sons, sad the snpglernenta and amendments theyreto, and all bonds and other obligations secnred thereby,
<br />and the original corporate documentation in the records of the Company so reflects, provided, however,
<br />nothing in said Agreement, merger or this Affidavit and Certificate sha.lI be construed or is intended to
<br />extend or enlarge the lien of any indenture, agreement or other instnrment executed by GN.
<br />May 1k, 1981 Ch_anr~e iz corporate name of
<br />the Company from Burlington Northern Inc.
<br />to Burlington Norther;a Railroad Campanr~
<br />That the original records of the Company reflect, and based on such records, I do hereby state and
<br />certify that by a certain Agreement of 141erger and flan of Reorganization dated April 2, 1981 ("Agree-
<br />ment"), made by and among Burlington Northern Inc., a Delaware corporation, Burlington Iv'orthern '~
<br />Transportation Company, a Delaware corporation, and Bur}ington llTnrthern Holding Company, a Dela- ,,,
<br />ware corporation, on May 14, 1981, the corporate name of Burlington Northern Inc. was changed to ~•-
<br />Burlington Northern Railroad Company; that all necessary and proper corporate and legal action ef- C'
<br />feeling said change in corporatE name was taken; tha± due proof of such corporate name change hss CTl
<br />been duly filed and,`or recorded with the Secretaries of State of the States of Delaware, Alabama, Ark- CJ~
<br />ansa9, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky. 3linnesota, Mississippi, QC
<br />i4i`issouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, !~
<br />Texas, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming; that such change in corporate name has not been altered,
<br />amended, or repealed, and ,~emains in full force and effect; that, except for the charge in its corporate
<br />name, in ail other respects the Company continues and remains as before :and that effective on and after
<br />May 14, 1981, the rnrrect corporate name of the railroad company is Burlington Northern Railroad
<br />Company.
<br />I do further state and certify, that in accordance with the provisions of said Agreement, and that
<br />as a result of said change in corporate name, Burlington Northern Railroad Company ("BNRR Co.")
<br />(formerly named Purlington Northern Inc. (`BNI"? ,. a l~eia:tare corporation, in all respects, continues
<br />to own, possess, and is vested with, full dominion, control, and indefeasible fee title in and to, all of the
<br />rights, privileges, powers and franchises, as well of a In.+blic as of a private nature, and is subject to
<br />adl the restrictions, dissbilities and duties of BNI, and all and singular the rights, titles, interests, equi-
<br />ties, privileges, pocc•ers and franchises of BNI, including t;'ithout limitation itv right to exercise the
<br />power of eminent domain to the extent permitted by law, and all property, real, personal and mixed,
<br />and al! debts due to BNI on whatever account, are vested and continued in BNRR Co. and all nron-
<br />ert}°, rights, titles, interests, equities, privileges, powers, and i7anchisea and aI1 and every other interest
<br />is as effectually the property of BNKK ("o. as they t~•ere of BNh and the title to any real estate vested
<br />by deed or otherwise in BNI did not revert. nor vas it in any way impaired hp said Agreement or by
<br />said change in corporate name, rather, by and through said Agreement and change in corporate name,
<br />the same were continued in. and are now vested in BNRR Co. ; on and after the May 14, 1981 change in
<br />cor7rorate name, all rights of creditors and all Rena upon any property and duties of BNI became those
<br />of BNRR Cn., and may be enforced against $NRR Co. to the same extant as if said debts, liabilities and
<br />duties had been incurred or contracted by BNRR Co. Effective as of the May 14. 7981 change of corpo-
<br />rate name date. BNRR Co. did expressly assume and continue all contracts, mortgagee, deeds of tryst
<br />and indentures made by BNI or its predecessors, and the supplements and amendments thereto, and
<br />:r?I bonds and other obligations secured thereby, and the original corporate documentation in the records
<br />of the Company so reflects, provided, however, nothing in said Agreement, change of corporate name,
<br />or this Affidavit and Certificate shall be constnied or is intended to extend or enlarge the lien of any
<br />indenture, agreement or other instrument executed by BNI.
<br />Supnlernentttl !rt Zrnt2rre (,~'cr. 18?, dated crs of fag 1 >i, ?gR1,
<br />to Chicago, Burlington X• Ghcinclt Railrrxtd Conepanu
<br />First aced Rc^frtrzding Mortgage
<br />Dated Fetrrtcary 1, 191
<br />
<br />'That attached hereao, incorporated herein, and made :t part hereof, to the tame ext~ntpabnd effect as
<br />.l - t F_~..a6 :.. .,11 a_ _ - •FF: ._. __a ~pJ l
<br />. ,.,~.., ... `' ::: _t ::: t::is :::.......:::.r:d t';;rtificat, i= :e tr::e ::r:`:I exact confornecl c Append;x
<br />A •to`oriKinal instrument omitted}, from the original coruorate records of the Company, of a rwrtain
<br />Supp}em2nta'1 indentures tNa. "t9), date.~cl as of lay 1^t, 11351, to t.hP First anti Refunding Mortgage
<br />oi' tae z aicagrr, i'~url}ugtott ~ ~u}rtc}• i~zuirnad i'ompuny. dated February 1, 791, made by Burlington
<br />Northern Railroad ('nmpany and running in favor of C"itibank, N.A. and John J. Ford, Trustees, which
<br />Supplemental Indenture provides for the ("ontinuation of Obligations by Burlington Northern Kaitroad
<br />Company under said First and Refunding JlortgaRc b}• Reason of the Change of Name of the railroad
<br />company from Burlington Northern Inc., to Burlington \orthet•tt Railroad Company. I state and certify
<br />that said Supplemental Indenture has not been altered, amended nr repealed and continues and remains
<br />in full force and effect.
<br />Supplemental lndeutur°e (No. iJ), dated as n/ Rfay Ik, 18R2,
<br />to Groat Norther•ra Railasny C'orrrparr7/ Genernl gold Bo-nd bfortgage
<br />Dated ar of Januar7/ t,
<br />'Chat attached heretic, incorlxiruted herein, and made x part hereof, to the same extent and affect as
<br />set forth in full text. in this Affidavit and Certificate, is a Prue and exact. conformal copy (appendix
<br />~3__
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />