafter until the principal and in-
<br />terest :ue iWly pa~td, Except khat the haul paymeadt of principal and interest, if not scatter paid, shall tie due and
<br />payatt?e on the iirsi day of pecesaber, 201 all according to the terms of a certain promis-
<br />~Y' atrie of Ivan date herewith executed by the stud Murtgrtgar
<br />The Mortgagor in order mere folly to protect the serurity of this Mcrtgagc. agrees:
<br />1. ThM he will pay the itidehir'dttess: as he~inhslorr pruvyled. Privilege is reserved to pay the debt in whole. or in as
<br />amaant eguai to tme or more tnotrihiy payenenis an the ptittt:ipai that art rrrxt dirt un the note. on the first day ttf any tacnth
<br />prioir to maturity. fivridrd, however, That written riWa:e +>f an int>:ntiun io exercise ,uclt privikgt is given at lea>it thirty ilit)
<br />ddayspaiur itrprcpaymsvit.
<br />1. Tliw, together with, and ht additutn to, the mtmthly payments of prraripa! and interest payable under the terms ut the
<br />ttpda st~cterttl heralry, the ?Nartgallor win pay to the A1ortAager, an the first day of each month until the astir note is (ally paid, the
<br />tofktwi~.ums:
<br />(al ,trriowil ~aifljcaan! tc provtttr the h~dor hereof with futtda to psy the next rrtrtrtlyage inwrnrn:e premium if this
<br />inatrtrtneaii snot the mite ace:3ttal Ixucify aru tnatrai, or a rncnrhly +ttarge (iR lira ej'a m+xtitgpr rswrenr=e lrrr
<br />aa7ti if #hey arc ttrld by the ,`ierretary +rF 1#c~usiag and urban Ikyeinpmrnt, as follows.
<br />t t 1 it ?a lute ~ std nn~1r ref etRtir< ! the tAt<istLrr~t t« trtuustl ..x are tritrsurcd tEnder the prc,-
<br />:isisrru ~f die :4aix,md itourzhtg Ast, an ;rtnriiEpt suffxxsrtz zo aecuraulatc rn tAr hxndi of the htdder ixtc
<br />'~TATI? t!F vt3iifiA3~
<br />rt/aepR ~siet.~sa3xi ..r.de m+w ar wws ;rs+t.~ wavy ~^ a+rn,wnt«t
<br />~it,t~ i+~t r~ »t
<br />