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j 'PHiis fay?'tm is~ ~~ed in cotusee- <br />~*,,g~~y~g.~?~+ ~y ~-+ ~ Lion twrith ttwt~ages ittstrred <br />r~r il`ltzJl9.3 LDt~tti.T~ utadt~s, fhe orro- to Esur-famiPy <br />~'~ ~ ~ f~ i ! t ~ prt~wiorta of the f+lational <br />U Ld HotrsirgR Act <br />4_,. <br />TRFS SifORTGAGE. made andexecuted rhis 9th day of NaYete}aer ,A:D. <br />19 81 . by and httween Earl ~. Hardy and Linda R. }lardy, husband and' wife, <br />of the County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first past, hereitmfYer calkd <br />the !+tartgagor. and SLTP$tit]I2 MbRRGAGE, INC. , <br />a corparation organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska <br />party of the second Dart, nereinaher called the Mortgagee, <br />WtTNESSETH:'Tl+at the said Mortgagor. far and inconsideration of the sum of Forty three thousand two htiadred <br />fifty and NCt`/100 Dollars fg 43, 250.00 ), paa! by the Mtttt- <br />gagee, the. receipt of which is hcrzhy acknowledged, has Granted and Said and by these presents does Grant, Bar- <br />gain. 'fell, Cerr#uey arul Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its saccessars and assigns, forever. tht fol}owittg-described <br />rea! €statt. sihtated in the County of Hall , attd State <br />e>f Nebraska, to wit: <br />Lot Fifteen (15}r Nottingham Estates Subdivision r in the <br />City of Grand Ssland, Hall County, Nebraska <br />of the ti+xth Prmcrpai `tfendian, coniammg+n;dl <br />menr~,ursrv. <br />.+rrrs accarding ro Govrrn- <br />Tl) Fi.~~-k -l'Vt) i-#> Ni)t."t) the Drrrn+ses etn,te descnhrd..snh :+li the appurtenances thereuntar h€ianpng and +ncludrng <br />:+lt hrahng, plumhmtt and !!!thong hxnur~ .uxt eympmcnt nuu eu hrreatirr ettacheei h+ar used in ~tunoectlon with =.aic1 real estate <br />uflic:, the Mart~gez, and #.. i#. --- - - -,..,r.d :+.z+grs. Icrce~er- S-he ~.#tsr#~;c~crr represr+us t+s. anrt .it~rnanis ~ittt. Ittr .'-e~c~rtga_ <br />~,r. that t!;< >l;,,t;,r !.~_ ~.,,~ ; k #t It antt =inv_s _ {td pretntset. that rhev see free f'rnm rnc=tt[nt+rattce; attd shut Ih€ <br />Murtgayactr will warrant atu3 defend [hr .ame ag:uns# the ![+wi'u! claims ,rt .d! persons a homs+uvet: and the .aid Mrutgagar here- <br />t#y rrlunquishts ail righic uT ixur+eve:td. ami ail marhai nghts. etther rn law ur rn eyu+tr ,and all other comingent interests of the <br />-~L'I'tgs~-"+_+r in at+d !E} ttlti :+R+?`e ~+i~+s-t+hral ¢rrtut?ri. the in#€n#++?n brio},` #u 1<unvC} ilrieEy ~an a[)5uiutr tijer, in ire siffipic. in2iud- <br />LntCail rtt&IttS t?t hi?mestead, a+tai .etrrer r+rirt1 nd ++iirrr+t. as _rie+rrsaid <br />-...~ - ._. _.-~ .94 }.4?.... _.,_ - . - _ - - _ _ >r.= _re Lt - p rn2 t W -iP -undi`.rUr. w+e. <br />'lire \fangagur agrees tx[ pat to rhr'ttor[gagre, or order, the pnncipai sum of Fprty three thrnxsand two hundred <br />fifty atui No1100 tkrtlarsty 43,250.00 !• <br />wtth interest from date .+[ ehr rate of Sixteen & one-halfper erratum # 16.50 `~ 1 per annum on <br />the unpaid balance until pa+d. The said prrrv:[pal and interest shalt Fx pavabtr at the utTic€ of <br />SLTPBR.IOR ;<9t1dtTGAIGS, INC . <br />+n Gr Isjattd Nebraska ++r :u such other placr as the holder of <br />#hr rurtr ru;ry .ksignate +n writing, to monthly ms€aitmrn~s ,=t Five hundred ninety nine and 081100--- <br />[k+0::u +~ 599.08 1, cumntencing on the first dry of <br />3 till 14 82 . and an the hat day u( ruch munlh thereafter unut the principrd and in- <br />trrest .tin tulh pa~ except that the final payment tit pnnctp;d end mterea, d nut ,ounce pmd, shall be due and <br />i+~yatslr e~:t the tits! day eft t?ees?tabex' 20ll - .all according to the terms of a certa+n promis- <br />+xtrp ttrrtt e*t rtrn date heressuh executed hs Ehe card Mr+rtg;t€!,r <br />The tiirutgagx m order mrnr fully m pruteat the securux ere thts Mcxttwgr, agrees <br />t. tt.~. ~ w.~ ~ t+y. •~-t~~~,±~_~_ ~ t~.t...r~4 ur cre•e+ded_ tkte,il..... i, rrsrrurd to nap [t!x debt in whtrta- or !n an <br />~wt'a e##"-~'~ to ~*rzi~ x n±rt tt~nti~; ~yrt~r~t ..,n t~ "r~~ ttt-at are tts=! duz on the +rtxg, .m the first day of any month <br />$rKx itr [ntttrrity: f$sryisted., thrwryrr. [`~sxrt +trtrtrra nr~tar =,f an intention to exercise wch privilege is given at !cast thiriy [ rtil <br />dayx nwr to pre{+ay+ntnt. <br />~, That. togrthtr wish. and in udditt,+n t+.. sir r+wntMt psymcnts .rf pnrtt+pal and intttest payable under the terms tit the <br />Hutt xcuraJ herrt+y. thr Rlcxt~gt?r wig pat r,. the N:utt[attrc. e,n +he tistit day ++i each month until the saiC note is fu11y paid. the <br />fnitt+t4 i9~ ±utn*. <br />!a1 Rin.?ttnt seaftir<trnt ter gra+tlde rite hrridrr t€rrrrrt wtit+ turxis t++ pay [ftt nrx[ murtgagt insurance prrnuun+ rt th[s <br />tnsttutttrsrt and the nose erc+trrd hereby ate utsuted. +.r s utantttiy ct+argr +in tiro of ri rn<rrrtprtgr rnsurrurrr~ ter+~ <br />iAtratMs' if rhzy att? F+rht try' the Srcrr+sty „r Hauxtng sad t;rhatr Devele?yxtxn[, as #critows. <br />it} it ~} ,;,. Icrtw ~ Ord n._+r+r tit cyeu da_rE artd It+as .t+?tr+xttten( are rrtsurcd +.'r are :censured undr.r ttu ur,,. <br />:t~r;~ c~ tv~ ti~<#;; tr a°.i. *. . a:r s..=T~r+. n.tti:.R,;. ,ck ~runtuiate [n th^ t+.attds :ri #ha hc~det .u+c <br />~1'Aff<:atr =ifitft~SK.~ <br />€iansr_w `s }J l.3ii ~4,u++~x .~eay tti .iwwr3 .r.r,t;f _;~W_Nv ,a Ex+,.esu..+ ,tk,; [)-:is14~A! i8 .T"d) <br />